Chapter 35

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This was it.   It was now or never.  There was no turning back even if I wanted to.

As I jumped behind the chair, I wasted no time. I immediately tossed three more knives, watching them as they sliced through the air, each a direct hit.  Good to see my aim was still accurate even with my blurred vision.   Nix would be so proud that her hours of training finally paid off. I never understood her reason for training me while I was drugged, until now - now I considered her theory pure genius.

Even though my knives were small it was the location that mattered.  A direct hit to the throat took anyone down, regardless of their size. An artery was an artery. Three bastards down, three to go. 

"You fucking BITCH!"  Hunter screamed as he tried to get up off of Cricket gripping his injured hand with the knife still lodged in it to his chest.     Spotting his gun on the ground I made a grab for it as an explosion shook the building violently causing me to stumble as debris fell from the ceiling.  

Shit, looks like I wasn't alone, I totally forgot about the surprises Nix and I left last night.  How the hell did I overlook that part of our plan?   Oh right I was trying to stay alive, silly me - I joked internally.

With a rejuvenated sense of hope, I picked up the gun while the men were still confused on what the hell was going on.  That tiny window of opportunity was all I needed.

Apparently luck was on my side and I may just make it out of here alive.   With two shots, the man by the window fell to the ground.   Unfortunately my aim was starting to waiver and neither was a kill shot, but I would take what I could get at this point.   From my peripheral vision I watched the man screamed as he clutched his shoulder with one had and his gut with the other as he collapsed to the ground. 

You know when they say don't speak too soon...yeah well I didn't get that memo because my luck ran out as a large body tackled me, my back slamming against the solid concrete knocking the wind out of me.   Shit that hurt.  Hunter used my temporary lapse in attention to his advantage as his unharmed fist continued to connect with my face.  

"You fucking bitch!  I can't fucking wait until I have you under me...begging for mercy as I fuck you until I see your blood running down your thighs.    I don't know where you got it in your head that you can beat me, but trust me little girl it will be me that is doing the beating.  I won't stop until my marks cover your body and your blood coats the floor."

I listened to the crazy man rant as I blocked hit after hit, only a few getting through now that my reflexes were back.   Using all my body weight I twisted and turned until finally his body weight collapsed completely on to me. I looked around the psycho's shoulder to see Cricket laying like a rag doll next to the turned over chair. 

Fuck yes! Just in time...hell maybe luck was on my side.

Pushing Hunter off of me I laughed as confusion clouded his eyes. 

"You don't know who you are fucking with this time Hunter.  I have learned a few new tricks since the last time we met up."   Pulling him up by his vest, I dragged his paralyzed body up until his face was inches from mine.  "You feel that...that loss of power.  Your body frozen in fear – the inability of movement.   It's one of my little creations and from the looks of it, quite effective."

Pushing the scum away from me, I stepped over him as his head collided with the flooring.   "You fucking bitch..."

"Oh Hunter how the tables have turned."  Laughing I unzipped my jacket to pull out the supplies I put in there earlier.   If I remembered correctly from Nix I only had ten minutes before the effects of the gas would ware off, so I couldn't delay. 

As I expected, three of the men were dead from my knives, having bleed out, so I ignored their lifeless bodies.   Stepping around Snake's dead body I found the guy I shot bleeding profusely from not only the wound in his should but his gut as well. Guess my aim wasn't so off since he didn't look so good.  Yeah me! Since he wasn't dead yet, I turned him over as he swore at me and twisted his hands behind his back and tied them off with magnetized wire. 

To look at it, the gadget resembled two small metal tubes, much about size of the metal things on the top of a pencil.  But encased in each side was a tensioned wire that allowed the object to be wrapped around wrists.   When the two sides are reconnected the magnet locks into place and the wire tension tightens so there is no way to escape.    My specially treated wire was pretty much unbreakable, unless you hand a good pair of bolt cutters nearby.   The only way to get out of them is with the remote I created that demagnetized the locks.    

After securing a very pissed off Cricket and Hunter, I breathed a little easier knowing that I finally had the upper hand and tossed their weapons across the floor.  For a few moments there I was worried...okay I was scared shitless but hey I was still only human.  

"Don't bother trying to fight it, the drug is only temporary.   Plus I want you to have full feeling when I drive my knives into your flesh."   I acknowledged as I watched Hunter grunt and swear on the ground, determined to regain his mobility.  

Up righting the chair I took a seat and allowed myself a few moments to clear my head.  I knew that after the beating my head sustained that I needed to move things along and fast.   Passing out was a possibility and even though the men were secure I still wasn't safe.

"You are so going to pay for this bitch!"  Hunter shouted.   Unlike Hunter, Cricket didn't seem to be fighting his situation, he almost looked...calm?   Just lying there on the concrete, his eyes watching me with...concern?   What the hell did the fucker have to be concerned about?  It was mainly because of him that I was in this position.  Sure ultimately I still would have ended up here but I wouldn't have been alone. Or with this killer headache.

Where the fuck was everyone?   So much for reinforcements and having my back.   From Nix's carefully laid out plan the men should have been in the building way before the smoke bombs went off.   It wasn't like Nix to fail.  I stopped myself from proceeding with that train of thought.  Once I dealt with these two assholes I would figure out what the hell happened outside.    

My body shook as I tried to regain my composure since at this point I was only surviving on pure adrenaline and determination.  Now was not the time to have a complete breakdown, later sure, when I was alone I was going to cry like a little baby from the residual stress, but right now I need to finish what was started. It was time for my nightmare to finally end. All these years the bastard haunted me day and night as I fought to survive. It was time for my redemption. Redemption of years lost running from this fucking psycho.

Watching my two prisoners I noticed by the movements of their legs that the effects from the gas were starting to wear off.   In about another three minutes they would have full function. It was time to stop stalling. I had no problems killing Hunter, hell if I was honest with myself I was looking forward to watching the life drain from his eyes. No Hunter wasn't the problem.

Cricket was.

I just learned that the man was my father...but was all that a lie to? And if so, then why? Revenge? On me? For what, what did I do that caused him to hate me so much. And how could I forget Hunters comment earlier about a second daughter? What the hell did all this mean. All I knew for certain was that I needed answers before delivering my final kill.

Leaning back, I had successfully pulled out two knives from my jacket when I heard the unmistakable sound of a gun being cocked, right about the same time as the cold metal pressed against my temple.

Fuck!   In all the chaos it never occurred to me that there could be anyone else in the building.   A stupid mistake on my part.  

A mistake that potentially could turn deadly...

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