Chapter 28

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For the past 10 minutes Nix and I sat back as the men blew up.   Watching the vein pulsate on the side on Mac's neck I was starting to worry about his health.   I wasn't sure how much longer we were going to let them rant and rave.

Nix was leaning back in her chair, her hands folded over her stomach, calmly smirking as she listened.  "Are you going to say something?"

"Nah let them work this shit out.   Once they calm the fuck down I will take the floor."

So yeah it took about another 10 minutes for everyone to finally stop shouting.   Thank heavens the MH was soundproof.

"Are you bone heads finished?   Good.   Now I know you don't agree with Harley's plan but, well you don't have a fucking choice.   Either you are in or you are out.   Simple as that.   Now do you have any men that have military training other than yourselves?"

"Yeah, about 30 or so other guys."  Axel begrudgingly replied.

"Good.   You need to get your rat out of the clubhouse tonight.   Send him somewhere.   Gather the men you think will be valuable.   I have got the weapons, ammo and bombs covered.   I just need able bodies."

Mac, Tank and Hawk followed Nix downstairs leaving Axel and I alone.  Dammit the woman needed to stop doing shit like that.  

"You know this is fucking crazy right?  You're going to end up killed or - worse."

"Not if Nix's plan works.   I trust her with my life and know she will stop at nothing from saving me.   I am not as weak as you think Axel.   Some how I forgot that, I just needed to be reminded of abilities."

I fought my bodies want to turn around and look at him but I couldn't.   I needed to let him go even if the concern I heard in his voice was crushing me, I knew that was all it was, just concern.   Not love.

I concentrated on sharpening my knives, ignoring the man behind me.   My body didn't relax until I heard the door slam downstairs.  I knew he finally did it, he finally did as I asked...he let me go.  And did it fucking suck.   I didn't figure he would give up so easily, but then again it was just another sign that he didn't love me.   Reality blows.   

Taking a few moment to reign in my emotions I was surprised to see Nix staring at me as I turned around.   With a brief nod of understanding we got down to work. 

A few hours later as the sky darkened, the traitor set off on a recon mission with two other brothers.   The rest of the clubhouse was silent even though the room was filled with 30 or so guys as Nix and I walked in.  

Not wasting anytime we began to lay out the plan even including who the traitor was.   The men were furious to say the least but held on to their anger better than expected.     Axel and Mac only chimed in when we started assigning certain men to a particular jobs.  

"So by 1900 hours tomorrow I want all my outer defense in place, hidden from sight, keeping an eye on your mark.  All my weapons have silencers on them, no need to worry about any neighbors.   So when you get the signal take them out and hide the bodies, toss the tracker I give you next to it.   Clean up will come in the morning and take care of them."

"Um...who exactly is clean up?"  Painter shouted out from the back.

Nix and I shared a look, shaking my head I turned around so the men didn't see me smile.

"No one you need to know of.   Let's just say their bodies will never be found and you will not need to worry about this coming back on you."

All the men turned from side to side in confusion.   I could understand why since they were unaware of Nix's connections.   My guess was that she already alerted the FBI on what she was doing and since Hunter has already been on their watch list...let's just say they were okay with it.

"Moving on.   Once the outer men disable security, move in.   There are about 21 targets total.   8 outside on the perimeter, two down the road.      If all goes according to plan, Harley, plus Hunter will also be inside along with the remaining 11."

"What about our traitor?" Fox shouted.

I guess these guys really didn't know what Hunter was capable of.   The man had no honor and was never going to pay over a dime, but that was the rat's mistake.   "The second Hunter has his hands on me, your traitor will be killed.   First Hunter doesn't have that type of money and second, he never makes deals." I responded as I looked at Axel.  I am sure he already figured that part out on his own, but the end result was the same.  The traitor dies, just not at the hands of the Renegades.     

Nix finished and took the men with her to hand out supplies.   You could see a little gleam in the eyes of the men who once served as they obediently followed the former Major.   I could tell Nix had already earned their respect in the hours she spoke.   Hell even I was impressed when she went into military mode.     

As the room cleared out I debated on what to do.   A part of me knew what I had to do, it was just the other part of me that was running scared.   Sighing in defeat I figured it was either now or never and it had to be done tonight.

They say there is no time like the present...yeah I guess who ever said that wasn't about to go tell their dad about a mission that was likely going to end up with me dead.

This was not going to go well.

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