Chapter 1: The Puppet

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Welcome to the first chapter of The ToyMakers. Now this book is different from my other books it's similar to This series called Hello Charlotte and So you want to write a good Psycho? but and at the same time it's still, different but I won't say how. Anyway please remember to VOTE and COMMENT it means a lot to me guys, plus I like chatting with you guys in the comments. XOXO BUTTERBALL. (Dedicated to Aaron_Ledgers )

Having a limb torn off is never easy. It's painful as hell and messy as a broken sink pipe. I gritted my teeth as I carefully leaned over the busted, dirty sink.

My blood had smeared and dripped all over the dirty, cracked tiled floor that decorated the abandoned bathroom.

Currently, I was inside trying to sew my arm back onto my body, one of the perks of being a puppet was that I could just sew body parts back on. One of the downsides was that it was always a messy and sloppy job, leaving behind crude stitches.

I wish she was here. She knew how to stitch me back together perfectly.

I let out a sigh as I slowly finished the job and examined my stitches. Of course, it looked bad, since I only had one hand to do it with and a shaky one at that.

I frowned then stood up and examined my appearance the best I could in the filthy mirror.

I wasn't covered in too much blood, most of it had gotten on the floor, the sink, and my attacker. I just looked like I'd had a small nose bleed at best.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the rundown hallway. This school had been abandoned for years, at times when I got injured I would come back here to rest and patch myself up.

I glanced up at a nearby clock that stuck to once colorful walls, I could just barely make out the ticking second hand below all the grime on the clock face.

Is that clock working again? But I didn't fix it.

I walked down the nearby hallway as I did, I noticed more things fixed or moved from where I had placed them.

"What is going on here?" I whispered.

Even though I listened for an intruder. I couldn't hear one. The only thing I could hear was the wind as it came in and out of the building as it pleased.

Even the barricade I'd placed at the entrance of the school was untouched.

After I did a sweep of the school that would do a security guard proud, I still found nothing. So I decided to lie down in my favorite spot, which was the gym, and relax.

The smell of dust and old paint chips filled my nose as I laid out on the bleachers. In the distance, I could hear the chirping of crickets and the scurrying of small rodents.

All the relaxing sounds that I'd gotten used to. There was one thing I hadn't gotten used to, however, the loneliness.

There was no one to talk to, no one to stargaze with. And now that my master was gone there never will be.

The ToyMakers Volume 1 Where stories live. Discover now