Cheyenne's POV
I giggled as I ran through the flowers, rolling down a hill. I squealed and laughed as the grass tickled my cheeks.
I stood up and help out my arms, running around like a bird. I moved my 'wings' up and down thinking of what it would be like to fly.
"Weee-umpf" I ran into something and hit my head. I held my head and groaned looking up at a girl my age. I smiled and waved at her.
She shyly waved back and stood up quickly. "I'm sorry I ran into you." She held her arms behind her back and let her head hang low.
I smiled at her, "It's ok, wanna play with me?" She nodded eagerly.
"What's your name?" She asked.
She had curly red hair, and really light skin. She had weird, brown dots on her face and red lips. Her eyes were orange which was the coolest part of her. She was really pretty.
I wish I was pretty.
"Cheyenne! What's your name?" She smiled at my name. "Amelia." Wow, her name was so pretty.
"I'm five, how old are you?" She nodded and held up five fingers. Yay!
I turned around to start running when I ran into a boy. Wow, I'm not doing very good today.
"Hey! Watch where you're going, girl!" He yelled at me. He seemed just a bit older than me. Amelia stood in front of me while I started crying.
"Don't talk to her like that you meanie!" She crossed her arms and the boy laughed and pushed her. She pushed the boy back, harder and he fell on his butt.
"My name's Cody, what's your names?" He looked at us getting back up. Amelia, helped me up, as I stopped crying.
"I'm Cheyenne, and this is Amelia." He hugged us.
"We're all going to be friends forever." I smiled and we all hugged.
Amelia was gone. That's all I could think about. My best friend, my sister, my hero, my partner in crime, she was gone.
It was like all life just left the town, it was more of a ghost town. No one left their houses, not even a child. No one made a sound. We all lived like it was a black and white movie.
I felt trapped in my room, but I couldn't find it in me to get out if it. I didn't want to live life without Amelia. I've known her since I was five.
Tears streamed down my face.
And Cody did it.
Everything was falling apart, my husband was a killer, my best friend was dead, and the city she used to run is dead too.
I gasped for air and sobbed holding my head in my hands.
I thought about how Amelia looked the first day we met, so small, shy, gorgeous. I was so envious of her but she taught me to love myself.
Amelia, Cody and I all scavenged through the woods, looking for anywhere to stay that night. It was cold, dark, and wolves were everywhere. Cody and I were scared, freezing and starving.
Amelia did her best to keep us alive, but I knew we wouldn't make it.
Amelia quickly dug a den and we all squeezed in, me laying closely to Cody. Amelia ignited her fox and stayed like that, Cody and I never loving fire so much before.
Look at me, I can't even take care of my own beloved. He was freezing, and starving and I wasn't even keeping him alive, Amelia was.
I didn't realize a tear had fell until Cody wiped it away.
"You can't think like that Chey, you have to learn to love yourself. You can't do everything yourself, but you can use what you can. You love him, and if it wasn't for that, he wouldn't even be trying to stay alive." Amelia had read my mind, no doubt. I smiled, really feeling her words touch my heart.
She was right, I had to love myself.
Amelia's words echoed in my head. I didn't know what to do. I had hardly any reason to live anymore. Actually, I had no reason to live anymore.
But again, I couldn't find it in me to move from this bed. It's like I was frozen in time begging for it to move. Begging for the pain to stop.
The funeral was tomorrow, and I know I have to go. I know he'll be there too, in chains of course.
Why didn't I reject him? Why didn't I rage at him? All I could do was look at him, staring into his eyes, looking for something, anything. I never found anything, shock, hurt.
Tray's best friend helped Cody, or the other way around, I'm not sure. I know Tray was angry right now, seeking revenge but it's only to hide the pain. You can look into his eyes and see him struggling to keep this anger in front of how broken he is.
If anyone was to touch him I'm sure he would just explode and then break down. Like a car running low on fuel, he's running low on anger.
I looked to my left to see the empty space where Cody used to lay beside me. Where we watched movies together. Where we talked about Amelia and Tray, and what their children's names would be. I laughed painfully remembering that conversation.
"I don't know, I think she would like Arabella." He tilted his head side to side. "Eh, I think she'd want something more common."
"What? She's going to be the first fire fox/werewolf and you think her name should be common?" He laughed and I smiled at the sound.
We sat in silence for a long time before either one of us spoke up. I had never been so sure of anything.
"I think we should have one." I heard his breath hitch but I didn't say anything. I just waited, the silence weighing heavily in the air.
Without warning he flipped me over where I was under him.
It worked, and I was now pregnant with Cody's child. I held my normal stomach and thought about the life that grows there.
I hadn't had the chance to tell Amelia, but I knew she'd be happy for me.
Oh Amelia, she was so perfect.
Sooo I know you're probably really mad at me right now...but look at the bright side...Cheyenne got another chapter?
Yeah so Amelia is dead, she died from the last gram of silver inserted into her system and now her fire is extinguished, her fox is dead, and she's dead.
Cheyenne is mourning over the loss of her best friend and her husband who has killed Amelia.What's your input?
Comment, vote, share!
Love you guys, don't hate me too much.

The Outcast
WerewolfWe walked to the top of the double stair case, looking down on everyone. I took a deep breath as my father introduced me, but I wasn't listening. I repeated the steps in my head and realized that I was really nervous. I heard my cue and began to th...