You know that moment when you wake up in the morning where you teeter between sleep and consciousness – when you are subtly aware of your surroundings but not completely? Well that was the moment I was experiencing right now, only with a few differences.
Mainly I couldn't remember ever going to bed, so why was I waking up? Also the cold concrete I was laying on was definitely not my bed. Keeping as still as possible I tried to assess my surroundings, not an easy feat when your head throbbed to the point of wanting to lose consciousness again. My stomach suddenly rolled like a title wave and I quietly drew in deep breaths through my nose to prevent the contents from coming up. This was not good.
Come on Harley focus. Breathe. In. Out. In. Out.
The fog in my brain began to lift slowly allowing me to figure out what the hell had happened. Christ this was worse that my last hangover.
So what did I know? Well, I was laying on a cold concrete floor, definitely not in the clubhouse anymore. But where the hell was I and how did I get here? My mind was blank. The last thing I could remember was serving drinks to the boys, but then...nothing, nada. Not really the most opportune time to loose memories, because I had a feeling I needed them right about now.
From the lack of feeling in my fingers I knew my hands were tied behind my back. Overzealous bastards, did they really need to tie them this tight?
Praying no one was behind me I tried to flex my fingers, hoping to get the blood flow moving. From what I could tell without moving, my feet were not tied so I guess I had that going for me.
The voices in the background were muffled and unrecognizable, mainly from the loud drumming that took up place in my head and refused to leave. What the hell did they hit me with, a two by four? Struggling to clear my head, panic began to set in as my memory started to trickle back into place.
Shit the plan.
Nix. Axel. Mac.
That bastard Hunter.
The Traitor.
Dammit come on memories I need you to speed the fuck up, my life could be in danger. Okay scratch that, my life is in danger.
What time was it? Did the guys have enough time to get into place? And where the hell was Nix? Something went wrong, I could feel it. But what?
My body shivered from the cold that was seeping through my leather jacket, thank god I had it on because without it I would be freezing. Did they have any heat in this place? And why was is so fucking cold? jacket. I had my leather jacket on. Thank fuck!
My half numb fingers tried to reach the edge of the leather. With as little as movement as possible, I pulled the leather around until I found what I was looking for. I was a fucking genius! Well I guess Nix was since she took my idea and implemented it.
"Here take this." Nix threw a leather jacket my way.
"Nice but I have a leather jacket almost identical."
"Yeah I know, but this one...well it is Nix-ified."
The smooth leather hugged my body as I zipped it up. Like my other jacket this one was more of a fitted style, I hated bulky jackets.
"Now as you can see here is a piping of sorts that serves a dual purpose. First, well it looks badass and the second...well I will let you figure that out."
Looking in the mirror, my hands glided over the material as I tried to figure out Nix's surprise. From first glance nothing stood out but then I started to concentrate on the piping she pointed out. There were six thick lines that ran from just below my breasts down to the edge of the jacket. Each section was about an inch in width. As my fingers caressed each raised bump I could feel that there wasn't much give in the padding.
Trailing down to the edge, my fingers stopped and curved under the seam. I could tell it wasn't a normal sewn edge. Instead of an even stitch, was a hidden flaps that tucked into the seam...what the hell?
I was more excited than a kid on Christmas morning when I pulled a knife out that was securely tucked inside the bottom of the seam. It wasn't big but it would do the trick. The blades were not huge but they were sharp as fuck.
After a few swipes of the blade, the rope finally broke away allowing the blood to rush to my fingertips. Damn that tingled like a bitch. Gripping the knife carefully, I tucked it into my back jean pocket so that I didn't accidentally drop it.
If memory serves me, I had three more knives that I could reach in the back and six more in the front. Steading my breathing so I didn't give myself away, I successfully slid out the three other knives, tucking another in my back pocket and one up each a sleeve.
As my brain fog lifted, the events that lead me to my current situation became clearer. The party. The fight. The brothers heading out.
My brain fast forwarded as the image in my head confirmed our error. My error.
Dread began to settle over me as I realized the grave mistake I had trusting the wrong person.

Finding Harley: Renegades MC Story
Roman d'amourHarley has spent the last few years running from her past. She has finally settled down in a small town. Life wasn't perfect but it was the best she had experienced so far. For once she had a safe place to live and a good paying job. It was n...