Chapter 14

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Sophia's Pov~~~

I woke up in a strange and dark place. This is scary. I looked around and saw nothing but black. I started to silently cry.

"M-mommy?" I whimpered.

"Sophia? Are you awake?" I hear mommy's voice ask.

"M-mommy, where are you?" I whimpered.

"Right here, sweetie." Mommy said, and then I was grabbed and lifted into the air. I screamed and fought back.

"Shh...shhh... It's mommy." Mommy cooed. I stopped crying and hugged her. It's really dark.

Mommy sat down and sang me a lullaby. My eyes started drooping, but I was suddenly awoken by a terrible sound.

The door swung open and light filled the room. We aren't at home. Where are we? I thought.

I then realize there was a big man standing in front of me and mommy. I hugged mommy tighter, afraid of the man in front us.

"Well, well, well!" The man boomed. "The girls are awake! How wonderful! I'll just change the lightbulb and be on my way!"

"Why won't you let us go!?" Mommy yelled.

The man changed the light and turned it on.

"Boss' order. You know I'm TRYING to be nice. You're not making it easier." The man sighed.

"Let us go! Or at least let Sophia go!" Mommy yelled.

"Hahahaha, it's Sophia that the boss wants! Not you!" The man laughed. He sounded like an angry bear.

"Wha- why?" Mommy asked.

"I'm not here to answer questions, women!" With that, the man closed the door and locked it.

"Where are we mommy? Why are we here?" I asked.

"I-I don't know sweetheart, but daddy will come. Don't worry." Mommy said, and I soon fell asleep.

Hayoung's Pov~~~

You hear that? That's the sound of my heart breaking into a million pieces. What did Sophia ever do? Who is this madman? Or women...depends on the gender they are...

I laid Sophia on the small blanket they gave us and stood up. I paced and paced around the room thinking of a possible solution, to get out of this mess, but I came up with none and fell asleep next to Sophia.

Thomas' Pov~~~
(Look, I know I've been changing povs recently and I'm sorry, and also I know I've been doing lot's of Thomas' pov, but it's all in a good cause.)

We've been in the car for an hour and forty-five minutes. Dylan's snoring away in the back, tired of pouting. Look, I called shotgun first, okay? And Ki Hong was driving. We stopped at McDonald's earlier to get food. And maybe ice cream...^-^

"Are we there yet?" Dylan asked waking up from his half an hour slumber.

"Nope. Not yet." Ki Hong replied.

"That was the third time you asked! Stop being such a child!" I chuckled.

"But-But, I want a lolly!!!" Dylan said and fake cried. I threw a lolly to him and it made him shut up real quick.

"You know I was joking right?" Dylan asked me.

"Yeah, but hey, who doesn't like lollies?" I asked grinning. I currently am eating a lolly myself.

"Awesome." Was Dylan's reply. "But wait, what flavor is this?" He asked.

"I don't know, use your eyes and read the wrapper!" I sassed.

Adopted by Ki Hong Lee and Hayoung Choi (COMPLETE)✔✅Where stories live. Discover now