Chapter 6 (Edited)

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Christopher's P.o.v

Where's Chelsey I haven't seen her for two periods already. I worry about her, alot, ever since the party. I was looking around a bit before I spotted William. I ran up to him and asked, still looking around a little, ''Dude, where's Chelsey?''

''I don't know, and why do you even care? Stop worrying about her, she's seventeen so she can take care of herself. Let's just move on, wouldn't that work for the both of us?'' He replied, looking frustrated, like I even did shit to him. I frowned and tried to use my twin senses to find out, but then I remembered that there's no such thing as twin senses.

''Just tell me where she is?'' I said while still looking around, but all I got in return was dirty looks from girls. I'm not William, so they should be looking at him like that and not me. I ignored them and looked back at William waiting for an answer. ''...Fine, she's been acting up today, so I feel like she probably skipped, but she's too good for that...but she was pretty out-of-the-normal today.'' William said while smirking. Why the hell is he smirking, he was mad a second ago.

''She probably just got picked up by her parents, right?'' I said while suddenly feeling uneasy at the thought of her skipping and being anywhere. Wait, why is she skipping, she's a goody two shoes...wait, why do I feel uneasy about this?

''Yeah, that works, too.'' William said as his girl came and brushed her lips against his. I mentally gagged at the sight. Not because they were kissing, but because of the way they kissed.

''Hi Christopher.'' She said in a smooth sweet voice, but I'm not interesting in...that. I looked away and mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact, "Hi." I don't like her so much, there's something terribly off about her and I can feel it. 

As I was about to walk away, after the "couple" left, Janette came up to me with an evil glare. For one second I thought that fire was coming out of her eyes. Wow, so much hate. "Read this or die. Bye, bitch." She told me, handing me a note and almost slapping me, but I moved back quickly, making her put her hand down and walk away. I stared at the note, then opened it after debating with my head about whether to open it or not.

"Even though I sort of still have feelings for you, I don't like you, so stay away from me and Chelsey. She deserves someone better, btw, next time dump me to my face and not through a screen, worthless piece of shit! <3 --Janette L."

Speaking of hate, why do so many girls that I dump hate me. It's so different for William. They actually try to get him back, even if he tries to avoid them or tell them to leave him alone. That only happened to me once.

Ahhh, Jennifer Ryans, I will never forget your creepy self. 


After school was over, I literally bumped into fifty people just to get through, quickly looking for Chelsey, but some part of me just wanted to give up. If she skipped, then that's her choice and I should just let it be, but if she's in trouble, then that's a whole different thing.

I sat down on the bus stop bench and rested my hand on my face. I really don't know if I'm actually meant to be with Chelsey. Even though I just met her yesterday, I'm always looking for her, she's always busy, and that kiss we had earlier today was awkward and not much pleasurable. It felt like nothing. Meanwhile the kiss from yesterday was just the alcohol speaking. And even though I just met her, it's like I already know her.

~~~~~~~~~~~> Meanwhile...

Chelsey's P.o.v

This is harder than I thought.

''Stop, your going to tear my shirt with your fat ass!'' I said while trying to yank my clothes off from Nicole. Do you know what I had to go through just to get them from my house (before we came here)? Well it was a lot because apparently, my mom didn't have work today!

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