Part 26 Preparing to leave

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Thing's at the academy were busy it seemed everywhere you looked there was last minute preparations going on. There were people feeding there dragon's and others checking there supplies. Everyone was getting there dragon's suited up In there armor. The other academy's had been arriving for the past two day's. To say it was crowded was an understatement we were packed at the first academy. The last academy we had been expecting had just arrived it was
none other than Silas. Akria kept her distance when she caught sight of him. Even though he was younger and more handsome she didn't want to talk to him. He had given her and Redemption enough reason in the past to dislike him for a lifetime. She was more concerned about the fight ahead she had more to worry about than Silas. She polished Redemption's armor till it shinned so brightly you could see your reflection in it.
My Dragon deserves only the best she thought with a smile on her face. Redemption stared her in the eye and said. "My rider deserves only the best also. Thank you for everything you have done without your selflessness, I could never have known the joy of finding my mate and being a parent even though they haven't hatched yet. They are still special to Daffodil and I. Knowing the type of people that will be our babies rider's well to say the least we are pleased. This wouldn't even be possible without the love we have for each other Akria. Your heart never falter's it is always on a steady course the right one. The day I choose you as my rider was the best day of my life I knew you were the right person then just as much as I do now. I am sorry for keeping who I was a secret, you had been through so much already. I didn't think you were ready to know how much your life was going to change again. I thank the fate's for finding you. We have been through a lot kiddo. And we still have a lot more left to go through after this together." "That's one of the sweetest thing's you've ever said to me Ree."
"It's all true though I would have never gotten this far with another rider. I think the secret to our success has to do with the way we were raised." He said.  Akria thought about all they had been through before they ever reached the academy. The way they had to depend on each other for everything along with Destiny. "You are not just a dragon Redemption you are my best friend and you alway's will be." Akira felt her eyes get glossy at his words."I feel the same way about you kiddo. Now don't you have a meeting to get to so we can go kick some future butt?" Ree asked. A smile graced her face. "Yes I do, this should be interesting." She told him in a serious tone of voice. "Don't worry kiddo, I'll be with you the whole time." She smiled, There the ones who had better be worried he said to her. Seth walked up to Akria wrapping her in a tight hug. He smelled so good she inhaled in his own unique scent greedily, without even thinking about it. Do I need a bath he asked her, she blushed far from it you smell good. This made him smile, I like your scent to it alway's calms me down when I'm having a rough day or you have been in some kind of danger. It made her happy to know she had that effect on him. Well wish me luck I have a meeting with the old council and the new one's she told him. Redemption will keep them in line he's already told me he was going to eat Silas first if he gave you any trouble. Ah so you two have been conspiring behind my back she said with a smile. We do have a mutual interest , you are our girl after all, Seth said with a smile. She gave him a big kiss and turned to go inside the academy. Making her way to the meeting room she walked in without knocking. There in front of her on the left side of the room was the old council. she had first appeared before them not long after she arrived at the academy.. Except this time they were young men and they had smiles on there face's. This made Akria nervous, they had never smiled at her as long as she had known them. Silas of course was the first one to speak as usual . Akria looked at him he had changed a lot he was handsome with brown hair and sparkling brown eyes. I must apologize for the way I treated you when you came before the council in the past. We didn't want to treat you the way we did. But we decided that the best way. for you to do thing's was to have you figure a lot of them out on your own. I acted as the mean heartless person so that you could have someone to focus your anger on. While you thought we didnt like you or appericate you. That was all an act to push you and your dragon to hopefully reach your full potential. We were all surprised when rumor's of the white dragon existence had reached us. And he didn't show up here to choose a rider as all the other dragon's had done in the past. Needless to say we were all surprised when the Dragon of Legend showed up with a small girl. You had a lot of stress and expectations placed upon the two of you from the beginning. When you went blind we really did try to get your dragon to choose a replacement rider. When he so adamantly refused to choose another, we really did think all was lost. You proved us wrong on that occasion and every one after that. We all had and still have the upmost respect for you. We realized that the rider and the dragon needed to have opposition. All the other rider's before you were treated as someone very special and this we think gave them an entitled attitude. they didn't train and