Part 4 Dread

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Akira awoke with a start, something was wrong she didn't know what. But she felt it so deep, running through out her core. Until she was almost paralyzed, from the feeling

Akira are you ok" her dragon ask frantically in her mind. "REE" ..... "Do you feel it" .... she asked in a scared voice?" His reply was "Yes I have been feeling it for a while now." .... "What is it?" she asked her dragon. "I don't know but what ever it is it's big."

Should we tell the others she asked "not yet" was his reply. "We don't want every one under stress before we even know what we are dealing with" was his answer. "I know Ree but what in the land's could it be" she thought.

"I don't know and that really worries me" was his answer. "I think until we figure this out we should be preparing" was her dragons advice. Akira agreed whole heartily.

Seth and Linken watched day after day as Akira trained relentlessly. She was welding two swords now, walking around the academy. With her swords X inside a pouch on her back with the handles showing. She was always attired in full academy gear. To Seth it looked as if, she would have go into battle at any moment.

She made Seth train her long into the night's. Well past the point of exhaustion, for the both of them. She was training with her power to throw fire balls. She could now throw them so fast an accurate. Any one watching was instantly in awe. Then with her newest achieved power she was "shooting white light from her hand's." Demolishing rocks and boulders left and right.

As Seth stood and watched Akira he realized he wanted to marry her. To spend his whole life with her making her happy.

Linken spoke bring Seth out his daze. "She is committed to her position," Linken said with admiration shining in his eye's.

Seth said "you have no idea," as he was rubbing a really big bruise on his arm. Linken saw the bruise he had no doubt in his mind. As to how Seth had gotten it. He was looking at her right now.

Seth do you have any idea why she is training like,.she's going into battle" asked Linken.

Seth suddenly went stone cold, the answer was right in his face the whole time. He just thought she was bored, and tense since things had slowed down.

"Sir I think we will be facing a battle very soon," was Seth's answer. Linken replied "I believe you may be right by the way she is training. " I believe it will be our biggest yet" replied Linken.

Akira had took to sleeping in the stable's with "Redemption" it was the only way she could rest at night. The bond they shared was stronger, she could feel it, while watching her dragon sleep.

"Your right" his voice in her head startled her. "Ree I thought you were asleep," he snorted. "Who can sleep with all that stuff in your head." He cracked one eye open and looked at his rider. "We have been through so much together and we have alway's come back stronger."

"Akira you need to tell him what is happening." "But we decided not to say anything" she thought."Yeah well we don't know what's going on" "But I think now is the time to let them know something is coming."

"I say until we know for sure what it is, you should lighten up." "For Seth, Gina and Drake's sake, they are your friend's they miss you." "How do you always know what to say?" He chuckled "have you forgot who raised us." No " she thought "I could never forget,"DESTINY" she made sure we were safe." Yes she will always be in our heart." REE replied."

"I know that Seth is waiting for you on the roof." "I love you Ree" she said as she ran for the academy. "Have fun kiddo,"he thought.

She rushed up the lift's and went as fast as they would go. Finally she made it too the rungs of the ladder going to the roof. She climbed up only to bump into a warm chest.

Seth gently held her in place "in a hurry" he whispered. His warm breath felt wonderful on her neck, sending tingles throughout her whole body.

Seth clasped her hand and spun her around to face a blanket spread out on the middle of the roof. Two candles where lit creating a warm glow. Seth "what is all of this for" Akira asked? "

Just to lightning the mood, I thought you could use some down time." Shall we " he asked, helping her set down on the blanket.

Akira felt strange this seemed special.

Seth, sat across from her with his legs crossed. He had thought all day, about how he was going to pull this off.

"Akira I know something is going on." "I also know since you haven't said anything you have your reason's." "But I want you to know that you can always count on me."

"Akira l promise I will alway's listen without judgement to anything, you fell you can or need to tell me." "From day one since I found you wounded  and dying from poison." "I have wanted to protect you, at first sight." "Then the more I got to know you, all I wanted was to make you happy." "I also know with your position being the"Rider of Legend" that  you carry many burdens." "I can see them in your eye's and I wish I could do more to help." "The one thing I am sure of is my love for you it will never falter." "Do you want to know how I am sure?" She nodded yes with tears in her eye's. "It's simple the sun and moon along with the star's are always constant." "And I will be too for you for the rest of my life." "Akira will you do me honor of marrying me?"

"Seth I love you so much." " Yes" she said with tears in here eye's.

Seth pulled out a silver ring that that had been crafted into the likeness of a dragon her dragon. Two small yellow gem's made up the eye's, giving the ring a life like look."It's beautiful she murmured, I love it." And then they kissed.

After a while of talking, Akria decided she at least owed him an explanation, about her action's lately. "Seth I will marry you but we can't rush" I need to figure out, how to say this she thought. "Seth "Ree and I are getting these feeling's that we can not under stand." Why is it so hard for me to tell him she thought. "Seth we think something bad is coming and each day it get's stronger." "Ree and I can't be separated for very long at a time." "It's like we are one our bond has grown."

"Seth sat there thinking about what she had just said. It made him feel good, that she finally told him what was on her mind. But he was concerned about about what was happening to her and Ree. And what would come of all she told him. "Akria, I'm glad you told me what you have been going through." "I know it was hard for you to tell me, but I am glad you did." "Just know that what ever happen's you will always have me." " I do not mind waiting to marry you." "I am just happy, to know you are mine." "That is all I need to keep going on."

Akria, was in tears again after listening to what Seth had to say. They were happy tears .....

"It's about time" "Ree, said too both of them. "You are one noisy dragon she said." "I love the ring "Ree said. "Ree, you didn't enter my mind. And I didn't fell you enter my vision."

"That's because, I don't have to anymore." "Akira try to scan Seth I want to confirm my suspicions." "You said it could be dangerous just trust me." It just started automatically she seen vision after vision. And pulled out with a gasp.

Seth's eye's were wide open in shock."Was that you" he asked. "Yes"Ree, just told me to try it out on you."

"Akira, I think we need to talk to Linken, in the morning." "He may be able to help us figure this out."  "If Ree agrees then I will do it" she replied.

Dragon of Legend;  Light  Bk 5Where stories live. Discover now