Chapter 7: A strange visitor

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Welcome back to The ToyMakers everyone. I hope you are enjoying it :). Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT it means a lot to me and I like chatting with you guys. XOXO BUTTERBALL. (Dedicated to EllenFairyBlue4 )


"Why aren't you eating anything?" I asked Taiga.

Currently, we were in the cafeteria for the past week Taiga had been following me around as much as he could. I didn't find his presence scary anymore it was more odd than anything.

In that time he had spent following me around and in his words getting to know me I noticed that despite the fact that even though I ate, Taiga never did.

He picked at his stitches and frowned for a moment before smiling slightly. "I don't need to eat, Corina," he informed me.

"You really should before the nurses start talking to you because they think you have some kind of eating disorder," I mumbled as I nibbled on my fruit salad.

"Let them besides I've already eaten, Corina so don't worry about it," he assured me.

I frowned because I had never seen Taiga eat anything despite the fact that he practically followed me around until lockdown.

He isn't human, I have to remember that.

"Really? What are you eating exactly?" I asked looking at him.

Taiga's face went blank almost like he had shut down. "It's best that you don't know, Mistress," he whispered.

That's a first.

When he called me Mistress it didn't feel strange more than anything it felt familiar in an odd way.

I turned around when someone tapped me on my shoulder and saw a nurse standing there with a small smile on her face.

"Corina, you have a visitor," she informed me softly.

I froze my whole body tensing up and I gritted my teeth.

"Who is it?" I forced out.

I was praying that it wasn't who I thought it was.

"It's your brother, he's down in the lobby waiting to see you," the nurse told me gently.

I relaxed slightly.

Matthew? He's never come to visit me before not since him and that woman put me in here.

I gripped Opal tightly to my chest.

"Do you want me to tell him that you aren't feeling well?" The nurse asked softly.

"No...I'll go just tell him to give me a minute," I whispered.

The nurse didn't answer but I heard her walking away. I took a few deep breaths before I slowly got to my feet.

"What's wrong, Corina?" Taiga asked as he stood up also.

"I-it's nothing but you should know that the reason I'm in here is because I come from a very prominent family," I told him.

He frowned but nodded as he followed me.

As we approached the lobby doors I stopped and turned to Taiga.

"I don't care what you hear during my conversation with, Matthew but I need for you to keep quiet. That's all I ask from you," I told him.

For a moment Taiga just watched me then he crossed his arms. "If your brother is going to hurt you then I'm not just going to stand back and watch," he warned me.

"He won't hurt me that would ruin his reputation and image," I whispered as I opened the door.

The lobby was empty except for my older brother who stood in the middle of the room checking his pocket watch.

He's wearing a suit did he come here straight from work or business negotiations?

Matthew looked up when I entered the room his eyes meeting mine. For a moment he frowned then he put his watch away and let out a sigh.

"Corina, there you are. So are you ready to come home yet?" Matthew asked me.

What he was really asking me was: are you normal yet?

I held Opal to my chest and stared at the floor. "Is that woman still there?" I mumbled.

"That woman? If you're referring to mother, of course, she's there. It's her home, our home," he told me.

I glared at the floor as I gritted my teeth. "I'm not going back there that isn't our home," I whispered.

"What are you talking about we're family, Corina," he said.

We aren't a family. We have never been.

"The dolls don't want you there any more than they want me there," I mumbled.

Matthew let out a frustrated sounding sigh. "Corina, we've been over this. The dolls are just toys," he grumbled.

I finally looked up at him only so I could glare at him, then I removed my eye patch slowly.

Taiga looked at me frowning as I did.

I saw the color drain from Matthew's face when he saw my eye.

"Corina...your eye who did that to you?" He whispered.

I stared at him for a few moments. "Dolls aren't just toys brother. They're weapons and monsters," I told him slowly.

"Stop that! Who did that to you was it one of house staff or was it someone here!?" He asked me practically demanding a different answer.

"She's right you know. So why don't you believe her?" Taiga asked him.

And for a moment I froze up as Matthew turned his gaze to Taiga.

However, Taiga took a step toward Matthew unfazed by his glare.

"You, who are you?" Matthew asked slowly.

However, Taiga ignored him and continued to speak as he walked toward him. "You deny what she says up and down. But she's right you know dolls are weapons and they can definitely be monsters," he said slowly.

Taiga looked into Matthew's eyes and chuckled then he just quietly stood there sneering at Matthew.

I watched as Matthew began trembling and his eyes began darting around, almost like he was trying to escape some type of horrible creature.

I noticed his lips were slowly turning purple. I reached out and grabbed Taiga's hand and yanked on it. "Stop it, stop hurting him!" I yelled.

I saw Taiga jerk slightly then he let out a sigh and hung his head. Matthew seemed thoroughly shaken up, in fact, he was still trembling slightly.

"Y-you...w-what are you?" He whispered.

Taiga chuckled but didn't look up. "Oh, Matthew, I'm just a puppet who's found his Mistress," he muttered.

I placed my eye patch over my scarred eye. "Matthew, brother when you're truly ready to believe me then I want you to come visit me," I told him softly then I left the lobby with Taiga right behind me.

"What did you do to Matthew that made him so afraid?" I asked Taiga as we walked to the cafeteria.

For a moment he was silent then he softly ruffled my hair. "That's something you're better off not knowing yet," he told me as he gave me a gentle smile.

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