work as hard nearly as the two of you did. You two have shown extraordinary dedication to your role as The Rider of Legend" and Legend we realized very early on. The bond you two shared was stronger than any we had ever seen or heard of. To be honest we never thought you would get the hall of soul's open but once again you two together surprised us. To love Redemption enough to take your own life to ease his suffering is something we never thought anyone would do. She couldn't understand this comment who wouldn't do that for there bond mate. Ree replied to her most people would not be able to over come the pain. Long enough to think clearly at a time when they are dying Akria. Silas was speaking. When we found our replacements and it was our time to enter we didn't think we would be returning for a long time if ever. We owe you a debt of thanks and please except or apology for not keeping the faith. Silas said. Henry said thank you for doing the hardest thing you have probably ever done. She nodded. Nathanael looked her in the eye I alway's believed in your love for your dragon and kept the faith you would do the right thing. Thank you she said in a choked up voice. Kramer cleared his throat you have surpassed my highest expectations of you two thank you for giving me another chance. Now I can just focus on running my Academy instead of filling in as a council member. Brandon was the last to speak I never gave up hope on you. I know your heart and wether we win or lose I'm proud to be fighting beside you. If anyone can accomplish this its you and Redemption. The new council was sitting on the right side. Claus said I speak for us all when I say we are thankful of the sacrifice's you two have made for the land's. We will be fighting with you today as well. No Akria said you need to stay here in case I don't stop her the people left will need your leadership. Akria we appreciate your concern but if you should fail there will be no people left to council. The land's as we know them will be destroyed from what you have told us about Cassandra. she will not be happy until she makes all the times like the future. So we will fight to glory or death with you. can I ask a personal question she didn't give them time to answer. Akria blurted out are each of you a member of the same bloodline. There was laughing till Linken spoke that is what took each member so long to find a successor and train us between there double duties. Yes we are the original bloodline as far back as we know that has made up the council. That makes sense she said. Redemption spoke up so all could hear I accept your apologies but never disrespect my rider again. There was laughing throughout the room. What about Gina Akria asked? She along with the egg's will be placed in the chamber where we meet in the mountain. That's the safest place we could think of for her. Akria agreed. Does your record's state the exact location of the council's meeting chamber. No we didn't want it falling into the wrong hands one day. What about Lindsay she holds the future of Redemption's legacy also. She has been taken to the one in her time they assured her. But there is documentation of the council chamber in the present. It was known as the resistance hideout. Yes we are aware of that thank's to Dominique but there are deeper chambers that are unknown. Lindsay and Gina along with the dragon egg's will be kept there in secret well guarded. This took a load off of Akria's mind. They will be fine Ree said for only her to hear. Thanks Ree. A thought occurred to Akria one she wasn't sure anyone had considered. How will Lindsay's children get there dragon egg's if they are in two different time's? Brandon and Destiny have a theory on this. She could feel Redemption getting excited. That when she gives birth the egg's will go too there rider's on there own. How Akria asked? Remember trying to find them was like a scavenger hunt Brandon said. How could I forget she she said. Like I told you the first batch are magical. They will not be able to time travel when there grown. But they will have enough magic in them to be able to go to there rider's. And your positive that if I don't return they will be able to access there rider's. Yes Destiny sense's they will find them with no problem. This took a load off of her mind and Redemption's. They were happy that rees off spring would have a chance to hatch and be with there bond mate's. Well if that is all gentlemen I have to get my battle gear on. She looked each one of them in the eye's and said I'm proud to be fighting beside each and everyone of you. May the fate's see fit to smile on all of us today she said as she left the room . She hurried to her old room she still had her chest in there at the foot of her bed. She took out the parcel Hannah had left for her slowly removing it from from its wrapping. She thought it's now or never she slowly took the academy clothes off before she could talk herself out of doing this. She picked up the white dress that Hannah had made with so much care. She fingered the material marveling at how soft it felt. But she knew it wasn't as it appeared it was actually armor. She slowly slid it over her head and tied up the laces in the back of the dress that made it fit her form perfectly. She then tightened the laces on the sleeves they came just above her elbow's so she could maneuver in it easily. Once done she put her white uniform boots back on and put her gloves on last they were delicate looking but that was also deceiving they were made out of the