Part 13 Getting Ready

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Thing's at the academy, were in full swing. The armory was working overtime they had outfitted all of the new dragon's with armor. Every time they would get caught up, more dragon's would appeared. Dragon's of all colors there were purple, Jade, pink , yellow , red , forest green , mocha , you name it , it was there. It was exciting, to see so many beautiful strong dragon's in one place.

They had filled up the back courtyard completely.   Linken, had started, directing them to the left side of the academy. It was the only alternative he could come up with. He was amazed at how many of them there were. But not only had it been just dragon's showing up. There were some that brought there rider, they chosen along the way with them. It was a bee hive of activity.

Hannah, was in her element busy making new cadet uniform's. She would fuss over each new rider like she always does. Making sure her measurements, were just right. And ensuring the color of there uniform, was the exact color as there dragon. Hannah, was happy having all this extra work to do. She likes to stay busy and at the moment she was swamped, any other person would be stressed out but not Hannah..

I was on the roof, with Redemption, he was in bad shape. I knew this meant Akria was in the same shape as well since, they mirrored each other's heallth. I wished she was here, with us. Then all this bad would go away. Ree's, breathing was so shallow at times, I was scared he wasn't still alive. The creamy colored dragon was sitting, by his side keeping watch. I wondered if I would ever see Akria, again? No, I couldn't think like that she alway's kept her promise's. I would not give up now she is mine and Ree's lifeline we need her. Without her I don't think we would survive. She is the best thing I, have ever had in my life, she make's life make sense. Redemption, growled out in pain, I moved closer and laid his head in his lap. I started rubbing his face gently, hoping this would provide him some relief or sense of comfort. I had to get back to training the cadet's soon, but Ree, come's first. I would stay as long as he needed me.

Later on that day, training classes was going great, I was up against Cain, I only used one sword to fight him. Cain spun around and kicked me in the gut, pushing me back causing me lose my balance and I fell quickly rolling out of the way. Then Cain, tried to land a blow with his sword. He didn't relent! He went after me again, I jumped to my feet and blocked the blow, as he tried to follow through. I brought his sword up at an angle, that rendered him weapon less. "That was a great fight." I told him impressed with the young boy's, fighting technique. " You almost had me." I said, the boy looked pleased with him self, as he should. He was really good at fighting.

Linken, had been watching the fight he was impressed with Seth's, ability with training, and the student's progress. He had never seen a more motivated bunch of cadet's ever. He knew each one of them had a goal in mind to help Akria. Even the ones that were brought here recently, by there new dragon's. He knew that it would be up to Akria, as to how things played out.

Gina and Drake were teaching a class of there own, teaching them how to fight as a team on the battlefield. The cadet's in there classes were as equally motivated to learn everything they could. They were fighting almost as good as Gina and Drake. The newest ones were catching on quickly. This made them proud, if things kept going like they were now. They would have an entire academy of trained fighters.

With first and second year cadet's, just as qualified as the fourth year. This was amazing, Gina, felt hope it felt wonderful. To know everyone was coming together, with a single purpose in mind. To get Akria, back. She prayed that it was possible. When she was with Redemption, she could tell time was running out. And it gutted her to know there was nothing she could do about it except to wait. The waiting to her was harder than having to fight in any battle, she had been in so far.

Drake, tried to keep a positive out look. When it came to the dragon and his rider. He knew they had no way to get her back. But she always finds her way home, some way or another. For Seth's, sake he hoped he was right. He knew his friend could not lose Akria and Redemption both. It would leave behind, a hollow shell, of his former self.

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