Sophia's pov
I was getting dragged to a box. "No! No! Don't put me in there! Please! I'm sorry!" I cried, tears were spilling from my eyes.
"You've been bad! I told you to put away your damn toys! But what did you do?! You knocked over my drink and got it everywhere you filthy brat!" My older brother yelled, dragging me by my hair. "And don't even try to call for mum and dad! They're never coming back!" He yelled again and threw me in the box, locking it.I woke up crying. Tears spilling from my eyes. It was just a dream. Just a dream. I told myself. But I keep on crying. I've been the orphanage for almost 5 months, and every night I get really bad nightmares.
After I've calmed down, I walked to the door. I try reaching for the handle, but it's too high. I fell on my bottom with a thud. I grabbed a stool that was next to my bed and put it in front of the door and opened it. I carried the stool back and went downstairs for breakfast.
"Well, look who's awake! The pathetic piece of trash finally woke up!" Olivia, the mean one, said. Olivia was 7 years older than me. And she's really really mean! And to me only!
I ran over to Miss. Lavender. She's the caretaker. She's really nice. She gave me a bowl of cereal and a glass of apple juice. And I sit down and ate. After, I put away my bowl and glass, I walked up to my bedroom. Good thing I left my door open!
I sit on my bed, and hugged teddy. Teddy's been with me since I was a baby. I think it was from my mum and dad, but I've never seen them before. And my brother was really mean to me. Teddy is the only that can make me feel better.
"Sophia? There will be someone coming in to adopt soon. Please get ready." Ms. Lavender said. I've been adopted 2 times, but they abused me and returned me.
I changed my clothes to a brown dress. It was old and a bit worned-out but it looked pretty. I washed my face and brushed my brown shoulder lengthed hair and put a headband on it.
~~~20 minutes later~~~
"Sophia! Please come down! The people will be coming in shortly!" I hear Miss. Lavender call. I walked down the stairs and find Miss Lavender in the adoption room. "You look pretty hun!" Miss Lavender said to me.
"Thank you, Miss Lavender" I said with a smile. Miss Lavender is probably the only friend I have.
Ki Hong's Pov:
"So you ready to adopt a child?" I asked my wife Hayoung, while driving to 'The Bloom Orphanage' (A\N I made the name up, so don't go searching in Google or something) Hayoung and I decided to adopt a girl in the ages 3-11. We both agreed that it was the first step of starting a family.
~ Skip the car ride~
We finally arrived at 'The Bloom Orphanage' and we walked to the front door. The building looks creepy! And dull. It has grey walls and black windows. Not to mention dead flowers everywhere.
"Hello! Welcome to The Bloom Orphanage! You must be the couple who called looking for a girl to adopt!" A young lady said.
"Uh, yeah. I'm Ki Hong and this is my wife Hayoung." I introduced us and walked inside.
We walked into a room where there were 20 girls all in the ages of 3-11. We were welcomed by some 'Oh My God' and some screams by the older girls. Guess they're fans.
Hey! This is my first story, so I'm sorry if it sucks. I'll be updating the story soon (hopefully).
Sorry the first chapter sucks and it's really short, but it'll get longer and much better in the next few chapters!~~~therunnerz

Adopted by Ki Hong Lee and Hayoung Choi (COMPLETE)✔✅
Fanfiction|| NOT EDITED SO DONT EVEN COMMENT ABOUT THE MISTAKE I MADE THIS A FEW YEARS AGO || Three year old Sophia has gone through quite a lot. Being abused by her older brother, not knowing who her parents were, and with no legal guardian, she ended up in...