Chapter 50

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I sat a distance from Justin, observing his movements, but of course, his movement was the same as mines. Watching me with a sly smirk, except I was frowning. Abruptly, everything got black. "Guess who it is?" I heard from behind me, realizing that someone's covering my eyes, but from the slightly deep voice, disguised as a terribly heard high pitch voice, I knew who it was. "William...?" I asked making him uncover my eyes and lean on my shoulder facing me. "Bingo." He breathed making my heart skip a beat. How does he do this to me?!

"Stop teasing me, already, and make up with this bastard!" I commanded making William get off of my shoulder and frown, looking at Justin. "I know what he wants." William mumbled, but I couldn't hear him.


"So! Let's go on a date after-school!" William announced, looking shockingly happy from his serious state.

"I'll pass. I need to study for Ms. Darcy's class. She threatened on failing me in DDOF. I was so angry!" I said, slamming my head down on the table. "Hey, don't give yourself a unneeded red mark." William said with a nervous laugh. DDOF stands for "Daily Dose Of Fun" and it is the most stupidest subject in man-kind! What we do there isn't even educational, so why it's apart of our GPA is beyond me!

"I fucking hate her." I mumbled while picking up my head.

"She gave me an A+." William boasted making me shoot him a glare. "Hehe, sorry."

All we do in that class is play board games, video games, chat, vote for the next activity, and have a meeting about who our new MVP is, but it ends up being the same guy. Joseph Reins. Another popular guy that I don't really want to talk about right now. I always loose in every single video game, I end up getting hit in the head with a basketball when we take it to the gym and play girls against boys (It may sound like the boys always win, but it's just me being a loser. In reality, girls only either lose by 1 or win by 10), when we play board games, I always lose to Trina because she's a genius and hates me, when we chat, none of my friends have the class with me, so I just read a book, and when we vote for the next activity, I always choose read, but no one really votes for that, so I'm just another vote in the trash.

"She totally hates me! She basically screamed at me when lecturing me about the problem." I breathed with a small sigh. "Well, it's really easy to pass her class. All you gotta do i--"

"William, I appreciate the help, but you're not in my class and it's my fight not yours. Not to sound rude or anything, but right now I don't need a superhero." He looked shocked before putting on a serious face and asking, "But you help me all the time when I need help, so why can't I help you?" It's probably wrong for me not to let him help me, but it'll just be stupid for me to let him.

"It's because...I am your tutor, and by the way, let's not play vice-versa." He sighed and shrugged. "Well, I'm out. I feel Justin's eyes burning on me, and I hate the atmosphere of hatred. See yah!" I waved lightly before looking at Justin who got up, and was suddenly approaching me. Oh boy.

Jasmine's P.o.v.

I sat on my bed, crossing my legs and thinking about what I've just done. "I broke up with Christopher. I really did...wh-what'll he think of me now?" A tear slipped out of my eye, before more were following. "Will he me?" I was shaking, silently crying and thinking about everyone that I left behind. "I left everyone behind, but Christopher was the only person I had left. And I left him. What the hell is wrong with me?" I looked at my cell phone, which showed me a blank screen. "I need to call him back and say I'm sorry. I still love him and want him back! I need to tell him!...No!" I threw my phone across the room, not caring if it broke or not, and lied my head on my bed, snuggling with my oversized stuffed animal. "I left everyone. Now I have no one..."

William's P.o.v.

I'm hungry. I guess that I'll just go with Amanda to the movies and buy alot of things. I wonder if they still sell pizza.

Chelsey's P.o.v.

Why won't he just leave me alone with the William thing already!

Christopher's P.o.v.

When I got home, I flung my bag across the room and angrily went upstairs. "Hey Christopher! Guess what I--"

"I have homework to do, so just leave me alone, Amanda."

Amanda's P.o.v.

What happened to big brother? I must find out!

Nicole's P.o.v.


Jasmine's P.o.v.

"They're all probably having fun without me! And Christopher probably already found a new girlfriend! It's too late for me to get him back!" 

"Hey, Jasmine." I quickly looked at who was calling me since I'm supposed to be home alone.



Looks like someone gave Jasmine a little visit. Care to find out who?

See yah in the next chapter! --Lovely_girl_Writer <333 😘

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