Chapter 4

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Sophia's pov

I was curled up and hugging teddy tightly when Hayoung came in. Why is she here? I don't know.

"Hi baby, I have great news!" Hayoung said walking over to me. Great news? I wondered what it could be. "We know who we wanna adopt!" Hayoung said happily.

"Really? Who?" I asked full of curiosity... Couldn't be me...could it?

"You of course! We're gonna adopt you! So let's get packing!" Hayoung said. Me? They're gonna adopt me? I thought to myself. "Yep!" Hayoung said.. Oops must've said that out loud.

I lead Hayoung to my little drawer and took out my clothes. I only had 1 pair of pants, 2 shirts (one is short-sleeved, and the other one is long-sleeved), 1 other pair of socks (I'm wearing the other pair), 2 other undies (I'm wearing the third one), and the dress I'm wearing now. And I only have one pair of worned-out black shoes, the one I'm wearing now. I put my clothes that I'm not wearing in my small Dora bag. I got the bag from my cousin. Before she left me...

-- Flashback --

"Soph? Sophia?" I hear my older cousin say. She was holding something behind her. But I don't know what it is. "Here you go Soph! I got you a Dora bag so you can carry things in it! Don't forget me Kay? Love you always!" My cousin, Lilian, said with tears threatening to come out.

"Wh-where are you going Li? D-dont go! He - he'll hurt me a-again!" I say crying.

"Just promise me you won't forget me! And remember that I always love you!" Lilian said hugging my tiny body. My brother doesn't give me a lot of food. So I was really small.

"I- I won't! I love you too Lili!" I cried, hugging her back. And that was the last thing I ever said to her before a loud BANG, and she  fell, red liquid seeping through her yellow shirt.

"Li? Li? Wake up Li! Lili! No! Lili! Wake up!" I cried shaking Lilian, tears rivering down my face. Lili's gone. Gone from the world. I fall on my knees holding the bag and teddy, crying my heart out.

-- end of Flashback --

Hayoung's pov

"Um, Soph? You okay?" I asked waving my hands in front of her face. She snapped out of it and continued packing like nothing happened.

After she finished, which was quick considering she only had a little bit to pack, I picked her up and put her on my hip and walked downstairs.

"Hey Sophia! Are you ready to move in with your new family?" The young lady, Miss Lavender I think, asked to Sophia. Sophia only nodded and put her thumb in her mouth. I mentally awwed and walked to my husband.

"Hi I'm Ki Hong! I'm your daddy! And this is Hayoung and she's your mummy! Although you don't have to call us that....but if you want to then, I guess you can." Ki Hong said, reaching for her. But, she dug into me as if she thought he was gonna hurt her. There was a flash of hurt on Ki Hiong's face.

"Don't worry, she's just really shy. Plus, she has a.... Not so great past with boys....or men... So you'll have to earn her trust. Hayoung seems to get it quicker than anybody!" Miss Lavender said filling out a form.

"Kay, so here's the certificate, papers, and all her records. She'll need to adjust a bit to you, *nods over to Ki Hong* and I think she's fine with you." Miss Lavender said.

"Great! Thank you! We'll take good care of her!" Ki Hong said with a smile

"Would you like to say bye to your friends?" I asked her.

Sophia's pov

"Would you like to say bye to your friends?" Hayoung asked me.

I shook my head no. I didn't any friends here. Other than teddy. But he's coming. Oh wait! Miss Lavender is my friend! I thought to myself

"I am? Wow thanks Sophia!" Miss Lavender said. Oops, must've said that loud. My bad. I wriggled trying to get down from Hayoung...or my new mummy's, arms. She finally let me down and ran to Miss Lavender.

"Bye Miss Lavender! I'll miss you! Thank you for helping me and for being my friend!" I whispered to Miss Lavender. And I engulfed her in a big bear hug.

"Bye Sophia! I'll miss you too! And thank you for being my friend! Be a good girl okay? Don't be naughty! And listen to your new mum and dad!" Miss Lavender whisper to me, hugging me back. "Teddy too, he can get very naughty sometime!"

"We will! We promise." I whispered. I let go of Miss Lavender and looked back at my new mum and dad. Ki Hong and Hayoung. I hope they don't hit...

I ran back to Hayoung and held her finger with one hand. Her hand was so big! I hugged teddy with my other arm.

"Are we ready?" Ki Hong asked.

"Yep. I got her bag, she got her teddy. You got the papers. We're ready Freddy!" Hayoung said, looking at Ki Hong.

So we walked outside. I looked around and breathed in the fresh air. It's been awhile I've been outside...outside is much more fresh than inside. I spotted a black car. A van maybe? I don't know but it looked cool! The last time I got in a car was the police ride to the orphanage. We walked to the car and I sat in the front on Hayoung's laps. Ki Hong was making the car go and turn and stop (A\N she's talking about driving).

I looked out the window, and saw other cars, trucks, buildings, and stuff. Soon, I fell asleep


Hey!!!!! Thanks for reading guyzz!!!!! I'm still working on my writing skills so be patient with me... Plus, next week I have my Mid-Semester test :(


Adopted by Ki Hong Lee and Hayoung Choi (COMPLETE)✔✅Where stories live. Discover now