Chapter 6

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My reprieve only lasted as long as I was unconscious.   My luck ran out when I opened my eyes to find Axel sitting on his couch...shirtless.   I mean seriously?  Did the guy have to sit there in all his naked glory, with those hot as fuck tattoos on display?  There was only so much a woman could take.

"Are you done staring darling because we have some items that need discussed."

Groaning my head dropped back onto the pillow.   I was embarrassed for getting caught checking him out, but could you blame me?   Even in pain the man still had my blood heating up.  

Taking a deep breathe I sat up with my ribs protesting the change of position.   Fighting off the nausea I planted my feet and stood. Out of no where a hand gently steadied me as I swayed. 

"Get your fucking hand off of me.   I need the restroom and then we can have our chat.   I have shit to do." I angrily muttered. I hated having to depend on people, but having to depend on Axel took it to a whole new level.

My embarrassment was erased immediately when I realized how foolish I was being.   I hated being dependent on anyone, especially a man as arrogant as Axel but I didn't have to be a bitch about it.  At least the man was smart enough to back off and allow me the dignity of making my way to the en suite.   Squatting to pee hurt like a bitch, but brushing my teeth felt divine.   My face had definitely seen both better and worst days, but the bruises would heal, they always did.  

Mac, Hawk and Axel all sat on the couches when I finally emerged from cleaning up.  So this was how he wanted to play it, by calling in reinforcements, I guess it really didn't matter.   They only needed to know what I was willing to share and I might as well get this over with so I can head out.

Sighing I collected my thoughts as I leaned against the dresser for support. Standing seemed to be the better option, at least for my ribs.

"My father was Jackal, president of the Sons of Death.  I was raised in the MC until my father's death when I was fifteen.  I ran away right after that and have been on the run ever since.  Apparently I wasn't permitted to leave, that is why they want me."

They didn't need to know the whole story but I figured sticking to the truth or at least some semblance of the truth was best.

"Why not."   Leave it to Axel to ask the question and want more.

"Someone thought I belonged to them and I disagreed.   Without my father's protection I was a sitting duck so I ran." Some protection that was.   The man didn't have a fatherly bone in his body but on his order I was not to be touched sexually until I reached the legal age limit.   But once he was dead...

"If I remember correctly Jackal was murdered by his own club wasn't he?"   Mac leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees.

"Yes."   Right in front of my eyes but it wasn't like I cared.   That man was a bastard and hated me.   The feeling was mutual.  And I always felt he deserved more than just a bullet between the eyes.   

"Look guys I appreciate the help but you don't need to get involved in my mess.   The Sons of don't need them breathing down your necks...they don't play fair and they have no code."

"You mean like abusing woman?"   Axel interrupted. His glare causing me to fidget.   I hated that he saw my back.

"Mac can you take me back to my place."   I needed to get out of here fast and away from Axel.   The man affected me more then I was willing to admit.   I trusted him and I trusted no one...well maybe Mac, but that was only a little bit.   All this...emotional stuff was confusing me. I couldn't afford to lean on anyone.

"Sit your ass down Harley and talk.   Who thought you belonged to them?" God the man was relentless, his intense gaze never wavering from me.  Christ how was I going to get out of this.  I didn't need anyone's help.   I didn't do well relying on only got you hurt. 


"I said sit the fuck down.   If you think I am going to allow you to leave only so you can run again, your more stupid than I thought. I have two dead bikers in my territory and I need an explanation. Now talk...who thinks you belong to them?"

"You mean other than you?"  The comment came out before I could stop it.  Stupid mouth.

"Yes.  I don't like to share so tell me."   Share. Seriously

It goes to show you how much this man confused me since I was more concerned about his claim then the fact that the two bikers met their demise.

"Well here is a news flash for you Axel, neither do I and after the parade of girls I have witnessed in your lap this past week...well that ship has sailed.   I am not a member of this club or involved with any of its members, especially you!   My life is my own so stay the fuck out of it.   If I wanted help I would have asked for it.   Now I am leaving, either Mac can drive me or I can walk, it makes no difference to me."

As the door slammed behind me I could hear swearing coming from Axel as Mac tried to calm him down.  Yeah like that was going to work.  By the time I made it outside my chest was killing me but getting home mattered more than a little pain.

"Get in the truck Harley, I will take you home."   Mac held the door open so I could climb in.   Sweat was dripping down my face from pain by the time we hit the main road.   All I needed was my bed, sleep and another pill or two.   In a few days I could bolt again, leaving this town behind like all the others.

Only this time I knew it wouldn't be as easy.

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