Chapter 46

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"Sneaking out in the dark huh?  Didn't think you had it in you."

Jumping around at the sound of Nix's voice, once again having the living daylights scared out of me.  

"Christ, what the hell is wrong with you people?  First Mac and now you.   Doesn't anyone sleep around here?"

Laughing, Nix tossed me my keys.  "I knew you would be out eventually.   You never intended to stay no matter what those morons thought.   If anyone understands your actions, I do."

Thank heavens.  Finally someone gets it.

"Thanks Nix, I appreciate it.   I knew you would always have my back."

"Always. Now the direction to a cabin are on the front seat with the keys.   It is fully stocked.   I will be checking in on you daily to make sure you haven't gone completely crazy."  She sternly stated like a mother hen would.   It was still weird to see this side of her, Nix was usually one to keep her emotions in check and to see the slip out was unnerving.  

"Thanks, I think."  I reply, still confused by her recent change in behavior.  

"Look shit is about to get real.   For years you have suppressed shit.  And now Pandora's Box has been opened, hell it got cracked wide opened.   Be prepared and don't let the darkness suck you in too deeply.  I get that you want to do this on your own for some fucked up reason but know if I feel things are getting to much I am coming so deal with it."

Smiling, I nodded.  Too chocked up to answer her because I knew she was right.   I wasn't sure the why I just knew I needed to do this on my own.  But I also knew that Nix wouldn't leave me flapping out in the wind.  Hell I was positive there were cameras everywhere in that cabin for her to watch over me.   Instead of being freaked out, I was comforted knowing she would be watching over me.

"Now go before you lose your window of escape.  I will stick around for a few days before I head out."


"You are making the right decision.   I get it, he is hot as fuck and he probably just rocked your world, but you need to heal on the inside first.   He will get that...eventually.   Plus the immature fucker needs to grow up and realize what he just lost.   You are an amazing woman Harley and didn't deserve the bad hand you got dealt with.   But shit happens and you move on.   Now is your chance to finally put all of that shit behind you.   When you do you will be stronger for it.  Trust me."

Jumping into Nix's arms I hugged her as if my life depended on it.   I knew Nix experienced her fair share of shitty stuff but she refused to talk about it.   She refused to live in the past, she always said.   I heard what she was saying but a part of me knew there were something's that still haunted her.   But I guess nobody got through life completely unscathed. 

"Thanks again Nix.   I will be in touch."

"I know you will, I won't give you the choice.   For what it's worth, I think he does love you, but just doesn't know what to do with it.   You never know this might force him to mature and you can still have your happily ever after."

"You know I don't believe in fairy tales...but it is a nice dream to hold on to."

"Then hold on to that.   Also know Mac and I are only a phone call away.   You are not alone, you just choose to be – but hey I am not one to judge."  She joked. 

With a final hug I climbed in my jeep and headed out of the compound.   As I passed through the gate, Mac and Nix stood in my rear view mirror as the night sky began to lighten.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I left them behind.   Mac...Nix...and of course Axel.

For the first time ever, I found a place that I didn't want to leave.  I found people I didn't want to leave.   And I hoped that one day when I came back...hell I don't know what I hoped for.  I just knew that for the first time in my life I had hope...and that alone was a beautiful thing.

The End.

But don't worry - there might be an epilogue.

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