Chapter 22

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Things remained quiet for the next two days as the men planned and plotted. I never left Mac's side as he recuperated. I knew I was driving him crazy but hey that was what little sisters did right?

"Dammit Harley stop fussing over me, I am a grown ass man for fucks sack and I don't need a little sprout like you fluffing my damn pillows."

"Oh stop your belly aching. You would be acting the same way and you damn well know it. Now before you started bitching I was going to say let's get you up and out to the main room. I know these four walls are closing in on you."

It took a while but I finally got the beast of a man down the steps depositing him at the bar. "No alcohol, Docs orders."

Pouting like a little kid he didn't protest when I handed him a glass of water and his pills. Even though he refused the pain meds, his antibiotics were non-negotiable.

The clubhouse was kind of mellow for this time of night but there were still brothers scattered around partying. Many pushed off the girls in their laps to come and talk to Mac.

If there was one thing that I absolutely hated about this lifestyle was the woman. Whores, sweetbutts, didn't matter the name, they were all the same and it disgusted me. 

After I made sure Mac was fed and comfortable I wandered around to look for Axel. Since I was nursing Mac back to health, Axel and I haven't had much alone time together and I realized I missed that with him. I know he wasn't happy that I was dotting on Mac but there was no one else I trusted to do it. Once again I was left dealing with the cold, reserved Axel.

Truthfully the man needed to make up his fucking mind about us.  It wasn't like Mac and I had that type of relationship and he knew it, he was just being a fucking asshole about it. There was no reason for him to get short with me and treat me like he has been doing. I tried to explain it to him but he just ended up storming out of the room pissed off. I was done with his mood swings and it was time we sat down and figured things out.   I was starting to develop feelings for the prickly biker and I didn't want anything I did to jeopardize that.

I tried asking Cricket for his take on things, but the man has been in a non-talkative mood for the last few days. Mac chalked it up to him going stir crazy locked up in the cell, but the Renegades didn't have a choice.

So that left me to figure things out on my own. I decided to park Mac in the main room for the brothers to keep him entertained and watch over him. Luckily it was early enough that some of them were slightly sober as I chatted with a few of them.  After a few minutes I excused myself quietly, I had a certain biker to find.

In the hall I (literally) ran in to Snake, he smiled and pointed over his shoulder, Axel was in his office. On the plus side it looks like we would finally have some privacy. Headed that way I prepared my apology for neglecting him these last two days. Seeing Mac hurt affected me more than I realized and it was hard coming to terms with that. It had been so long that I actually cared about someone, the overwhelming emotions threw me into "Momma Bear" mode, as Mac called it.

I guess I did go overboard but I couldn't help it, at least Mac got that, why couldn't Axel?   I had this urgent need to make sure Mac had everything he needed and I wasn't going to apologize for that. But Axel didn't deserve me temporarily forgetting about him.

As I pushed open his door my apology flew out the window as I watch as the kneeled blond bobbed her head up and down on Axel's dick. Since he was leaning on the desk I had a clear viewpoint of the whole sorid act.

The pain of watching the scene in front of me completely immobilized me, freezing me on the spot. Axel's hand gripped her hair tighter has his hips pushed his cock down her throat. Her hands clawed at his leather covered thighs as she moaned around his shaft.

As he tilted his head up to moan his release. His eyes finally met mine from across the room as he finished. Guilt briefly crossed his face before he looked down to pull the girl off him.

"Thanks, now get the fuck out." His voice tight and unforgiving.

The confused girl finally understood after she saw me standing with my hand still on the door handle. Even though I have only been here a short amount of time, all the whores knew who I was...and who I thought I was to Axel.

I guess I was wrong.

No bothering to close the door I watched as he just stood there like nothing happened. After tucking himself back into his pants he plopped down into his chair and slammed down a glass full of whiskey. Reaching for the almost empty bottle he filled his glass again.

"So we will go at my pace huh? You will wait for me right? Live off jacking off? Well at least we didn't drag this on and I actually fucked you before you fucked me over. Thanks for the lesson."

Slamming the door behind me I ran out and to the front door. I was suffocating and I needed air. My lungs hurt as I drew in breath after breath.


What the hell is wrong with me that men find it so enjoyable to fuck me over? Did I have a goddamn sign on my forehead that said "Easy Target?"

Well no more, I was so fucking done with this bullshit. I had nothing to lose going against Hunter at this point. This shit was going to end and if I had to die in the process then so be it.

A commotion at the gate drew my attention as I watched the driver of the large motorhome flip off the Prospect as they drove on through.

Hell I should have known the crazy ass would show up. It looks like the command central has been up graded from the size of the new vehicle as it came to a stop right in front of me. Smiling up at the driver I realized that reinforcements arrive at right time.

The yard was beginning to fill with brothers, all with their guns drawn and the engine was shut down and the driver crawled into the back. Probably to grab protection if I assumed correctly.

"Put your fucking weapons down." I called out as I approached the side door.

As the door opened it appeared my assumption was correct as I spotted the guns strapped to each thigh. Nix always did love to make an entrance.

As my friend approached me I could see some of the brothers take a protective step forward, including a pissed off Axel. What these morons didn't understand was that I was safer with Nix than I was with them. Especially now.

Without speaking, Nix walked straight up to me, grabbed my face and...kissed me.

Yep Nix always loved to make an entrance.

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