Chapter 48

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"So you don't need help with your homework?" I asked William since he looks like he's actually blasting through it. Right now we are at his house and this is supposed to be a study date, but it turns out that this is just him doing homework and me watching. "Nah, I'm good." He told me making me shrug and take out my homework. 

When I started my homework, every once in a while I would look at William to see if he looked frustrated or confused or at the least needed help, but he didn't. 


"Don't you kinda feel older?" I asked William as we were huddled up on the couch and he was playing with my hair. "What do you mean?" He asked me, still playing with my hair. I turned my head to face him and continued, "Well, college is soon, I mean not that soon, but it's soon and I just feel like we're really growing up." He smiled and said, "Here comes worried Chelsey." I laughed a little and said, "I'm just saying." I turned my head back around causing him to ruffle my hair and say, "I still feel young." I sat up in the chair, not liking the fact that he is literally killing my curls, and breathed, "How about in 2 more months. Will you still feel youn--"

"Chelsey, you worry way too much." This is coming from a man who hates the word worry and loves the word calm. "Well you're not worried enough." I softly whispered before leaning my head on his shoulder. "If you are in my position, worry would be the least of your problems." He told me making me start to think that he's starting to not care about the things that people usually care about.


"What about college?"

"What college do you plan on attending?"

"Whatever college comes my way or wants me. I don't really worry too much about that."

"You have to be fucking kidding me, right?"

"Nope, I'm not kidding you."

"..." How could he just say that he doesn't worry about college? He should be looking for good colleges, planning for it, hope and wishing to get accepted. I plan on going to Beckerson University for Jasmine and also because that University is a good one.

"Beckerson University. Go to that one. Apply." I told him, but he was frowning. "What? You don't like the University?" I asked him.

"It's okay...but I don't think that they'll accept me."

"Why not? You're smart."

"Chelsey, take a peek at my records and you'll know why." He does have a point, his records could use some work, and he used to be a trouble maker, so that'll show, too. "Oh...but you'll never know unless you tr--"

"Chelsey, I don't want to think about that right now." Is he implying that he doesn't plan on going to college because if he is, then that's another problem that needs solving.

I continued to stare at him in worry making him look at me and crack a smile. "Why won't you stop worrying?" He softly said before tucking a strain of hair behind my ear. "Because I care about you." I mumbled, still looking at him in worry. "I know you do. Okay, how about this, if you stop worrying and just relax, then I'm going to look more into Beckerson. Deal?" He said with a small smirk. "Deal!" I quickly said shaking his hand. That was easier than I thought, I think. 

"Good, now relax." He calmly told me before planting a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled and leaned my head back on his shoulder.


"Janette will you please stop snooping around this guy! I need to talk to you most of the time and I can't since you're always near the guy!" I argued, but Janette didn't say a word, instead she continued to look at Justin. "Janette, he'll file a restraining order if you don't stop!" I warned, but all she did was laugh before continuing to silently look at him from across the room.

"Janette, please face the board." Ms. Linda, our art teacher said, scowling Janette. Janette sighed before turning around and looking at the teacher, attitude written all over her face. "Good." Ms. Linda said before talking about making Geometric figures out of geometric shapes. "Told ya." I whispered making her shoot me a glare before continuing to draw her geometric apple. I looked at my page which only had a geometric flower, which was stunning by the way.

"Oh yeah, William told me to give this to you before class started." Janette told me before going into her bag and taking out a flower and a note. Aw, how sweet. The note read: Roses are red/violets are blue/But your smile is more beautiful.

I cooed making Janette look at the paper and mumble, "How original." I laughed and said, "No need for sarcasm, he's really trying." Janette shrugged and said, "Well you two have a couple more days before a week. Let's see if you'll last." I thought that Janette liked it that I was dating William. I guess not.


"No!" I yelled at William when he asked me to sit at that table again. "I will not leave Janette by herself again!"

"Fine, then she can eat there with us." He calmly said. I smiled and looked at Janette who was completely lost since she just came inside the lunchroom. "Let's eat together Janette!" I cheered making her laugh and say, "Okay then, make way." This made me and her laugh, but William was too busy staring at Justin who was staring back at him in hatred. Someone has to fix those two up before they cut eachother's throats. 


Sorry for the short and almost rushed chapter, but I needed to publish this for y'all. Anyways, next chapter is going to be a long and interesting chapter and not from Chelsey's P.o.v so look forward to that. Since I don't have much reader's up to this chapter, I don't think that it should be a problem if the next chapter is going to be a little slow. Moving on, remember publishing days is on Friday or Sunday, so look forward to that as well.

All my love goes to all of you! <3 --Lovely_girl_Writer <333 😘

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