I was such a horrible person. I felt like shit. Actually, I felt worse then shit, more like scum - no scum was still to good for what I was feeling. What the hell was lower than scum?
It didn't matter but whatever the hell it was that is what I felt like. Lower than scum.
After my sexual haze clear I realized what was going on and jumped out of bed, dressed and raced downstairs. Brothers were standing everywhere talking about what had happened. Apparently the run had gone bad even before they made it to the pick up point and our three guys were ambushed.
One was dead and another injured. The third brother Snake, who was sitting at the bar was banged up but fine. I didn't have any details of what happen to who but it didn't sound good. How did I not know brothers headed out? Well I was a little preoccupied earlier to notice anyone leaving but now in hindsight that was no excuse. Now my problems on trying to seduce Axel seemed petty and selfish in comparison. These men - these brothers pledged to protect me, but the trouble that was knocking at their door because of me.
And all I could think about was getting screwed.
My emotions were all over the place as I sat at the bar, ease dropping on the brothers conversations. All four attackers, who were now dead, bore SOD vests. A part of me knew instantly they were the ones to blame but my thoughts were confirmed I still held on to a sliver of hope. But I was foolish to even have that sliver.
Guilt reared its ugly head only to be followed up by sadness and concern. Over the weeks these men had become part of my extended family, although fucked up and unconventional, they were still family. And I still didn't know who was dead and hit. All I knew was Axel and Mac were still absent and no one knew the specifics.
To caught up in my own head the noise around me faded away until I heard a woman crying. Shit it was Mindy. She was Recker's old lady and Hawk was barely holding the sobbing woman up as she was stricken with grief. I guess I now know who died. Dammit Recker was a good guy and my heart ached that he lost his life because of me.
I knew I shouldn't have stayed. The second Axel showed up in that hotel room I should have found away to get rid of him. These men didn't need this type of complication in their lives and they sure as hell didn't deserve it. How dare Hunter's poison taint more lives. How many does he have to ruin before enough is enough? As I watched Hawk console Mindy my fear and concern began to morph into something else, something stronger, something darker.
Finally my anger took hold and I was instantaneously pissed off. Pissed that this happened. Pissed that it was linked to my problems and pissed that Hunter wouldn't fucking give up and leave me the fuck alone. Pissed at the life I have had to lead. And finally, I was pissed at myself.
For years I had played the victim and ran. City after city, job after job. Putting my life on hold as I just...survived. But I wasn't really living, more like just existing. Nix told me that.
And I was tired of it. Tired of running. Tired of always looking over my shoulder. Tired of being scared. Tired of being alone.
Well no more. Once Hunter's obsession started affecting those around me, I knew he had to be stopped. Fed up I stormed down to the cells were my father was still residing. It was time I stopped hiding.
Sitting on the cot reading a book he looked up as I stormed in. "Hey Davy..."
"Give me his number." No further explanation was needed and I could tell from his face my question was not one he expected. At this point I didn't really care what he thought, I was on a mission and this time nothing was going to stand in my way. After all these years I have finally reached my breaking point. Seeing Mindy devastated destroyed me in away I was still processing.
"Look Davy you need..."
"Don't tell me what I need Cricket. Give me his fucking number. One is dead and another shot because of all this bullshit. I am done waiting, time to speed things up."
Cricket stared at me for a few more seconds before sighing and grabbing the notebook on the table. After writing something down and thrusting the paper into my hand, he leaned down and kissed my forehead.
"For the record I think this is a huge fucking mistake...be smart about your actions." Nodding I pulled out my phone as I headed outside.
As the phone rang I paced under the large oak tree. I honestly hoped I never had to make this call, not for this at least.
"Hello" the voice grumbled.
"It's me. I need a favor."
"Yeah give me a second to set up. How are you?"
"Surviving. You ready?" I didn't have time to chit chat. Although just the sound of the voice brought back memories, now wasn't the time for memories.
"Ready, what do you need?"
"A location on a cell number." Reading the number I waited as they worked their magic.
"Got it. How far are you from a town called Branston?"
Shit that was the town over, thirty miles or so. Hunter was closer that I thought and that didn't settle well with me. "Send me the map and track it for me. If he moves let me know. Thanks I owe you."
"Not even close. You saved my life." After a brief pause the voice spoke again. "I am sorry I pushed. Sorry for all the shit I said. I miss you."
Again guilt surfaced. Guilt for abandoning the only true friend I had made over the years. Well as close to a friend as I allowed. Like everyone else, I kept Nix at a distance. I was called on it and didn't like having my shit smacking me in the face. So I ran.
"Me too. Thanks again, I will be in touch."
Hanging up I turned to find Axel coming towards me. Maybe it was the blood on his shirt that had my body panicking, I wasn't sure, but I knew it whatever it was, it wasn't good.
"Harley I think we should..."
I was never one for beating around the bush and I sure as hell hated when people did it to me. Patience was really never my thing especially now. "Cut the bullshit Axel, just tell me."
"It's Mac..."

Finding Harley: Renegades MC Story
Roman d'amourHarley has spent the last few years running from her past. She has finally settled down in a small town. Life wasn't perfect but it was the best she had experienced so far. For once she had a safe place to live and a good paying job. It was n...