Part 25 Suprise !

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As I laid on the roof of the academy I felt true peace and awe in my entire being. It was quite invigorating watching the sky as dragons flew over occasionally. It was truly a beautiful sight to behold. One I didn't get to savor often. I thought to myself how fantastic it would be if only I had more free time I was in awe of the way the sun was creating a warm nostalgic feeling of my youth reminding me of a time when I didn't have a care in the lands.

The birds were singing sweet melodies that were causing me to feel drowsy and complacent. As the fat fluffy cloud's were floating by lazily in the clear blue sky. They seemed to have a mind of there own today showing off as if they were putting on a show just for me.

I watched them looking for the most amazing shapes I could dream up. I didn't have to use my imagination hardly at all the usually hidden shapes were putting on a grand show today.

I snuggled up next to REE as I propped my head on his leg getting comfortable. Once in the perfect spot on him I let myself relax and while studying the sky in earnest. This was one of my all time favorite pastimes snuggled up to my handsome dragon. That is when we got the chance to spend leisurely quality time with each other. Which by the way I can attest to the fact isn't very often at all. And no where near as often as I hope for.

I have learned that in our line of life's circumstances you must take advantage of any special moment bestowed upon us. Truth be told we never know when it maybe our last. Not to sound morbid or resentful cause we are not. We were chosen for a reason to be the protectors of the lands and the amazing people we have meet or are not familiar with along the way. Every life matters if they can be saved and made to see that we only want what is in their best interest. I am proud to admit to myself that I and REE have finally fully come to understand what our true purpose of being the Rider and the Dragon of Legend is.

We are no longer juveniles! We have come a long way from the beginning of our relationship. We were children till the time came that stole our innocence away from us without giving us a say in the matter.

Even with all the bad. We have endured we have so much to be thankful for this is our lives and we will accept what ever happens. It's just a fact of life for us and I'm not sorry for my thoughts.

I could feel a huge smile of contentment slide upon my face. And I had to admit it felt amazing to finally be in complete balance with my emotions and fears. Feeling a whole lot lighter in spirit and mind I started looking for shapes in the clouds once more, mabey it was a child's delightful enjoyment but I could care less. I was having fun and I was truly happy and that means more than any amount of money could ever buy.

Wow Maybe I should have gotten married sooner! It feels as if everything in my life is coming together. I could have never in my wildest dreams imagined..... I could feel my face stretch even further upward in a huge grin. I let out a girlish giggle followed by an most embarrassing snort.

I quickly threw my hand over my mouth waiting on REE to give me a hard time. Instead he just stared at me with what could only be described as love and adoration.

"I knew when I first laid eyes on you after I hatched from my egg you were going to be the one I would choose to bond with for life."

"One look into your eyes was all it took to know I would never find another heart as pure as yours. Even if I spent years looking, I knew that would just be time wasted denying what was right in front of me." REE said.

I was free until it was time for us to meet with Linken to go over strategy. I wasn't alone since Redemption and Alzar were sitting on the roof watching the cloud's float by with me.

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