Chapter 32

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Earlier that night...

The clubhouse was empty except for a few stragglers that were helping with the clean-up.  The bar area was now fully restocked and wiped down. All that was left to do was take out the trash.

Leaning against the bar, I sipped on my Coke as I watched the guys stack up the extra tables and chairs.   If everything was going according to plan the men would have already made contact with Nix and gotten their targets locations.   Within the next thirty minutes they would be in position.  

Taking a few moments I closed my eyes and sent up a little pray, protecting these men who chose to stand by me.   I didn't need any more deaths on my conscious, especially...

Dammit why couldn't I stop thinking of that man?   I caught him in the act of cheating on me, Christ what am I a glutton for punishment?   The whore had his dick in her mouth, he moaned as he came...what more proof do I need?  

I should have stuck to my instinct that bikers did not make good boyfriends.   Did my childhood teach me nothing?   Okay so there were a few that could remain faithful, but those were rare.   What man could resist what was offered for free, no strings attached, on a nightly basis?  

Obviously not Axel...

Well that lesson was learned, at least it happened early on before my whole heart was invested...oh hell.   Who am I kidding, I can't even finish that thought without feeling like a lying idiot. The cheating scum bag already had my heart and crushed it. 

"Hey Harley, you okay over there?"  One of the prospects yelled.

Snapping out of my pity party I looked around to see what was left to do.   I didn't have time to waste crying over something that was irreversible.  Even if I could find it in my heart to forgive Axel, I don't think I could ever trust him again...and without trust, well then we had nothing.  

Throwing on my leather jacket, I grabbed the bags of trash sitting on the floor to take outside.   My anxiety was at an all-time high as I waited for our traitor to spring into action.  But I haven't seen him for a while.   I knew as long as brothers were around I was somewhat safe, but I hated this waiting game. 

The dumpster smelled like stale beer as I opened up the lid to toss in the bags.   We so needed to hose these things out as the smell was getting out of control.  At least they were far enough away from the building.

As the lid slammed down I turned to head inside.   Man was this night quiet, too quite now that I think of it.   Looking around I realized why - I was all alone, not a brother in sight.  Shit how the hell did that happen?   From the looks of things, the yard was already cleaned up and for the most part put back together.   Damn the prospects were good and fast, an hour ago this place was a wreck! 

Calming my nerves I decided to pick up my pace and head back inside.  I knew at some point tonight the traitor would take me, but that still didn't mean I was completely at ease with it.    I was almost to the door when I felt a hand grab my arm.

Startled, I assumed that the traitor saw his chance and was taking it. Christ this was it! But he had another thing coming if he thought I would go quietly. No chance in hell of that happening.

I turned swinging. My fist stopped an inch before it connected with my intended target.

I guess the shock of a gun pointing at my face was enough motivation to freeze up.   Slowly lowering my hand, I tried to absorb the betrayal that stood in front of me.  Nothing could have prepared me for the shock of who faced me and my mind raced trying to connect the dots.

"Don't scream, anyone that comes out those doors will be silenced instantly.  Snake get the rope, tie this bitch up."

Anger replaced my hurt as Snake, our known traitor, tied my wrists together behind me as I watched the second traitor make his way around the building.   Grabbing my arm Snake pushed me forward as I blindly followed a man I thought I could trust.   A man I thought I knew.  

"How could you do this Snake?  I trusted you.  Your brothers trusted you."

"Shut the fuck up Harley, I don't need to listen to your shit.   Bottom line is I need the money.   Hunter was willing to pay a hefty sum for you.  Win-win in my book.  Now get moving."

His hand tightened on my arm as he dragged me around the corner. As much as I fought his grip wouldn't loosen. So much for fighting. I knew I could scream but I wasn't prepared to watch any one else die right now.

"Snake you don't know Hunter - he won't pay you, you will be killed seconds after you deliver me.   Think about this.   Think about what your betrayal will mean to the club, to Axel..."

And to think I brought all this trouble to their doorstep.   If I would have just ran sooner none of this would be happening.  Axel would have never broken my heart and Snake would not betraying the Renegades.  

"I said shut the fuck up!   The club will never know.   And as for your precious Axel, well he needed to man up.   Hell I had to practically force that whore on him in his office that day.  What a fucking joke.  The man was so pussy whipped, we don't need a Prez that is weak, and you make him weak.   The old Axel would have had that girl on her knees within seconds, but not anymore.  You weakened him and it is sick and pathetic, he finally cracked after I told that to him."

My brain couldn't process information fast enough.   Sure what Axel did was inexcusable, but it wasn't intended, he didn't go out looking for it, it was forced on him.   I don't know why that made me feel a tiny bit better but it did.   But wait...when I walked in there they were all alone.   If he truly cared he would have pulled the whore off him seconds after Snake walked out, but he didn't stop, in fact he finished, a sight I got to witness.  

But then again maybe my expectations might be just a little bit too high.  The man did have his dick shoved down a girl's throat, how much will power was I expecting him to have? Christ why the hell was I thinking about all of this shit right now.   I had more important things to worry about.  Like staying alive.

"Quit fucking talking back there, we need to get the hell out of here before anyone spots us or the two bodies I left behind."

My blood chilled.  Two bodies? Were they dead or alive? And who was this person?  Did I ever really know them?

This wasn't supposed to happen.  There was only one traitor – Snake.   Only he was supposed to take me and not kill anyone in the process.    That was Phase Three, to go quietly with him.   No blood shed just a kidnapping.  Dammit things were going to shit real fast.  

Now the tables have turned, we were no longer in control of this situation and Nix and the men were unaware of the new development.   Shit!   The men were sitting ducks and in danger.  If Snake somehow got word to Hunter then our plan was fucked! Everyone was fucked!

Did Snake know of our plans?  Was all this secrecy for nothing?  I guess it didn't really matter if he knew or not, because I knew for a fact his partner in crime did know.   Hell he even helped plan some of it.  FUCK we were so screwed. 

Digging my feet in the dirt, Snake slammed into my back.  Wrenching my body left to right, his grip finally broke free after my knee connected with his balls.  Grunting he bent over instantly cupping his family jewels.

"BITCH!"  He yelled through his clenched teeth.

"Dammit Harley why can't you play nicely?   You never know when to fucking quit do you.   Snake get in the fucking car and stop your whining.   Now this can go one of two ways.   You can either get in the fucking car voluntarily or I can make you."

Anger seethed from my pores as I stared down my own personal traitor.   He didn't really know me if he thought I planned on rolling over and cooperating.

"FUCK YOU! How could you do this to me?  I trusted you!  I believed you!  How could..."

"Because you didn't leave me with a fucking choice, you should have listen!"

Pain exploded on the side of my head where the butt of his gun connected.   My last thought as the world faded away and blackness took over was how much I wanted to kill this bastard.

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