Chapter 16: Demonic puppet

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Welcome back to The ToyMakers everyone by the way the above picture is Taiga's demon form. I hope that you guys are enjoying this book. Anyway please remember to VOTE and COMMENT it means a lot to me and I like chatting with you guys. XOXO BUTTERBALL. (Dedicated to Kismetwinters )


"Is this dangerous? For some reason this feels highly illegal," I told Taiga.

We were currently out in my family's barn in the upper floor. Taiga had drawn this strange symbol on the floor and lit a few candles in the middle of the floor.

I'm willing to bet that I really don't want to know what that substance is that he used as paint.

Taiga smiled at me. "It's a legal as a demonic ritual can be, Corina. Which means it is not bound by the law of man," he told me.

Then he walked over to the corner and picked up something that I couldn't see. A moment later he returned to me and handed me a knife while in his other hand he was gripping the neck of a small lifeless goat.

I let out a small gasp and jumped away from him. "Why in the world do you have that?!" I shrieked.

Taiga smiled at me, "It's necessary for the ritual, Mistress. You must slit its throat while you are standing right outside of the ritual circle. I'll be standing inside of it chanting while you perform your side of the ritual."

I bit my lip as I glanced at the knife in my right hand then to the goat.

You can do this! Maybe if I do it quickly it won't be as bad and there won't be that much of a mess.

I took a deep breath and let it out. "Okay. So, when I...slit it's throat where and how do I cut exactly?" I asked hesitantly.

Taiga placed a finger in the middle of the goat's throat. "Cut right here with the tip of the knife. Make sure you use all of your strength or you may not even be able to pierce the skin. Once you start cutting make sure to do it from ear to ear," he explained thoroughly.

This is surprisingly thorough for a ritual that more than likely violates many moral and religious codes.

I let out a sigh as Taiga's eyes met mine and he smiled.

Well, I've already broken out of an asylum with the help of a living puppet man. I might as well as be committed to this insanity.

"Okay, I believe I understand now," I whispered.

Taiga turned and walked into the middle of the symbol he had drawn on the floor.

I took another deep breath and looked up at the ceiling briefly my eyes meeting Opal's as he looked down at me from his hiding place in the rafters.

I moved forward slightly until I was kneeling in front of the symbol which seemed to be the shape of a pentagon. My skin felt warmer now that I was closer to the candles.

I grabbed the goat's left horn with my left hand then pulling its head back I jammed the knife violently into its throat as hard as I could. An odd mushy sound entered my ears as a cold and very sticky substance began to run over the knife and onto my hand.

I glanced down even though I already knew what it was. The moment my eyes saw the dark red substance that was starting to pour out of the wound on the goat's throat I felt bile rise up my throat.

However, I gritted my teeth and squeezed my eyes shut as I forced myself to continue my task.

I have to- no I must do this!

I followed Taiga's instructions and slowly carved a red grin across the neck of the goat.

When I finished I slowly opened my eyes to see the goat's blood running through the symbol as though it was some type of network. Each time it came to a candle the blood would circle around it lighting up before continuing onwards.

Once all the paths were connected the light started creeping toward me. I glanced at Taiga but he was just standing there staring at the ground with this oddly vacant look in his eyes.

Then the bright blue light touched me but, it didn't hurt. My body went completely stiff for a moment and then I saw her.

There was a beautiful woman with long black hair as dark as her dress. She was walking carefully around the same Pentagon shaped symbol I was standing in front of right now. Inside of the symbol though was Taiga and he appeared to be unconscious.

She carefully opened a nearby black book that had a wild human face on the front of it.

When she looked up from the book I could see that she and I looked a lot alike.

She began to rapidly whisper something under her breath that I couldn't understand or make out.

A moment later all of the windows flew open emitting a loud bang as Taiga opened his eyes.

He quickly sat up then slowly looked around the room the woman seemed unfazed by all of this however she was more focused on Taiga.

It was then that she spoke, "Welcome to the world of humans, my dear demon, Mikleo."

I jumped startled by a thunder like noise and a bright flash. "Mikleo," I whispered softly.

I heard a chuckle nearby then Taiga's voice, "There you go, Mistress."

I felt an odd constricting feeling on the tips of my fingers like someone was tying them off with string. Soon I saw Taiga I was standing next to him in the symbol and there was a giant hole in the roof of the barn.

I glanced at Taiga to see him grinning at me while Opal looked absolutely terrified.

What just happened? What did I get myself into?

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