Part 12 Black Dragon's

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Cassandra came to the basement, the next morning she seemed to be in a good mood. She was dressed, in a fancy blue dress, with lacy sleeves and high heeled shoe's. She wore her blonde hair, in a fancy up do, she had long dangling earrings on, with her lip's painted red and her eye's painted a dark blue.

To me she looked hideous, if this was fashion I, would be glad to pass up on it any day. Feeling well seemed to be, a thing of the past for me, it had been a very long night. I had vowed to hide how sick, I really was as long as I, could around this mad woman. I could see it as plain as day, every time she showed, up to taunt me. Her eye's held, more of the madness hidden within. I knew it was only a matter of time, before it took over completly. This was not good, the poor people of the land's, were in for more heartbreak and loss. If her action's, were anything to go by, they didn't have long before, she completely, gave into it.

"So I, see you are still alive, pity." She said. " I, thought you, would die faster. The good thing is, I have plenty of time, to wait, it's not like the past is going anywhere. Oh I almost forgot! I wanted to thank you, for providing me with what I needed, to rule, the future." Oh silly me, that's not right. I meant to say the past, present and the future. She said cackling, like a mad person.

"Oh really, and what might that be?" I, asked in a menacing tone, of voice. Just the sight of her rubbed me the wrong way. Why did thing's like this alway's seem to occur. I mean seriously, was this what I had to look forward, to for the rest of my life? Crazy, mad and control seeking people, alway's wanting to destroy everything, the land's had to offer? Why couldn't, people just be satisfied, with thing's, the way they were meant, to be? It was same story, just a different day.

"My Dragon's of course, without you and your dragon, mine could not have existed."

"What are you talking about, how are your dragon's even connected to me?"

"Oh I forgot, you do not remember. "

I seriously doubted, she had forgotten, anything, in her quest to torment me.

" It is because your mind, was being controlled at the time. I'm talking about, the six white dragon scales, and six vial's of your blood, left here for me to find. And the seventh, for some reason, was located at Haiden's, old place. You see I, had a machine built, that could grind up the scales a really amazing invention. I designed it all by myself. I rehydrated your blood, in the vial's and add one special ingredient. Although I, didn't have much of it, but what I did have, was enough. It was Deception's, blood. There was just enough to make, my dragon's, turn black. It was quite easy really, all I had to do;was add one powdered scale, with one vial of your blood. And a touch of Deception's, into a single dragon's egg. I, did this seven times. And behold." She said in an excited voice, waving her hand's around."I created my most fantastic, master piece's using what you and your dragon left behind."

I, felt a bad pain in my chest, but I, fought it off. Not to mention, the Pit forming in my stomach, from learning we were used. Not only once, but twice, by mad people with sick agenda's.

" I, thank, the land's that you were captured, in the present. And used, without your knowledge, so that I, could one day, rule it all. So you see, I do have you to thank. For all the power, I, have achieved, it really is all thank's to you. "

I was shocked, I mean I, knew she was evil, but this-this was just to much. I worked hard, to keep my face neutral. I, would not, show any emotion, in front of this crazy maniac.

Draven, stood at the door, watching Akria's, face as she took in the information.  Cassandra, just dropped on her. He didn't even know, that she had made the dragon's. He felt horrified, at the awful thing's Cass, had been up to, right under his nose. Akria's face gave nothing away, she just stared at Cassandra, like she would kill her, if she got her hand's on her. He admired Akria, for her courage, not many people stood, up to Cassandra, and lived, for very long afterward. She truly deserved, her title, Redemption, couldn't have picked a better person, to be his rider. Draven, felt privileged to know her, she truly was amazing.

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