Chapter 7 (Unedited)

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I looked up at the ceiling in motionless silence...I plan on staying home today even though it's Tuesday. Just then, my phone started vibrate. ''Hurry up and get dressed, I'm coming to pick you up.'' William texted with some emoji I didn't know. ''Not going to school today.'' I texted back, but he didn't reply.

I guess I'm going to take a shower even though I'm not going anywhere. I got up off my bed in a dizzy haze trying to focus my eyes, since I woke up five minutes ago (you'd think my eyes would be better by this time). When I got out the shower, I put on my favorite monkey pajamas, which I love so very much.

I walked down the stairs to see dad knocked out on the chair and Simon sitting at the table, eating cereal, while watching the National Geographic channel, which I thought I blocked, but this boy obviously guessed the right code. ''I was going to make you pancakes, but your already eating.'' I said while smirking. Pancakes are his favorite, I'm going to eat right in front of his a good big sister kind of way (Chewing loudly and with my mouth opened).

''Knowledge is my food sis, knowledge is my food.'' He responded to my supposed to be fun, but obviously he ruined the moment. Oh my octopus intestines, I got an idea! ''And I'm making sunny side up and some bacon...'' He got up so quick, it scared me. ''Did I hear bacon! Bacon, Bacon I love bacon!!!'' He retorted making him sound like the doggy bacon commercial.

I tsked and said, ''Nuh uh already ate, bacon for me, none for you.'' I said started to sound like I was talking to a baby. He crossed his arms and stomped his foot like a little kid even though he's 14. I giggled, which made him push me and walk away. The eggs flew in the sky from my grasp, I fell on the ground, and all the eggs fell on my head. ''Simon!!!'' I screamed while getting up with full on rage. I heard an evil laugh, which made me jump.

While I was trying to get this shit off my hair with a washcloth, the doorbell rang. I opened it to see William looking at me with his, now, dark green eyes, which scared me. ''Dude your eyes!'' I said shivering. ''They're contact lends.'' He huffed. 'Dude I only asked you a question, stop being a bitch about it!' I was thinking..., I don't feel like saying any curses out dad might hear me.

''You ready?'' He asked obviously daydreaming. ''Did you get my text, or are you just stupid!'' I spoke a bit loudly. Simon came downstairs with his books in his hand, and his bag slug over his shoulder. He looked at me, then William and grinned saying, ''Cool shirt.'' I never once saw Simon smile, except for when he was a child, but that was seven years ago.

William ignored him and looked at me saying, ''I read it, I just didn't believe you.'' No words...I have no words. ''Hey could you quit it with the funny faces?'' He said laughing. ''It's not purposely!'' I retorted boiling with anger at the worst moment he chose to laugh. ''Can you just get dressed?'' He said trying to recover. ''No!'' I replied crossing my arms, frowning.

Simon said, ''Where'd you get that shirt?''

''Shut up Simon! And apologize to me for making those foolish eggs fall on my head!''

''Doesn't sound like me...'' He said. William was laughing so much, tears were coming out of eyes. ''Dude you made eggs fall on her.'' He said still laughing. ''You take a pic?'' He continued, still laughing his stupid eyes out. ''It's not freaking funny!'' I yelled.

''Chelse is that you?'' My dad groaned yawning.

''No...that's...Simon...'' I quickly said while trying to run upstairs, but tripping over someone's foot. ''Don't ever blame me for anything!'' Simon said, now making me realize who's leg tripped me. I looked up to find that pest, but all I saw was William high five it! Yes Simon is a ''it'' so what!

Is It Meant To Be (Under major editing again)Where stories live. Discover now