Part 17 A Prophecy Fufilled

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"Hello." I asked out loud, the sound of my voice echoed all around me reverberating several times till everything went quiet again. I could feel the hair on the nape of my neck stick up along with goosebumps rising on my arm's. "That's not the least bit creepy." I thought sarcastically." Is anyone there? I heard my voice echoing all around me again.

I couldn't tell if I was alone or not, the light in this place was to bright. It was the brightest white light I had ever seen, it appeared to have a celestial glow to it. It was even whiter than Redemption's, scale's.

My eye sight could not penetrate it no matter how hard I tried to focus on something. If I tried see anything around me and focus for very long, it actually gave me a headache. "That is one bright light." I thought to myself. Catching myself before I accidentally spoke out loud. I didn't know which was worse the irritating echoes or the bright light.

Giving up for the moment on trying to see through the light. I slid down the smooth but cold marble wall located directly behind me.

I started to wonder just where was Here?  And how did I manage to get to this place?  Where was I even at? All of these questions started to make me feel anxious and a bit afraid. Why was I reacting like this? What was wrong with me? Come on calm down Akria, I thought to myself you have been through way worse situations than this. The mental pep talk seemed to give me the focus and perspective I needed to clear my head of useless nonsense. I put all of my energy into trying to focus on what had happened, to cause me wind up in this place.

Bit's and pieces of my memory started to flash before my eye's. It felt the same way it did when I used my ability to scan people's mind's.

I gasped, as the memories came flooding back through me, like a tidal wave upon a rocky shoreline. There were some of these memories that made me begin to wonder, if I wanted to recall everything or not.

I was amazed by the fact that, I saw Redemption's, final moment's as if they were my own.

I saw myself yell out Redemption's name before he could die. I made sure that I died first, by plunging myself upon my sword. So that he would not have to experience anymore of the pain, than he was already in. I didn't care about my own self , I only cared for Redemption's, well being and stoping his suffering. He came first with me and he alway's would, even if I could only show it with one last act of love.

I also saw Seth, in the most agonizing pain, I had ever seen him in before. I knew Seth, would be devastated, but I took comfort in the knowledge that he would live on and eventually have a chance at a good life, without me one day.

But thinking about Redemption, broke my heart all over again. " Where is he? I yelled out loud. I thought, we would be reunited in death. "Ree! " I shouted to the rooftop. "Can the fates really be this cruel? I asked with tears running freely down my cheeks. Something inside of me broke. All I could ask is. " Where is my Dragon? " The question echoed around the room as if it were tormenting me. While ripping my heart to pieces at the same time. I pulled myself into a ball on the cold marble floor, in the fetal position. While crying harder than one would think humanly possible.

'He should be here with me." I croaked out in a broken voice. " I'm dead and he's not here with me." "Why?" I screamed out loud in anguish and resentment toward's the light.

Slowly the bright light started to form face's. I thought I was going insane for sure this time. The first face I made out was none other than Haiden's. The other's stayed far enough away that they remained out of focus." I'm in my own form of hell." I said out loud. "Not only is my dragon not here, but the fates thought it fitting to place me with you for all of eternity."

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