Since it's Saturday, my mum said I can rest up a bit and do what I want, AND I WANT TO PRESENT TO YOUUUUUU
THE NEXT CHAPTER (aka chapter 9)Enjoy loves!
Hayoung's pov~~~
Shiz... I thought as I was reading through.. Sophia's got Peptic Ulcer Disease?! (real disease btw...just so you know)
Drat it! The good thing is, is that it's not as bad as it could be.. BUT MY BABY'S GOT PEPTIC ULCER?!?! NOT COOL PEOPLE! NOT. COOL. Wait.... A sec
"Um, Ki, what's Peptic Ulcers?" I asked. I freaked out, without knowing what Peptic Ulcers is... BUT IT SAID DISEASE
"It's a common digestive problem. It'll be okay. But she's gonna be weak for a couple of days.." Ki said. Right, she's gonna be a-okay.... She's got medicine!!!
"Well, let's get ready to hit the ha-" Ki started to say, but was interupted when we heard a loud scream. It was Sophia.
"SOPHIA!" Ki said running to where the little girl laid. She started throwing up again. I rushed to get water and a cookie. Poor Sophia...
After I gave the water and cookie to Sophia (which she ate happily), Ki took her to the bathroom and gave her a bath. I picked a purple onesy that has cupcakes on it (I tagged a pic of it).
Soon, Sophia was in bed snoring slightly. I hope she gets better soon.
••••••••••••• A FEW DAYS LATER ••••••••••••
Ki Hong's pov ~~~
"C'mon Babes!!! We got to get to the airport!" I yell as I put on my shoes. Sophia came running in wearing a beautiful purple coat. She recovered from Peptic Ulcers (which included her throwing up. A LOT) and we went shopping for her stuff.
"Already Soph? Got your toys? Snacks? It's gonna be a long wait!" I asked. We're going to pick up Dylan and Thomas today. They'll be staying at our house for a week.
"Yes Daddy." Sophia said as she put on her pair of TOMS. She's VERY fashionable. Thanks to Hayoung.
"Let's go then!" I said picking her up and putting her in her purple carseat.
Hayoung came out and locked the (house) door and sat in the car. She got extra snacks for Sophia. She is a big eater!
"Here you go, love! You almost forgot him!" Hayoung said giving Sophia a medium sized purple teddy bear. We threw her old one away, let's just say it got beheaded by accident. Ahh the teddy. I won that for her...
"Sophia!! Look I see a purple teddy!" Hayoung said as she pointed to a teddy.
"Oohhh I can win it for you Soph!" I said as I gave the person money. I took three perfect shots and won the teddy. I gave it to Sophia and she hugged it really tightly.
"Thank you Daddy. I'm gonna name it Cupcake!" Sophia says happily.
I quickly snapped a picture and posted it on instagram. "My baby got a purple teddy!" I commented.
------------ end of Flashback --------
As we got to the airport we bought coffee (for Hayoung and i) and Sophia got a donut.

Adopted by Ki Hong Lee and Hayoung Choi (COMPLETE)✔✅
Fanfiction|| NOT EDITED SO DONT EVEN COMMENT ABOUT THE MISTAKE I MADE THIS A FEW YEARS AGO || Three year old Sophia has gone through quite a lot. Being abused by her older brother, not knowing who her parents were, and with no legal guardian, she ended up in...