Chapter 24

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Ki Hong's pov

"Which one do you want first? The good or the bad?" The doctor asked me.

"Um, the bad." I said.

"The bad news is, is that she lost quite the amount of blood. And she is still passed out. We don't know when she is going to wake up, but when she does, she still has to stay for a few days. She is dehydrated and she has such little amount of food." The doctor explained looking at his clipboard.

It could have been worse.

"And the good?" Thomas asked.

"Right. Uh, the surgery went smoothly and I think everything will be fine. She should be waking in an hour or so. She will be moved to her own room. We will check on her when she wakes up." The doctors says.

"Alright." I said with a nod.

Then, the doors opened and three surgeons were pushing a bed. I rushed over to them and looked at the pale little girl laying there unconscious.

My poor Sophia. So small yet so strong.

We followed them to a room not far from Hayoung's room. In fact, the rooms were right next to each other.

While the boys sat down on the chairs and looked over Sophia, I walked down to Hayoung's room. I saw her sleeping figure and sighed.

I walked over to her and kissed her knuckles.

"She's alright, you're alright, we are all alright." I whispered. It's been really eventful lately.

"I'm awake you know." Hayoung suddenly said with one eye open.

I chuckled. She open both her eyes and looked around.

"Where's Dylan and Thomas? Where's Sophia? Are they okay? Where's her room? Is she awake?" Hayoung bombarded me with questions.

"Woah, hold on there, buttercup. I'll explain everything, no need to ask." I said.

"Alright, then. Explain." Hayoung said.

"Alright. Well, the boys are next door keeping an eye on Sophia. Sophia is also next door. She hasn't woken up yet, but her surgery went smoothly. So, no worries. They are all okay, sleepy, but okay. The doctor says she might have to stay here for a few days. She is also dehydrated and starved or something. Not much to go on." I explained to her.



Silence settled down on us. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was a comfortable silence.

"You know," I started, "I always knew adopting a kid was a bit hard and tiring, but never have I ever thought it'd be THIS hard and tiring."

"Well, who knew." Hayoung chuckled.

Again, silence settoed down on us. We just stared at each other as if having a silent conversation.

Sophia's pov~

"You think she'll wake up soon?" I heard a familiar voice say. I think it was Tommy's voice.

"I hope so. She did lost a lot of blood, might take a while for the blood to refill. I think... Oh I don't know! I'm an actor! Not a doctor!" I think it was Uncle Dylan who said that.

"Hope you will wake up soon, Sophia." Tommy said. I can hear him.

"Yeah. I miss your smiles already! Maybe when you get better we can go to the zoo! Maybe adopt a chimpanzee!" Uncle Dylan said.

Aw...but I wanted a unicorn.

"Don't give her ideas, O'Brien." Tommy said. He then kissed me on my forehead.

But it was a great idea, Tommy.

I can hear them. I can feel them. But I can't see them. All I saw was a really dark color. The color yellow. No wait, not yellow, mommy said yellow was a bright color... hmm... oh yeah! The color green! No no.... green is the color of the grass. Ugh! Daddy told me what this dark color was! Uhh....oh yeah! It was the color black!

"She's asleep, Sangster. Not like she could hear us anyway." Uncle Dylan said.

"Whatever. Let's just wait till Ki Hong comes back." Tommy sighed.

I think Tommy sat down because I heard something making a squeaky sound. Or maybe that was a unicorn.

"You think she'll be alright?" Said Uncle Dylan.

"From what she had to go through back then, she'll be alright. She's as strong as a runner." Tommy said.

A runner? I think daddy told me what they were. Weren't they the best of the best? I forgot.

"I hope she'll wake up soon." Tommy sighed again.

But I am a awake! I just can't see! I tried to move my hand or my toes. But I couldn't. I tried talking or making any noise to tell them I am awake. But nope not working. I tried looking for them.


I tried to move my eyes. Side to side. Up and down. Nothing but yellow-uh I mean black. I think my eyes are closed! Maybe that's why!

I tried to open my eyes. I tried really hard! I tried to tell myself to open my eyes. But, soon I was tired so, I slept.


Author's Note

So, since that's out of the way... what did you think about this chapter? Personally, I found it cute how Sophia got the colors mixed up (dont ask me why cuz idk).
Oh, and quick question. What would you do if ohhh....i dont know.... sophia died? Tell me in the comments!
Love you xxx

Adopted by Ki Hong Lee and Hayoung Choi (COMPLETE)✔✅Where stories live. Discover now