Chapter 8

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Ki Hong's pov

"Guess where we're going Cupcake!" I said her starting the car.

"Um, I don't know, sir" Sophia answered. Sir? She called me daddy just before...oh well...

"You know, you can keep on calling me daddy." I said to her sofly, almost whispering.

"Okay, daddy." She simply said. She was sitting on Hayoung's lap since we didn't buy her a car seat yet. But today, we will get her EVERYTHING!!!

~~ Skip le car ride~~

We pulled up in front of the mall and walked inside. I carried Sophia and Hayoung walked beside me. We were going to buy her some clothes first. That's important!

"Do you like dresses, baby?" I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders. Hmmm......

"How about we take her to Lil' Me?" (A\N I made the name up...not a real store...I think) Hayoung asked.

"Whatever you want! You know about these clothes shopping more than me!" I say. Hayoung goes shopping quite a lot.

We walked in Lil' Me and I saw so many clothings! From pants, to shirts, to sweaters, to little shoes and sandals, even beanies! Gosh, we're gonna get at least 100 outfits here!

"Let's go to the girl side!" Hayoung said dragging Sophia and I. When we got to the girl side, the walls were painted with pink, all the shelves, hangers, and stuff were pink! Too much pink for my taste.

"Do you like this color?" I asked Sophia, pointing to one of the hangers.

She shook her head a no, and laid her head on my shoulder.

"What color do you like?" I asked. Hopefully she has a favorite color. I mean, who doesn't?!

"I like purple." She whispered. She couldn't say her r and l so it sounded like I wike puwpwe. I mentally awwed at her cuteness.

I walked over to Hayoung and told her that Sophia liked purple, and she immediately looked for purple clothes.

"Don't get her all purple clothes!" I said chuckling at Hayoung.

"Daddy?" I hear Sophia whisper, she has a small voice.

"Yes, Sophie?" I say.

"M-My stomach really hurts." She said clutching her stomach. Uh oh.

"Okay, baby. Just wait, we'll get lunch as soon as mommy finishes Kay?" I said looking into her eyes.

She nodded still clutching her stomach. My poor daughter!

Hayoung's pov

I payed for the clothes and walked over to Ki Hong and Sophia carrying the bags. I suddenly realized Sophia looked a little pale.

"Oh my gosh! Sophia hunny! You okay?" I asked. She didn't answer.

"Her stomach hurts. I think it's time for lunch." Ki said.

So we went to the cafeteria and bought some food. We all ordered burger.

"M-Mommy, I d-don't feel s-so well." I hear Sophia say. She clutched her stomach.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom?" Ki said. Sophia nodded. So, I took her to the family washroom.

When we got there Sophia ran to the closest toilet and emptied her stomach, I held hair back so it wouldn't get in the way. Suddenly, Sophia started to cry. I instinctively rubbed her back.

"It's okay baby boo, it's okay. Does it hurt?" I asked. Sophia nodded and cried some more. Well obviously! She's crying! My inner voice said. Well, dang, give me break! Being a mum to a sick daughter is hard!

"Come on pumpkin, let's get you cleaned up." I said, but Sophia fell, I got really worried so, I picked her up and put her on my hip, washed her face and fast walked to Ki.

"How is she?" Ki asked, worried was written all over his face?

"She threw up, now she's as weak as a scarecrow! I think we need to get to the doctors! Look at her! She's white!" I said to him.

We cleaned up and got in the car.

"Soph? Sophia? Are you okay? What hurts baby?" Ki asked while driving. Sophia whimpered againts me... We should've bought a car seat first... A purple one of course, with butterflies and flowers and... Wait, FOCUS HAYOUNG YOUR DAUGHTER IS SICK!!

"She looks so pale! I'm a horrible mother!" I said dramatically. Yeah, I get pretty dramatic at times.

"No, Hayoung. You are not a horrible mother. She's probably just sick." Ki said turning left.

~Inside the Hospital~

Nobody's Pov

Ki Hong, Hayoung, and Sophia were patiently waiting for the doctor in the waiting room. Sophia was sat on Hayoung's laps looking a bit pale. Ki was rubbing Sophia's back. Sophia threw up twice, in the car, and when they reached the hospital

"Sophia Lee, the doctor is ready to see you." A nurse, who wore thick black glasses said. "Please follow me."

The trio followed the nurse to room 2. "Mr. Clint will be with you shortly." Said the nurse.

They waited until Mr. Clint came. After about 5 minutes the door opened. In came a short man who had brown skin. He looked young. Very young.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Clint, now, before you say anything, I know I look like an eighteen year old boy, but I'm not. I use an anti-aging product which makes me look eighteen, when in truth I'm a 31." The doctor said, smiling as wide as he could.

"Let's get to work, Sophia Lee.. " the doctor mumbled. He wrote somethings down and told Sophia to sit on the hospital bed. Sophia, being a good girl, did what she was told.

"Hmm.... I see what's wrong." The doctor said. Dr. Clint gave them papers\reports to read.

--- Hayoung's pov ----
When we got home, Sophia was already asleep... She had to get a certain type of antibiotics and a needle. Fortunately she handled it well and didn't cried. Much.

I set Sophia on the couch. I realized that we didn't get her a bed yet. Oh well. As long as she's healthy.

"Um, babe? I don't think Sophia won't be able to get out of the house for awhile." Ki said. Is it THAT bad?

"What's wrong" I asked making my way to Ki Hong.

Ki handed the papers to me and I immediately read through. Oh no. This is bad. Very bad.


Cliffhanger??? I think yes!!!!

Guys I'm so sorry!!! I know I didn't update in a while, but that's because I was VERY busy with school. Plus, next week (and 2 days) I have semesters... UGHHHHH

I'll try to update as soon as I can! I pinky de promise!!!!

Thank you SOOOO much for all the reads!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYSSSSSS!!!!! I can't believe that I got 500+ reads!!! Omg!!! Thank youuuuu!!!

Do you think I can get at least 10 votes on this?? And maybe a few comments?? I hope so :)

Love you peeps!

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