Chapter 21

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Hayoung's POV

This wasn't part of the plan. This was totally NOT part of the plan. Shoot. What am I gonna do now?! I sat there next to Ki Hong in shock. I can't. I just can't.

"H-Hayoung? Are you okay?" Velvet asked me.

"How the fudge did they get here?" I asked slowly.

"I do-"

"How did they get here?! You said if there were any intrudes you would've been alerted! Did you know about this?!" I askd in a harsh tone.

"Hayoung, I swear I didn't know anything!"

"And why should I believe you?! You could be lying to me right now!"

"Do you think I helped you for nothing?!"

"I don't know! I don't know..."

I hadn't realized that I was now standing up. I looked around the room and saw Sophia curled up in a ball, scared like a kitten who saw their mother dying. I sat down and put my head between my head. Velvet walked over and hugged me. Then, the tears came.

"Mommy? Don't cry." Sophia whispered. She crawled closer to me and hugged her tiny body around mine.

I cried even more. Sophia didn't deserve this, any of this. She was too young and kind-hearted for this. All she wanted was a family who would love her, protect her, care for her, and take her to school. But, instead she was a hostage to a monster. A monster that's still unknown. Sophia is such a strong little girl.

"I'm fine, sweety. I'm fine." I sobbed.

"Mommy not fine! Mommy crying! Mommy sad!" Sophia blurted out, quietly she cried with me. It was the only thing the poor little girl could do.

"H-Hayoung? S-Sophia?" We hear a voice groaned. I turned around and saw Ki Hong trying to get. I rushed over to Ki Hong

"I'm here, honey. I'm here." I said, soothingly rubbing his hair.

"I'm here too, Daddy!" Sophia whispered loudly and hugged Ki Hong.

I heard the other boys goan as they started to get their consciousnessback. They sat up gingerly and looked around. I helped Ki Hong sat up. It was silent.

"Where's Ava?" Dylan asked all of a sudden.

"Who?" I asked, looking at Dylan confused.

"Ava. She's my sister. She's the one that's trying to help us get you back." Thomas answered.

"Wait a sec. Ava? As in Ava Sangster?" Velvet asked behind us.

"Yeah. Why? You know her?" Thomas asked.

"Know her? I absolutely despise her! Ugh! No wonder you ended up here!" Velvet said.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked.

"She is an absolute monster! She was recruited after she got fired from her spy works. I saw her file. She was the best, no doubt, but what she did? Man, no wonder she got kicked out!" Velvet rambled.

"So what are you saying, shank? She betrayed us? Oh c'mon! This isn't the bloody scorch!" Thomas said harshly.

"What I'm saying," Velvet glared at Thomas, "Is that Ava has betrayed your butts! She fooled you into thinking she would help you! She's on his side, for goodness sakes! The're one big friggin family! I'm surprised you're not malicious like them."

Suddenly, we heard voices coming down the halls.

"Okay, listen up, I have to pretend to be harsh and evil towards you. You guys have to looked tortured, kay?" Velvet said and we all nodded and got into position. I grabbed Sophia and put her on my lap and I told her to pretend she was crying.

"SHUT UP B****! Tell you're effin baby to shut the hell up or I will kill her!" Velvet harshly screamed at us. She was one hell of an actor. Her back was towards the visitors so she sent us a wink.

"I see you've stepped up your game, Robertson. But, there is no need to kill the baby." I gruff voice said.

"I know, sir. I just didn't want to upset you." Velvet mumbled quickly.

"Maybe you can be my next sidekick, Robertson." A light voice said. No doubt, a girl.

"I would be delighted, Miss. Sangster." Velvet gritted through her teeth. Ah, so this is the betrayer!

The lights flickered on and I squinted letting my eyes adjust. I reallized I have been in the dim lighting for too long. After my eyes adjusted I looked up at the two people who were talking to Velvet.

One, was a man who resembled Seneca o whatever his name is from the Hunger Games. He had that menacing look in his eyes. As if he wants to kill. And he probably does too. Second, was a girl. Younger than the man by years. She looked familiar... almost like Thomas.


This must be him the monster and Ava Sangster the betrayer.


Author's Note

Hey guys! Sorry this chappie is a bit short. I promise the next chapter will be much longer. I'm pretty sure there's only about nine or ten chapters left to the story anyway. Hope you all are enjoying the story!

So.... I'm planning on writing a new story (when this one is done, of course). It won't be a fanfic, though. It's going to be a cute little teen fiction story. Might be a little cliche but then again I'm exploring the writing world. So what do you think?

Don't forget to comment and vote!

See you next time lovelies~

Adopted by Ki Hong Lee and Hayoung Choi (COMPLETE)✔✅Where stories live. Discover now