Chapter 19 : Snow White

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As promised, here's the next chapter. When will the next chapter be up? I seriously don't know. My motivation and inspiration is dying rapidly. But I promise I will finish this, I don't want it to be stopped halfway.


Akashi is in the car, instructing the driver to drive as fast as possible. He has informed the others including Yuna's parents about Yuna's possible current location. Since their plans were exposed, he hoped that they wouldn't move their location, or destroy it. A message came from Kohana, who is currently locked inside the office, which informed that her father just made a phone call planning to do the latter of his prediction made him dropped his phone.

The fire is spreading slowly, that's what she thought as she looks at the window. The flames have not reach the room where she is trapped, but the smoke is slowly creeping in. She tries to calm down as much as possible, reducing the intake of the gradually decreasing oxygen, dragging the time to stay conscious until help arrive. Will help even arrive? She wonders.

As soon as Akashi got down from the car, he saw the trail of smoke that's rising up to the sky. He sprinted straight away to the origin of the smoke, ignoring the calls from his driver and bodyguards that are trying to stop him. He wishes he could run faster through these trees and uneven ground, hoping that he's not too late.

She is slowly losing hope, lying on the ground while curling up like a baby. A sting of pain attacks her chest, she pushed her tied up hands into the chest, trying to ease the pain, not right now, she said to herself. Fear has finally kicked in, droplets of tears roll down on her cheeks, help, she whispered. Her vision is getting blurry, but she heard the door getting kicked open. She raises her head with the last remaining energy she had. A striking red is all she saw, yet this shade of red made her feel safe. "Jurou-chan..." and her world slowly fades to black.

He rushes into the building swallowed by flames, and kicked every door open, until he found Yuna lying on the floor with agony shown on her face. She looks at him weakly, showing him a light smile that he prayed for so long to see again, but not in this situation, and mouth a word that seems to be what he yearns to hear, yet the burning flames blocked the voice. He hugs her in his arms, shaking her whole body preventing her from losing conscious, screaming her name, yet it doesn't stop her eyes from closing.


One week later, Chiharu Kohana's father was captured and sent to jail for kidnapping and other illegal activities, despite the incident, the Chiharu family was still able to remain a good relationship between the Akashi's and the Shirokawa. Yet Yuna is still on the hospital bed, sleeping peacefully, like a snow white that has bitten the poison apple.

Akashi on the other hand, still being a model student council president and responsible captain in Rakuzan High during weekdays, and takes a short trip to Tokyo on weekends. It has become a routine for the Teiko crew to visit Yuna on weekends.

He entered the entrance of the hospital, taking the usual route to his destination. Just right about when he is gonna turn into the hallway where Yuna's ward is located, he overheard the conversation between Yuna's mother and the doctor.

*I don't know any medical things so please forgive me if it's not accurate at all T^T*

"We don't know how long her heart is able to last, Mrs Shirokawa."


"But her current situation, it's not really the best time to conduct the surgery that was supposed to happen next week, isn't it doctor?"

The doctor sighed. "The will be high risk for a patient who's in coma for 1 month to go through that surgery, she might not wake up or even cost her life."

"So all that we can do is wait?" Midorima's voice suddenly emerged in the conversation, Akashi is surprised that the miracle shooter knew about this too.

"It seems so." That's what the doctor replied.

Midorima shake his head and walk away to get some fresh air, he stepped back a little when he saw Akashi standing right there. He didn't ask his former captain if he overheard anything. Judging by his expression, he heard all of it. "Let's talk a little..." The red-haired male said.

The duo went to the garden in the hospital, sitting on one of the empty benches. The awkward silence stayed for a while until Akashi starts the question. "How long have you known about it?"

"Ever since we knew each other I think. She always has a weak heart since little." Midorima looked at the blue sky, thinking about the memories they had when they are still toddlers.

"So that's why she only plays basketball for a short while and then gives up if it the game gets too long, not because of laziness, but because her heart can't handle?" and Midorima nodded.

Akashi laughed dryly towards the sky, he though he knew everything about Yuna in the past, apparently he didn't know about the ticking bomb in her body since birth.

Feeling cold from the breeze, they went back into the hospital to visit the sleeping princess. As they reached the door, the unusual noises in the room got their attention. Especially the high-pitched voice from Momoi.

"I'm so glad that you're finally awake Yuna-chan~~~ You got me soooooo worried!!!!"

As soon as Akashi heard that, he pushes the door so hard that it caught the attention from everybody in the room. And he saw it, the slightly tangled hair makes her seem like she just woke up from a good night sleep (that lasted for a month), those clear blue eyes that had captured his heart and soul, those lips that hides the angelic voice. She blinked her eyes a few times and tilted her head, uncovering the voice that he missed so much.

"Who are you?"


Please don't kill me for this cliff hanger T^T. At least I posted something right? *puppy eyes*

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