same material, even though they were frilly and went past her elbows. Once dressed she went to the mirror and brushed her long black raven  hair. She then divided her hair into several separate section's and braided it into a fashionable but sturdy up do. Then she secured it in place with an ivory comb. The last thing she did was strap her new sword holder on her back with her swords forming an X upon her back. She took one last look in her mirror and didn't recognize the warrior woman staring back at her. She walked out the door. Every person that caught sight of her stooped to stare this didn't even faze Akria. She walked with purpose towards the door. When she walked outside everything came to a standstill people and dragon's alike stopped what they were doing. To admire the woman that was going to lead them today. She walked like a true leader who was not intimidated by anyone or anything. She looked to be the true embodiment of an ancient warrior goddess of old. The people around her were in awe of the power radiating from her. She was in a dress that was white they could tell it was made out of there uniform material the dress had a I'm in control look that only she could pull off. Her swords were gleaming in the sunlight she looked every bit the leader she was. Redemption looked her over and said you look ready to take on an army. His eyes were full of pride for his rider the two of them together were a sight to beheld. Seth walked up to her with a sparkle in his eye's you look beautiful and ready for battle. I am ready for battle Seth more than anyone can know. Will you wear this dress for me when we get back he asked with a twinkle in his eye's. If it will make you happy husband I will be glad to. He just grinned at her with a look even she could not mistake what it meant. She blushed. Is every one almost ready she asked Ree. He called out to the dragon's and humans minds. Ten minutes and we will be airborne sounds good to me she told him. Gina and Drake walked over to where they were standing. Gina said now that's a new look for you I never in my wildest dreams thought I of all people would see you go off to battle in a dress. You haven't met Cassandra before then. Just be glad I didn't wear the high heel shoes. You look fierce and beautiful all at once.. Thanks Gina's thing's won't be the same without you. Well I should hope not its not like I am your fighting buddy she joked but you could see the concern in her eyes. Akria could see the remorse in her eye's for being left behind. Drake looked at Akria and said I feel so underdressed. Gina whacked him. She is making a statement idiot it implies, I died but you can't keep me down. Gina I love you Akria gently placed her hand upon Gina's stomach keep these two safe regardless of how this fight turns out. I'm not worried about our people Gina said it's there's that better watch out. Thanks for the vote of confidence Akria placed her arms around Gina and hugged her. They both shed a few tears I'll bring him back safe if I can she pointed her head toward's Drake. Bring yourselves back safe I need you all just as much as I need my idiot here. Hey Drake said. Take care Gina and most of all I love you. Her and Drake walked off to say there own goodbye. All the council old and new walked out dressed for battle they glanced at Akria and each one acknowledged her. If they were surprised by her choice of clothing not a single one of them let on to the fact. In fact she seen a few give each other satisfied looks after looking her over. Seth placed his arms around her, I will never be sorry with the life I've had since you came into it. Neither will I Akria replied I love you Seth you hold a special place within my heart. Even time could not stop my love for you much less death. Seth replied neither time nor death will come between my feelings for you also Akria. She turned in to his arm's and felt all the love she held for him build up she willed it all into the kiss she gave him. She pulled away from him wide eyed at the love she felt flowing through her. Seth was in a trance when he came out of it he looked at her in amazement. How did you do that? Do what Seth. I saw your thought's from the first time you saw me and each moment that hold's a special meaning between us. It was like a moving picture of our best times together some I had even forgotten. Just look's and glances at first and then was like I was seeing through your eye's and feeling your emotion's it was a gift that I will cherish. She fingered her ring she wore over here glove and smiled. Stay safe and near to me if possible. I love you to so much just please be careful for me she implored. I will do my best to stay by your side he promised. Emerald was gleaming in the sun with his beautiful armor shining. He looked majestic as did his rider. Seth gave her one last look before he jumped in his saddle. Will ,Kaden ,Drake, and Cain, were mounted on there dragon's spread out on each side of her. Next was the council aligned on each side of her. While Dominique Anita , Savannah and Destiny and Liam and the rest of her future friend's were behind her. With Akria and Redemption in the lead everyone took flight behind them. Daffodil was On the right and Seth on the left. The rank's in the back had each been designated a leader to follow.They had a certain destination in mind. At what was once the clearing at Haiden's border they time traveled. 500yrs into the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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