Chapter 7. The sound was loud in my ears.

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I stayed by her bedside for days and nights, Cody bringing me cloths and other essentials. The thought of Amelia never waking up lingered in my mind like a ghost. When it came down to it, I couldn't see Amelia waking up, but I didn't give up.

I held her hand tightly and kissed her knuckles. I swore, if she would just wake up and I could see her beautiful eyes again, her smile, I would never let her go. I was so selfish before, but now I know that I need her, but not only that, she needs me too.

Cody was now on the case of finding the culprit, which was not going well. Allies of my pack were lined up, looking at anyone and everyone to see if it could be them. No one has found anything yet, not even a clue.

I was asleep when I felt a twitch. I abruptly woke up and looked for any sign of her awakening, but I found nothing. My sleeping beauty, the thought brought tears to my eyes, and by this time I didn't care if they spilled.

I kissed her hand which was warm, that's my sign that she was healing. I heard her sigh, like she just came from another world.

Her eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks and I saw just a glimpse of her eyes. Her beautiful eyes that held so much confusion.

"It's ok sweetie. You're going to be ok." That was a lie. I didn't know if she was going to be ok. She had to be though. She couldn't just give up.

"Tray?" Her voice was so faint. I let tears spill down my face. "Yes sweetie?" She smiled at the pet name and I heard her heart flutter.

"When I die," those words made me want to double over in pain. You won't. I wanted to say but let her finish. "Burn my body. Bury the ashes and don't give a speech." I cried and nodded. I held her hand and she caressed my face while I lean into her loving touch.

Then, she went unconscious again and I continued to cry.

A few hours later someone knocked at the door and I let them in. They were the men looking for the culprit behind Amelia's poisoning.

"Did you find them? Anything?" They looked at each other and gulped before one of them spoke up.

"We found a fingerprint on the syringe used to poison Amelia." I almost did a happy dance seeing as we were so close to finding this person and me ripping their throat out. I raised my eyebrows when they didn't continue.

"It's Haden-"


"And Cody."

I walked out of the hospital without a second thought and once I was out I shifted, running after the men who have betrayed me. My feet took off, running fully on determination and adrenaline. I could feel and hear my blood pumping rapidly. The anger built up inside me until I snapped at nothing but air and growled at my own thoughts.

This wasn't me, this was Theo but these are the times I let him come out.

When I found the two of them sitting together talking, like they are planning. I hid in the bushes and fought the impulse to kill them then and there. I stayed down and watched them, listening in but there were too many sounds. I couldn't hear anything them.

Before I could make any rash decisions I took off in the woods and ran until I collapsed.

Cody and Haden, but why? I remember Cody being annoyed when Amelia and I met. I remember Haden pulling me down. Why though? Why would they want to kill my mate? Was Haden trying to take my place as alpha? Was Cody wanting to do the same to Amelia? I can't take this. It doesn't make sense but it's taking everything in me not to kill them at just the thought of them hurting Amelia the way they have.

I paced back and forth still in my wolf and I'm not sure how long I was there. I would run until I would faint and when I would wake it would still be light. I never saw night fall so I assumed it had been a slow day.

I had been there for two days.

I stumbled home, dehydrated, hungry, and dizzy. I walked into my house and passed Malia like she wasn't even there. I took a shower, made supper, and went to sleep.

I woke up in the hospital but I was standing outside of Amelia's room. I could see in because someone had moved the curtains from a big window. I went to open the door but it was locked. I struggled and shook the door knob but it wouldn't budge. I looked in the mirror and saw Cody injecting a silver liquid into Amelia's IV with Haden standing behind him. I roared and screamed and tried to bust the door down but I was weak. I hit if, but it didn't move. Then, I saw all the color drain from Amelia's beautiful face, and her lips turned purple. The sound of her flatlining was so loud in my ears and I felt hot tears run down my face.

That's what woke me up at 3:00am. Tears. I screamed and woke up crying and Malia wasn't there. I didn't pay attention to her but thought about what I just saw.

Even though it was only a dream, I just saw Amelia die. My worst fear haunts me everyday, being helpless and being forced to sit back and watch as everything crumbles.

I got dressed and went to the hospital to stay with Amelia.

Honestly, I was afraid to leave her alone because every time I have she's gotten hurt. If I'm with her, I can protect her and she'll live. Cheyenne will find the flower and she'll keep healing.

When I got there, nurses were running down the hall and yelling at each other. Panicked I ran to her room and just like the feeling in my gut told me, the nurses were running to her room.

I listened in, and just like me dream,

the sound of her flatlining was loud in my ears.

Amelia was dead and I wasn't there with her.

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