Chapter 5. Amelia Collins is Hope

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When I heard Amelia scream for help we immediately ran to her. My fangs automatically greeted the outside world as Cody and I pushed through the townsmen.

The door of her house was locked but that wasn't about to stop us. We knocked vigorously for the nurse to open the door but she didn't. Finally, Cody kicked down the door and found Amelia gasping for air, but the room was empty. Amelia was on the floor instead of her bed and the nurse was no where to be found.

I held Amelia in my lap trying to find out what was wrong with her but I found nothing. "Amelia, shh, it was just a dream." She shook her was and grabbed her throat like she was choking.

"Amelia it's not real, you're stuck in your nightmare." She shook her head and tried to speak but nothing came out. Her face, now blue frowned as a tear escaped.

Her body went limp, and she lay there in my lap without a sound. I placed my ear to her face listening for breathing but nothing came, then one slight breath. She was alive, but not for long.

"Cody! Go to the doctor, tell him to get ready, I got her." He nodded and ran out of sight. I picked Amelia up in my arms, which wouldn't even be hard for a human, and ran to the infirmary.

We placed her on the hospital bed and they plugged many machines into her. I started hearing the slow beeps of the monitor. Too slow to be living, but she's strong.

I thought about getting Tray, but if she hasn't accepted it, he will know.

I waited outside after the nurses had pushed me out, I didn't really worry because Amelia was strong. She wouldn't let her pack down for the world, she won't give up this easily.

I leaned my head against the wall as Cody arrived with my tea, then I switched my head over to his shoulder.

He was worried, that I could feel in my soul, I almost started shaking. I placed my hand on his as reassurance.

A few patients looked at us curiously, others anxiously. They knew that if we were here waiting, Cody acting like this, Amelia was hurt and not doing well. They were right, but we weren't going to confirm it because it would into cause chaos and Amelia doesn't need that right now.

What she needs, she needs her heart. Tray stole it and she can't take it back. Tray is her mate but he won't be with her. I thought for a long time and I still have no clue, seeing as it's obviously he loves her. He stares at her with so much love and longing, I'm bewildered by his choices.

I can also tell his wife doesn't really spend much time with him, or the other way around. I guess the bond isn't as strong when it's not your mate. I wasn't angry at Tray, in fact, Cody liked to hang out with them, despite being werewolf and vampire. Tray wasn't the type that let that bother him, though I never knew what they talked about.

This isn't about Tray though, this is about Amelia. Was it her sickness that did this, or what is something else? We still haven't found the culprit from the silver, and it's only spreading.

Cody and I do our best to run the pack, but it's not doing so good. The wolves are out of control, saying they don't want to be lead by "puny vamps" as they like to put it.

"Mrs. Winston?" I stood up and faced the doctor who gave me the short version of what's going on.

"There's more silver, it's killing her fire, her fox, and her human. If this continues, not only will she not be a Firefox, but she won't be alive. You need to find her mate, being rejected only made her healing process slower. There's a cure for her, she needs to stay warm, but she also needs one  Middlemist red flower. They're the rarest flower known to man, if they're to be found, they would be in this area. She doesn't have much time, a few months. If she doesn't get her mate, and the flower, she will die."

I didn't say another word before I raced back to the town. I called for every soldier that was in training, or had already been trained. 200 men and women showed up, wolves and vamps.

"Alpha Amelia is dying," I started not beating around the bush. "She needs a rare flower but no one has found one in over three hundred years." Everyone's faces paled, as did mine when I found out.

"We will set out tomorrow morning just before the sun rises. We will not return until we find it. We will find it. We have to." My voice broke at the end, I had to admit, I was scared.

I couldn't be scared though, I had to be strong like Amelia. I had to find this flower. Cody is going to get Tray, and he'll try to convince him to come back to Amelia.

Our pack was the smallest, but a lot of people depended on Amelia. They needed her to lead this pack, to take in the ones who have no home. She inspires people all around the world and she treats everyone like her own child. I can see it in her eyes when she takes another in, she sees herself. She remembers the long months when it was just her, Cody and I. She remembers starving, digging dens big enough for all of us. Keeping herself ignited all night so Cody and I wouldn't get sick and freeze. She sees herself in the people, and the people see themselves in her. Amelia makes people believe that they have a home, a place to be more than what everyone said they would. To be more than rejected, abused, broken, neglected, a freak.

Amelia Collins, was hope.

So...that was intense. Amelia is dying, Tray has rejected her, and Cheyenne just had a whole chapter to herself.

Can I just take a moment to tell you guys how much I love the votes? Because hey, I love the votes. This tells me that you guys are reading and enjoying.

Please don't forget to leave comments. I want to know what you guys think, and tell your friends about my story. If they love werewolves, vampires, romances, conflict, let them know about it.

I love you guys :x you're awesome >.< and I'll see you next time <3


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