Chapter 13. Healthy and Free

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"Mommy?" The small boy stared at Malia. He must've been only five. My orange eyes returned back to their normal color as I analyzed the boy from afar. Green eyes, brown hair, from the smell he was a wolf. Malia had black eyes though, or at least I thought.

Malia's eyes changed to a bright green, the same as the boy's. It kept switching between black and green, as if the colors were battling. Needing to know what's happening I searched through her mind.

"Stop please!" A man was hitting me to the point where I knew I was bleeding and I couldn't even see it. I felt it run down my body like water from a shower. I felt something begin to consume me, trapping what light I had in my heart.

Hello darling.

That wasn't my wolf. My wolf's voice wasn't that deep or masculine. Before I knew what I was doing, my husband, the man hitting me, was dead. I had ripped his heart out and walked out the door ignoring the screaming child, who only looked about 1. When I went to the doctor about my wounds, he removed my uterus because it was damaged.

~~~1 year before~~~

All the pain was over and I heard the tiny cry of a child. The doctor informed me it was a boy. When I held the child in my arms, my heart clenched. He was my pup. "What's his name?" Asked the smiling nurse and I smiled back. "Noah." She smiled and wrote it down on the white board.

Noah Jayden Jones.

He was my pup and I would never let go of him.

I gasped when I realized the child really was Malia's. Malia didn't try to kill me, her wolf was infected with evil and hatred. She was never in control. Slowly, I helped her up and watched her run to her son.

"I'm so sorry sweetie!" She hugged him as tight as she could. I looked at Tray and smiled as he pulled me close.

He spun me around and grabbed my waist. His eyes switched from ocean blue to glowing, electric blue. He was losing control. I wrapped my arms around his neck and crashed my lips onto his.

My fox leaped in joy as I felt his soft lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync and I found my fingers tangled in his hair.

Then Cheyenne ruined the moment by awkwardly clearing her throat. We pulled away and I blushed slightly.

Cheyenne grabbed Cody's hand and they rested their free hands on Cheyenne's stomach. They both smiled.

"Cheyenne's pregnant." Cody smiled and my eyes widened. I cupped my mouth and shoved Cody out of the way and hugged my best friend.

"Oh my gosh!" I squealed.

"Amelia?" Malia's voice rang in my head. I turned to her and smiled at the boy.

"I'm so sorry. I-..I don't know who that was..." She seemed lost in thought but happier than ever. She seemed free.

"It's ok. You're welcome to our pack anytime." I smiled and she cried with joy. "Thank you so much." I nodded and Tray glared slightly before I elbowed him.

'Don't make me throw you in that river

'I'd like to see you try Collins.'

I looked at him, which of course he had a giant smirk on his face. Before he could even blink he was swimming in the river. Everyone laughed and joined him, except me. I was never a fan of swimming.

As I sat and watched, a part of me felt empty. Like half of my heart was still dead. I shrugged it off and smiled as Tray climbed out of the river.

Tray pulled me close and kissed my cheek lovingly. "I love you." I smiled and felt my heart twist and flutter.

"I love you too Tray." I kissed his lips sweetly and laid my head on his chest.

"Go on a date with me, Amelia." I looked at him and blinked. It didn't take me long to answer. "Ok." I lamely said and he chuckled as I blushed.

Then it got quiet, and he looked like he was debating on something.

"What was it like? Dying I mean." I thought for a moment, trying to remember being dead.

"It's like a gap between then and now. I saw Malia come in with a syringe and inject me with it. After that, everything went blank and I couldn't feel, see, think. I couldn't do anything really. It's like I went to sleep without a dream. When you set the casket on fire, I slowly started to feel myself come back. Almost like I was being born again." He stared at me with pain evident in his eyes.

"I'm ok now Tray-"

"Did you know?" He asked. When he noticed how confused I was, he elaborated. "Did you know that the fire would bring you back?" I sighed.

"No, but I knew that I was going to die. My fox was already dead, my fire was out and I was so cold. I remember all I wanted was to be near a fire. So, I knew that I didn't want to be buried in the cold ground. I wanted to feel the warmth of a fire again. I guess it was my instinct. Fire always made me feel better." I paused and smiled for a moment.

"I remember when I was little, and I would get sick often. The only thing I wanted was to be alone and to sit next to a fire. I didn't need medicine or soup. All I needed was the warmth of the fire." Tray understood and smiled with me.

"I'm going to be ok Tray." He seemed to finally relax and we just watched the setting sun together.

Finally, I was healthy and free.

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