Chapter 6 : Tears

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Even though Yuna resisted, the blond model still insist to follow her home. She decided to ignore the male beside her. The journey was quiet in an awkward way, which is not a good response. After enduring for like 10 minutes, Kise decided to break the silence.

"Yunacchi, I have been wondering, what's the reason that keeps you rejecting my confession?"

"You're annoying."

"So mean!! Other than that? That's not the main reason right?"

"You're not my type."

"Yunacchi." His tone became serious.

She is not used to this serious side of him. She took a deep breath, and said "The problem is on me, Ryouta-chan. I don't deserve your affection."

"You do, try go out with me just once. I can make you-"

"Just shut up Kise Ryouta!!!!" She snapped and shouted at him with his full name.

"Forget about Akashi Seijuro!!! He doesn't deserve you!!!" For the very first time, he actually shouted at a girl, moreover, it's the girl he admire the most, Shirokawa Yuna.

Tears fall down on her cheeks leaving trails like river. "The problem isn't exactly just because of him, I'm the one that can't get out of this cage I build myself." She then turn her back to Kise and leaves.

"Wait Yunacchi! I'm sorry I shouted at you-" He tried to catch up to the black haired girl but before he could she stopped him by raising her hand, with her back still facing the model and her head hang low. Soft sobs can be heard which hurt the blonde. Realizing the male stopped his track, Yuna continues walking, leaving him alone there.

"The empress is not as strong as you think." She whispered.

Kise is stoned at the middle of the street, until he heard footsteps behind him and turned around. "What are you doing here?!?!?!" A shocked expression showed on his face at the sight of the person standing in front of him.


After walking aimlessly for like 15 minutes, Yuna got tired and stopped. She looked at her surroundings, the gate of Teiko Middle School is right in front of her. The place where it all started, and where it all ended. Tears threaten formed again and blurs her vision. Out of all place why does she have to stop by here?


She slowly looks up while hiding her sobs and saw a worried looking Aomine.

"Who made you cry? I'm gonna kill that bastard!!"

She faces the school gate again, even though it's not the only reason, but she can't tell the tanned male that a certain copycat had made her cried just now.

"Geez, c'mon." He drags the crying female away. He had no idea how to cheer a girl up but it's better than letting her stay in the place that makes her cry even more. The grip on her wrist is strong yet gentle, a comfortable feeling that calms the female down.

After being dragged by Aomine for like 5 minutes, Yuna finally said something "Where are we going?"

"No idea."

She sweat-drop at her best friend's answer. "So where's Tsuki-chan? It's rare that you're not with her." She realized the pink haired manager is not with him.

"She went shopping with her girl friends."

"I see..." She looks down on the floor while being dragged. After calming down, she wonders if she is too harsh on Kise just now. In the middle of her thoughts Aomine stopped his tracks causing her to bumped into his back. She rubs her nose where it hurts and looks at their destination. "Why did you suddenly stop-" It's a basketball court, one of the place she avoided the most.

"I don't understand you as much as Tetsu do so I don't know the root of your problem. But please remember that I'm ready to have a one-on-one with you anytime." He said while giving a warm smile to Yuna.

She giggles "Do you even think that I can win you with your speed? But still... Thanks..."

He sighed in relief at the fact that the girl didn't show any uneasiness when he brings her here. "Now let's go."

"To where this time?" She tilts her head to the side in confusion.

"To your house, or else the megane might kill me for bringing you out for too long."

~~~~Timeskip to Yuna's house~~~~

Yuna opens the door with her key, and is greeted by Midorima Shintarou standing at the entrance with his arm crossed, and wearing an apron, again....

"Where have you been?!?! Do you realized what time is it right now!!!" He said with his overprotective brother mode activated.

"Eh...." Yuna tries to turn her head asking help from Aomine, but only realized that the teen is rolling on the floor laughing his ass off.

"Hahahha... I didn't noticed it the last time I came here but... MIDORIMA WEARING AN APRON IS TOO FREAKING FUNNY HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" The dark blue haired teen said between his laughter.

An irk mark appeared on Midorima's forehead, ready to stab the laughing teen with his lucky item of the day, a pocket knife. Just when he is gonna move and take action....

"YUNACCHI!!!!!!!! I'M SORRY I MADE YOU CRIED JUST NOW!!!!!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO BE SO HARSH AND SHOUT ON YOU!!!!!!!!" Kise came into the scene while crying with anime tears begging for forgiveness from Yuna.

Midorima's glasses cracked when he heard the copycat admit that he made his sister cried. While Aomine emits a dark aura around him like being possessed by a panther. Both males gave a deadly glare at the sinful blond model.

"M-Midorimacchi?? A-Aominecchi??" Kise trembled in fear at the sight of the 2 angry males in front of him.

"Teme... You're the one that made Yuna cried just now?!?!? I'm gonna kill you Kise!!!!!" Aomine grumbled, ready to kill the copycat anytime.

"Count me in." Midorima joined in, changing his killing target from the tanned teen to the model.

Kise felt his live being threatened by the megane and the ace of Touou, he crawls backwards trying to escape the danger zone.


"Go die."


Here's another chapter ~ Since there's too much screen time for Akashi in the last chapter so I decided to write more about Kise and Aomine xD

Please comment, vote, and share this work if you think it's nice *winks*

I'm not sure if I wanna submit this to the knb watty award, it's not like I'm gonna win or anything....

So who do you think is the person that Kise met? XD


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