Chapter 41 (Unedited)

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Chelsey's P.o.v

Alright, so I've been debating with myself all afternoon, and I came to the conclusion that I, in fact, don't like William. I hugged my pillow as I started to worry about how I'm going to explain the whole Amanda situation to Christopher who will be here in 7 minutes with William. I tried my best to change my skin complexion which was and still is currently red. I can't show any weakness (can't be nervous) when I tell them.

There was a loud knock on my door, so I yelled, "Who the hell is trying to break down my got damn door?!" instead of asking who's there. Hey, both work regardless. "It's William!" The other half said making me blush even a deeper complexion of red. Now why the hell am I always feeling this way when he's nearby?

"Uh...come in?" I said, inviting him inside, a bit unsure about it. "Alright," he continued before my door opened and William and Christopher said, stepping into my room. Wait, where did Christopher come from, all I heard was William's permission.

Christopher instantly walked over to my window bed and lied on it making William sigh and sit on the bed. Wow they think so alike, they both wanted to sit there. "So...why'd you call me? All you need is my brother, right? And by the way, I have one last date with Jasmine in 45 more minutes, so hurry," Christopher commanded. Oh, I didn't even notice he was wearing nice clothes. I wonder how William would look in...stop it, Chelse! 

"I called you because I need to talk to you about a very important person that was and still is missing from...your life." Nice start, Chelse, I told myself while mentally patting myself on the back. Christopher and William exchanged confused glances before looking back at me with curiosity.

I sighed and closed my eyes, bracing myself before saying, "Amanda, it's time." She bursted from the closet and ran into William's arms. "I missed you, big bro!" She yelled with tears in her eyes. William instantly looked at Christopher, alarmed, but I clarified, "Your mom kept this a secret from you two for 10 years of her life, I'm sorry to inform, but she really needs you all in her life." William looked a bit pale while Christopher was smiling. William stood up, making Amanda stumble backwards, and admitted, "I'm sorry, I just...can't..." He left my room and closed the door behind him. I looked at Christopher who was already in a heated conversation with Amanda, discussing about some important stuff, I guess. Alright then, it leaves it to me to fix this. I ran out the room to look for him.


When I found him, he was on my front porch, sitting on the chair, looking at the cars pass by. I knew that it was bad timing to tell him. "Hey, bud, how's it going?" I asked with a worried smile. He looked at me with disgust and replied, "Oh, so now you're not mad at me, when I'm confused, angry, and sick of all of this shit." I sat next to him, sighing. "Trust me, I was just as confused as you. When she told me that she stalked us all just to get close you you two, I felt violated and I felt like this child is truly dedicated to these guys that she doesn't even know, but in reality, she knows you more than you know yourself. She's sweet, kind, caring unlike anything I've ever seen, and adorable, not to mention that she looks so much like you two." William maintained his silence making me continue. "Your mom kept her in her room, locked away from everyone else in order for no one but your dad to know. When she ran away after 5 years of having enough, she had to live in the streets, of course with the support of strangers, but the whole time she was thinking of, and stalking, you two." William looked at me and said, "It's already stressing enough that I lost my father, I don't want another person to replace his attendance."

"But you don't have to think of it like that. Just think of it as a way to have something else that your dad left behind. Think of it as a final gift from your father, something to remember him by. All Amanda needs now is love. Your love. All of your love. She feels abandoned and unwelcomed. Help her."

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