Chapter 11 : Dessert

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Yes there's finally an update...... I'M SO FREAKING SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!!!!! *kneels down with head banging the ground* SUMIMASEN!!!!!!

I was planning to update like 2 weeks ago know....anime,manga,fanfiction,touken ranbu,youtube......(gets slapped)


"Sir, they have rejected our proposal."

"AGAIN?!?!?!?" The man slammed his hand on the desk causing the objects to shake a little and some falling off.

"It seems like the rumors of you having a divorce with madam is spreading, sir."

"Damn that witch... I need to think of something...."


The sky is getting darker, a teenage girl with silky long hair, running from alley to another alley. Sweats are dripping like waterfall on her forehead, there's no time to catch a breath. After a few more turns, her eyes met the grey concrete wall.

"Shit....haa...haaa... A dead end....haa...haa..." She cursed while panting. Being trapped in a dead end while running away from someone isn't helping at all. The only way out is either a secret passage suddenly appear out of nowhere OR a pig falling from the sky landing on the chaser. What the heck is this? A dream?

"No more ways to run huh?" She heard the sadistic voice behind her and turned back. Crimson red hair flashes in front of her eyes as she move backwards step by step.

"Akashi..." Was the only word that came out of her mouth. While moving away from the man in front of her she felt her hands touching the cold wall, there's no more room left to escape.

Akashi places both of his hands on the wall right beside her head. "There's no way you could run away from me..." He said it in a deep voice, leaning his head closer to the girl, lips just centimeters away from each other.....

Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep bee-SMACK!!!!

For the very first time, Shirokawa Yuna is very grateful that her alarm clock woke her up...

She get herself up to a sitting position and shakes her head to wake herself up. "That's one weird dream....or nightmare." Her whole body shivers at the thought of that dream, and remembered the forced kiss at the party. Her face heats up involuntarily and she rushed into the bathroom to cool herself down. Splashing her face with water, she looks at the mirror. "Stop thinking about him god dammit!"

She gets out of her room and walks to the kitchen while yawning, predicting that her mom would probably be preparing breakfast there. However, the kitchen is empty with a note sticking onto the fridge.

'Morning honey~
By the time you're reading this, I'm probably on the plane right now flying back to M'sia~
I just missed your dad too much heart emoticon

By the way make your own breakfast yourself, that's the punishment for not telling me before you leave yesterday!!!
Just kidding, they're in the fridge, but you still have to heat it up yourself though~

Love, Mom.'

Yuna smacks her own forehead. "Of course she would leave just like how she suddenly visits..."


"Shiro-chan!!!!! Let's go to the newly opened dessert shop after school!!!!" Chiharu Kohana rushes to Yuna's seat and asked excitingly.

The black haired girl puts down the novel she's reading and looked back with a bored expression. "What about your club activities? You're the basketball club manager you know?"

Goodbye,Trust[Kuroko no Basuke Fanfiction] (Akashi X OC)Where stories live. Discover now