OMGGG ABKHLAHC (abr. For the title but it honestly looks like i threw up on the keyboard 😕😂) REACHED 10K! AAAAA NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULDVE HAPPENED! YOU ALL MADE ME FEEL SO HAPPY!! YAYYYYYYY!
SO, to celebrate, I'll publish the first extra. This is a small filler I guess but I really like Kyle and Sophia's relationship. No, they're not dating in this one. YET 😏
Ky pronounced Kai :)
Sophia's Pov
"Our next target is a thirty year old man. 6'6, a giant if you ask me. He goes by the name of 'John McSkey'. At least that's what his last passport said." Kyle said as Jack Lennings. He tossed me a folder and propped his feet on the table.
I opened the file and pretended to scan the papers. "Does he have anything to do with Red? Or maybe Blood Lust?" I asked, playing my part as Cassie Shadow, my eyes still on the paper.
"It's a yes and no. He was in the gang a few years back but then decided to quit. He's a paid killer now. Kinda like us, except we work for the good guys." 'Jack' said. He picked up a pen and started to twirl it between his fingers. He looked at me, waiting for me to say my line. But, suddenly, at that very moment, something horrible happened.
I forgot my line.
"So he's a professional killer as well? When did he quit?" I quickly asked looking at Kyle with eyes that hopefully says 'play along'.
"Yeah, something like that. He quit the gang around the year 2009."
"Well, let's find him and eliminate him."
"AND CUT!" The director yelled.
"THANK THE LORD ABOVE!" Kyle yelled out, breaking out of his character. I laughed at his outburst and yelled out a "Yes!"
"It took us so many times to do this scene! And what time is it now? It's 12:30 am! I'm ready to pass out!" Kyle whined and fell on his back.
"Get up, Ky. You can pass out in your trailer." I giggled kicking his leg lightly. He groaned but he didn't get up. "Ky..." I whined. I kicked his leg a bit harder.
"Stop kicking me, buttercup." Kyle mumbled.
"C'mon guys, it's time for a midnight snack!" Our director called out to us.
"Coming!" I said loudly back. I then turned to Kyle and shook my head. "I'm going to get some food. Bye. Hope you can find your way back." Kyle groaned on the floor but didn't get up. Meh, if he wants to die from hypothermia, be my guest.
I turned back and walked to the food tent. It was a bit chilly now. I think winter is approaching. I rubbed my hands together and walked a bit faster to the food tent. As I walked, a thick jacket was placed on my shoulders.
"You're gonna die from hypothermia if you're too cold." Kyle's familiar voice said next to me. I wrapped the warm jacket tighter around.
"Yeah, what would the world do without me?" I said the dramatically. He laughed and shook his head. "What would you do without me?" I dramatically say again.
"I don't know, I'd probably throw a party and get pretty girls." Kyle chuckles. I stopped and rolled my eyes playfully. Of course that would be his answer.
"Of course, pretty girls and parties. Wonder what that could lead to." I said trying not to laugh.
"But, don't worry, none of those pretty girls could be as pretty as you. You are beautiful. No girls could beat that." Kyle said smiling. Thank God it's dark, I was probably blushing so hard I look like a tomato.

Adopted by Ki Hong Lee and Hayoung Choi (COMPLETE)✔✅
Fanfiction|| NOT EDITED SO DONT EVEN COMMENT ABOUT THE MISTAKE I MADE THIS A FEW YEARS AGO || Three year old Sophia has gone through quite a lot. Being abused by her older brother, not knowing who her parents were, and with no legal guardian, she ended up in...