Chapter 30

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Waking up, I stretched my sore muscles before rolling out of the bed.   The spot next to me was empty but still warm.   Guess I wasn't the only one that slept in.

Nix was already making breakfast by the time I made it downstairs.

"How you feeling?"

"Sore but good.   You would think running 5 miles a day would keep me in shape, but my thighs are burning and my back is stiff."

"Yeah flat paved road does not compare to uneven, forest terrain.   After you eat take a warm bath to loosen up your muscles."

Downing the pain killers she had laid out, I dug into the eggs and sausage that appeared in front of me.   We already downloaded everything last night when we returned and updated our blueprints to note where everything was set up. 

"Okay now roll up your sleeve."   Nix requested as she pulled out a vial of orange liquid. I had a feeling it wasn't orange juice.

"And what the fuck is that?"  God only knows what the woman was planning on injecting into me.

"The antidote to your paralyzing gas.   Not even the military has this baby yet.   But don't worry I tested it out several times. The effects last for 48 hours."

After jabbing me in the arm, she grabbed another one and handed it over to me.   Returning the favor, she tossed the used needles back in the tray. 

As we cleaned up, the guilt of our omission was starting to seep into my mind.

"Nix?  The guys..."

"Will be fine.   They don't need to know everything. We are still unsure who we can trust. Once they take out the outer defense I will be able to move in.   Relax.  Now let's get this show on the road.

A few hours later, in the view of a lot of the bothers.   Nix made her tearful goodbye, damn the woman deserved an Oscar.   Mac held my shoulders as we watched her MH pulled outside and the gates close behind it.  

Phase One – Completed.

As night fell, the BBQ was in full swing and the brothers, old ladies and whores were all partying.  Music filled the air as bodies filled the dance floor.   I continued to pour "special" mixed drinks that contained no alcohol for the men who were working later on.  

Everywhere you looked brothers were having a good time, leaving no suspicion that anything was going on other than a damn good party.  

Mac, who was still recovering from his wound was seated next to Axel and Hawk, they looked to be relaxed and enjoying themselves.   The only noticeable difference was the lack of women that usually surrounded them.   Several tried to get the men's attention, each failing miserably. I for one was quite relieved every time Axel ignored their advances. Dammit Harley let this shit go. I mumbled to myself as I cleaned some glasses.

"Hey Harley how you doing this evening?" 

"Oh hey Snake, I am doing great.  What can I get you to drink? Beer or Whiskey?"

"A water for me, my head is killing me.   Do you have any aspirin back there?"

"Oh sure Snake.   You poor thing.  You coming down with something?"  I asked as I handed him the pills and water.  The man really didn't look so good and that could cause problems.  Dammit Nix needed to know this. 

"Nah, don't worry about me darling, I just partied too hard last night.   Not was young as I used to be, I just have a hard time remembering that.   Damn Prospect challenged me shot for shot.   I won!"  He boasted proudly.  

"Yeah but at what price?  Drink all that water and take a seat.   You can keep me company and while your headache goes away."

"Thanks.   You're not stuck working all night are you?"

"Just another hour or so."

Several brothers came up and ordered drinks.   With each minute that ticked by my anxiety increase another notch.  All this waiting was killing me.  

A commotion broke out as a several brothers started going at it, knocking over tables and chairs.   Axel, Mac and Hawk immediately pulled the brothers off of each other.   The sweet butt who started the fight stood innocently to the side – yeah innocent my ass, the woman knew exactly what she was doing pitting the men against each other.   Stupid whores.

"Alright parties over.   Some of you have some runs to make so get fucking to it.   The rest of you assholes, get the fuck out of here."

Axel and Mac made sure the trouble makers headed out the door as a few of the other brothers cleaned up the mess.

"Well looks like that is my cue to leave.  Be safe."

"You too Snake."

The club cleared out relatively fast, the sound of bikes coming to life could be heard from the doorway.

Phase Two – completed.

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