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I stare at my Victorian dress in the mirror and my red hair tied up tightly on the top of my head. The pins holding it together stabbing and scratching my scalp and my corset squeezing my insides.

"Amelia darling you look wonderful." My mother gushes. She kisses my cheek and I smile. I didn't understand why I should look so nice when it's all going to come off when I shift.

This is my world. My pack, I guess I should say. I'm the daughter of the Alpha and today is my 16th birthday, which means it's my first shift. I've been practicing all week.

1. Find your anger.

2. Get angry.

3. Let it consume you.

4. Once shifted, find control.

I knew what to do and I was ready to see my wolf. I wanted her to be beautiful.

My mother and father showed me to some wonderful men from different packs. Some from silver moon. Some from green crescent.

Vampires were welcomed too since my best friend was a vampire.

"Oh my gosh! Amelia! You look stunning! Totally bite worthy!" There she was. That's Cheyenne (and yes, 'bite worthy' is a compliment). Vampires only turn humans into Vampires when they're in love. Otherwise, their venom is useless.

As I turn around, I catch a pair of blue eyes staring, but I think he was staring at Cheyenne. I step out of his way so he can get a better view of Cheyenne, but his eyes follow me. I blush a bit and turn to look at Cheyenne again.

Cheyenne had short, boyish black hair and a petite body just an inch smaller than my 5'4 frame. Cody, Cheyenne's beloved, returned to us with a cup of 'punch' (as humans call it) and gave it to Cheyenne. She stared hungrily at it, but stopped to look for a sign of disapproval from me. I chuckle and gesture for her to dig in.

Cody was probably a good head taller than Cheyenne and I. Good enough to look up at him, but not too tall. Cody and Cheyenne put their fangs away, and Cody escorted her to the dance floor.

I danced with a few men until it was time to shift.

I changed into a robe that no one would care if it got ruined.

We walked to the top of the double stair case, looking down on everyone. I took a deep breath as my father introduced me, but I wasn't listening. I repeated the steps in my head and realized that I was really nervous.

I heard my cue and began to think of things that make me angry. I took short breathes and I felt my bones start to shift. I let the anger consume me, and it grew stronger and stronger until I heard screams and cries.

I found control and looked around. Everyone was running and screaming. I turned around to a mirror and saw something strange.

A fox. A petite fox, on fire. I didn't feel warm or a burning sensation. I calmed my anger and the fire went out and I was left with a fox staring back at me.

'Hello Amelia.' What was that? I looked around but I saw no one talking to me.

"It's me, Olivia, your fox. I live inside you. Right now I'm outside you. You're inside me.' She explained and I understood.

I tried to calm everyone but they ran for their life when they saw me. I ran into my room and shifted back and dressed into my shorts and tshirt. I cried and realized how much of a freak I am.


"You cannot decide for me my future! It is mine and if I have not yet found my mate then all shall wait!" I yelled, seeing red start to circle my vision. I controlled my anger, not letting it surface.

"If you can't decide then who will?!" My father yelled, and that question shut me up.

"6 months, Tray. It's been 6 months since your 18th birthday. Find someone to be your Luna, or I'll find someone to be my Alpha," he threatened, and I gave him a short nod before leaving the room.

All I could see was red. My friends tried to calm me, but I was way out of reach. I pushed past them and shifted, sprinting into the forest.

Why can't I find my mate? Who is she?

Maybe we don't have one.

That's my wolf, Theodore. I just call him Theo.

Everyone has a mate Theo.

Then where's our's?

She's out there, and we're going to find her.


"Of course I'll be your Luna!" Malia cried and smiled joyfully. It pained me to know this woman didn't truly own my heart. Another woman out there did, somewhere far away there was a girl for me, and I'll probably never meet her.

A tear slipped down my face and I pretended it was a tear of joy.

Nothing was wrong with Malia, not at all. She was beautiful with her long, curly, brown hair. She had eyes that were brown but turned blue with her wolf. Malia had a bright smile that seemed contagious and was funny and smart. It wasn't Malia that was the problem, it was the fact that she's not my mate. I was her's though, and I had no one else.

I needed to be Alpha, I trained my whole life for this and I won't let anything take it away.

I looked at my father with a slight anger in my heart for him, but I knew he only wanted what's best for me. He gave me a curt nod and I knew it was final.

I was to live the rest of my life with Malia. I will never be with my mate, and I'll never truly be in love.


Later that night my mother joined me in my room. It was late and I didn't expect her to be up.

"Couldn't sleep?" She asked and I shook my head staring at the ceiling.

"Me either. Are you excited to be finally having your Luna, and your place as Alpha?" She tried cheering me up, but it only made it worse.

I sighed and turned on my side, my back facing her so that she can't see that I'm obviously in pain.

"What's wrong sweetie?" My mother asked. "I.." I started. "I don't love her. She's not my mate mom, but I have no other choice."

She stayed quiet. "Sometimes you just have to work with what you got." My mother always had a certain look, when she knew something I didn't.

By the way, my mother can see the future. Not too far but the near future but she never told unless it was going to harm us.

I narrowed my eyes at her and then fell back onto my bed, again, staring at the ceiling.

My mother left the room and my eyes shut and I let sleep take over me.

Welcome to my book! This is my first supernatural book but like most of you, I'm very fond of supernaturals.

Ghost, vampires, werewolves, banshees.

First chapter will be out very soon and a picture of Tray will too.

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