Part 7 The Stand Off

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A few day's had past since the attack had taken place. Linken, had returned he agreed with Redemption and me, that the only way the Night Watcher's could be here. Was only possible if there was indeed another Black Dragon.

The tension around the academy was so thick you could cut it with a knife. But the bright spot through all of it were the new dragon's. Almost every dragon-less cadet had been chosen by a dragon to be there rider. That still didn't explain all the rider-less dragon's and "draglins" around. They were coming in everyday as if a force were pulling them here.

One "draglin" in particular was giving Redemption, a had time it was a creamy colored one. Ree, did everything he could to get rid of the little "draglin." Blowing on it flipping a time or too, every time it got to close. He tried ignoring it, nothing he did would get rid of the little thing. It would just sit there and stare into Ree's, eyes or follow him around the courtyard every where he went. "Ree, said after a few day's of this action. " I give up trying to get rid of the little pest. "

"I see your most loyal and devoted fan, is still here," I teased Redemption with a chuckle. He said. Don't remind me, nothing I do make's it leave! " He replied in a horrified tone of voice. "Oh come now Redemption, I thought you enjoyed attention." I teased, I couldn't resist, it was funny to see a big ole dragon scared of a baby. I thought. "I do, but this is a little to much attention." He replied. "Oh come on Ree, don't be like that." I said to him. "It adores you." I sat down in the hay looking at the dragon in question. "Ree, put his head in my lap. I gently traced his face memorizing everything about him. "Ree, I'm scared. I don't know why. I just feel we are about to face the worst thing, we have ever had to face before." "Kiddo, I feel you as if it were me and you feel me as if I were you this is our feelings. Whatever happens I want you remember this for me, I will never give up on you Akria. I will alway's believe in you I chose you for a reason." He told me with conviction in his voice. "As I will never give up on you Ree. I'm really glad you chose me to we have been through some incredible thing's together. Good or bad doesn't matter we were together that's all that counts." I told him the words from my heart. The little "draglin," just sat there watching them, with a satisfied look in it's eye's.

"Akria," A hesitance voice called. "Hello Cain, I haven't seen you in a while. How are you? I asked hesitantly. "Better than I have been in awhile. I just wanted to stop by to tell you. That I understand why Will, died. Now a whole lot better, than I did, when it happened." 

He hesitated and took a deep breath.

"He didn't want Seth, to be the one, to try and bring you back. He knew Seth, wouldn't have been able to face you without killing something inside his own self. Wether you let him live or killed him or if by some miracle he killed you. There wasn't an answer there Will, could live with."

"So he took that decision upon himself. I think he knew he would not be returning. He cared enough about his friends to try and accomplish the impossible. I think he knew the proadle out come, better than anyone. And I think I, already knew this, all along but didn't want to admit it to myself. "

"Akria, I have tried to hang on to hate, but I realize it eats away, at the good in our heart's. And I just can't keep holding on too it, for fear it might consume me. After the meeting the the other day, I finally realize why Will, did that for you. It was out of, love and faith. He wasn't wrong to try, he was brave and loyal, to try and help a friend."

I am sorry that such bad things, were done to you. I didn't understand until I heard what you did."

You stabbed your own self to help us all. You know if you had told everyone, what really happened. They wouldn't, have been so scared of you. Or blamed you like they did. I can only imagine the things you have had to endure, and the secret's you have to keep as the Rider of Legend. I am sorry for acting like I hated you. Seth, was right the real you, would never betray anyone."

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