Chapter 18

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Dylan's Pov~~~

I trailed behind Ava carefully. I didn't want to get lost. It seems as if Ava knew this place inside out!

"C'mon Dylan! Don't crawl around! We need to save Hayoung and Sophia don't we?!" Ava loudly whispered at me.

"I'm not crawling! I'm carefully walking behind you!" I loudly whispered back. I heard Ava muttered something along the lines 'of course'.

I turned on the night vision on my goggles/glasses or whatever you want to call it. Everything seems clearer. No wonder I couldn't see!

"Hey. Hey Ava. Hey!" I whispered loudly.

"What do you want Dylan?!" Ava whispered annoyed. I tend to have that affect on people.

"Did you know our glasses have night vision?" I asked her.

"Yes Dylan! I was the one that told you that! I don't know how my brother can stand bring with you!" Ava whispered now a bit angry. I chuckled.

"Keep a look out for any stairs Dylan, it might be our way in." Ava instructed.

"Aye aye captain!" I saluted.

"Don't call me that!"

"Then what should I call you?"

"I don't know, my name maybe?! My parents did name me for a reason!"

"Why? It's not fun!"

"Shut up Dylan! We are on a mission to save people here! Not to find new nicknames!"

"Oh Ava, you know we need special nicknames for a special mission!"

"No Dylan! Just no!"

"Why? I could be Wolf and you could be...uh....cheetah! And Thomas could be Jaguar and Ki Hong could be, Lion!"

"Just shut up Dylan! Or else I'll rat you out and left them feed you to the crocs!" Ava whispered-yelled at me.

I immediately shut my trap and continued to follow her. I wasn't sure they had crocodiles here, but I don't want to risk it.

"Found some stairs!" Ava loudly whispered to me.

"Does it go up or down?" I asked making my way over to her.

"Hmm, It goes downward." Ava said to me as she looked down.

"Then down we go! Ladies first!" I said gesturing to her to go down.

"Just admit that you're scared, scaredy-cat!" Ava said rolling her eyes.

Okay, I was scared. But I'm not going to admit that! It'll hurt my man pride!

"No, I was just being chivalrous!" I said and crossed my arms across my chest.

Ava went down the stairs, and as soon as her head disappeared, I climbed down after her. It was as dark as the color black.

I soon reached the bottom and looked around. It was colder than it was upstairs. I followed Ava down a long corridor. I shivered.

I don't know why, but I felt like something, or someone, was watching me.

Ki Hong's Pov~~~

I walked behind Thomas, trailing behind him like a lost puppy. It was dark and cold. Even though it was summer.

"Where are we supposed to go?" I asked Thomas.

"Search in the East side of the basement. We need to find stairs!" Thomas replied looking around.

After a few minutes of searching, I found one going down. I beckoned Thomas to come over and he came with thumbs up. He climbed down first and I followed.

"It sure is colder here." Thomas said as I shivered.

"Yeah...let's go find Hayoung and Sophia." I said as iw walked past Thomas. It was now his turn to follow me.

"I heard about my cousin, Sophia's brother. He's still in jail." Thomas sighed behind me.

"So it can't possibly be him. Plus, why would he hate Sophia so much?" I asked him.

"I don't know... Guess he had a problem." He said.

We walked for a few minutes in silence until we saw two doors. Thomas and I glanced at the doors.

"Shoot. Now what're we going to do?" I sighed.

"Well, two doors and two of us... so we'll have to split up. I'll go to this door and you go to that door. We have to find them at any cost. If you see anything, tell me." Thomas instructed.

I nodded and headed inside.

Thomas' Pov~~~

I went through the door at the same time Ki Hong went through his. I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my nervous body.

I walked very slowly, afraid to make a noise. I turned on my flashlight and let the light illuminate the dark room. I gasped.

Tubes littered the tables some broken and some just tipped over. There were big tubes across the walls. It looked to me like a big science lab.

I was led closer to the big tubes and realized there was something inside of them. I dipped my gloved fingers in one of the tubes and felt something grasp around my fingers. I pulled my fingers back.

I took a closer look. The thing that grasped around my fingers were some sort of blue jelly. Definitely not the type you eat.

I dipped my fingers in again and the blue jelly grasped around my fingers again. It was warm and it felt a bit runny. I pulled my fingers back out and looked around again.

I walked to a table near the jelly filled tubes and blew the dust off as bit.

Subject C1:, it read, not much can be done, he's already done for. Nothing can save him now. Not even us. The subjects in group A and B have given us so many great results. Hopefully, the next subject will give better results.

As I was reading, I suddenly heard a loud scream. Ki Hong.

I pulled my fingers back and ran outside, stepping on some small science tubes on the way.

I ran into the door that Ki Hong went to. When I went inside, I gasped at what I saw.

I reached for my walkie-talkie to tell Ava, but suddenly something hit my head. Hard.

"Sleep tight!" A gruff voice chuckled.

Before I knew it, I closed my eyes and let the darkness swallow me whole...

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Author's Note

Hey guys!!! How are you all? I hope you are enjoying the story so far! Thank you all for the votes and comments! I really appreciate it! ❤❤


So, practically, I had four days off of school. That's why I decided to update. YAY!


Enjoy the stories! And make sure to vote and comment! Thank you all!!

Love you guys xxx ❤❤❤

Adopted by Ki Hong Lee and Hayoung Choi (COMPLETE)✔✅Where stories live. Discover now