Chapter 25

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Ki Hong's Pov~

I woke up to a loud banging sound behind me. I jumped off my chair and turned towards the door. I saw worried and sad faced Thomas.

"I-it's Sophia." Thomas started, "She wants you. Both of you. Now. You don't have much time."

I heard a gasp from Hayoung behind me. Was she thinking what I was thinking. Could Sophia be......dying?

I looked at Hayoung and I can tell she was worried and scared. I pressed the button for the nurse and ran to Sophia's room. Thank the gods above that it was right next to Hayoung's.

"Sophia!" I yelled out when I got to her room.

When Dylan saw me, he moved away from her bed. There laid my daughter with her eyes closed. Even from the door she looked pale. Paler than she should be.

Oh no. Please no!

I ran over to her bed and hugged her. I kissed her forehead and ran my hair through her soft hair. My daughter, Sophia. My beautiful adopted daughter.

"D-daddy?" Sophia whispered opening her eyes slowly.

"Yes, cupcake. It's daddy." I whispered back. She was so weak and fragile. My eyes filled with tears. It hurts to see my strong daughter in such a weak state.

"W-wheres mommy?" Sophia whispered, then she coughed. She was so weak.

"I'm here, baby. Mommy's here." I heard Hayoung whispered in front of me. Tears were already spilling from her eyes.

Sophia gave us a weak smile. Hayoung broke down even more at this. I could even feel some tears spilling from my own eyes.

"I-I used to be s-scared," Sophia started but she coughed and took a deep breath and talked as loud as she could, which was only a whisper.

"Scared of what, doll?" I asked trying not to cry.

"B-being an angel." She said softly.

"W-what do you mean?" Hayoung asked through her tears.

"Grandma said that when she was sick. She said she had to go. She said she was going to be an angel. So was Lilian when she was sh-shot." Sophia whispered.

Hayoung's breath hitched. I knew what Sophia was talking about. I think Hayoung knew too. Sophia was talking about death.

"B-but I'm not scared anymore." Sophia coughed out.

"Why is that?" I asked with a small smile. I heard the door open behind. But I kept my attention on Sophia.

"Because when I have to go and be an angel, you're here with me. I'm never scared when mommy and daddy is with me." Sophia said with a weak smile. She was getting weaker and weaker.

"You are a brave little girl, Sophia." Hayoung softly whispered and kissed Sophia's head.

"The bravest?" Sophia asked with hopeful eyes.

"The bravest in the world." Hayoung chuckled sofly through her tears.

"And never forget that, doll." I said running one hand through Sophia's hair and one holding her small hand.

"Do you love me, Mommy? Do you love me, Daddy?" Sophia softly whispered.

"To the moon and back." Hayoung managed to choke out. She was sobbing really hard.

Adopted by Ki Hong Lee and Hayoung Choi (COMPLETE)✔✅Where stories live. Discover now