No Words for Love

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Tiffany and Sooyoung was inside a clothing store as they we're choosing for some clothes that fits for the engagement party of her ex. Well, Sooyoung agrees at Tiffany as the lady promised him for a month free food at Hwang's five star restaurant as she couldn't believe at the boy's simple thoughts. Every man she met was asking her to sleep with them, a date or be their girlfriend but this food freak Sooyoung only asked for a free buffet. He's so interesting to my taste. She thought.

Sooyoung wears every clothes Tiffany personally picks for him as the latter looking at him with awe. He suits very well with the clothes like he was a professional model, the boy dreams to become a model so he always watched some fashion related programs but obliviously to him that Tiffany has a close friend who works in a fashion industry but she was oblivious by the boy's dream. Well, Jessica also has a thing for fashion.

"So, Fany-ssi what do you think that suits me well out of this oceans of clothes you picked?" Sooyoung asked the lady who was still busy browsing a magazine.

"New York will be launching a new fashion event on the 20th." she said as she was still looking for every pages of the magazine.

"Yeah, many famous designer will be attending the said event especially Ms. Im Yoona as Korea's representative, she'a definitely sway off the others by her goddess looks and at her young age she was a successful designer/actress/model. Her boyfriend must be a lucky ass." Sooyoung states as the latter looks at him again with an awe. He knew everything about fashion, he'a different with other man who only knew for some monkey business, my ass! she thought.

"Do you have a thing for Yoona?" she questioned the boy but still her eyes fixed at the magazine. She was waiting for an interesting answer from Sooyoung.

"No, it's not like that, maybe she's so damn gorgeous but I haven't seen any girl yet that would completely caught my eyes. You know, there's no words to describe LOVE." Sooyoung honestly stated.

Tiffany looks at him as she thought that the boy was somewhat mysterious for her but she was glad that Sooyoung doesn't have any thing for her bestfriend Yoona. Is she had a thing for Sooyoung instead?  Fishy, huh?


The villagers was now preparing all for the festival tomorrow and many tourists were already arrives from different provinces nearby. Mr. Hong and Jessica welcomes all the people visited on their small village as they fed the tourists some of their delicacies while Taeyeon on the other side was hitting by some flirty girls on the village even some tourists that noticed his handsome face. Kudos for the popular boy of Jeonju!

Taeyeon was aware of it and he doesn't like it though but he have to treat them well for Mr. Hong and villagers hospitality towards them. He flashes them his smile with his dimples and even took a picture with them, he also let them to hugged and kisses him on his cheeks. Obliviously to him, Jessica's invisible flaring daggers flying towards his direction even she was busy with some tourists arriving to the village. Such a flirty dumbass, he left with those ugly homo sapiens. Is he wooing them? she thought.

Taeyeon felt uneasy he was awares that someone was keeping an eye on him all this time. Taeyeon and Jessica has a telepathy from each other.

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