Chapter 7

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After two days of sleep my body was on the mend and it was now time to get the hell out of dodge.   But for some reason I was reluctant to start packing my shit up.   I mean I didn't own much, mostly just clothes and that would only take me about an hour to pack up. Normally I would be rushing, but for some reason I wasn't and that bugged me.

That question has been haunting my mind since I got home...did I really need to leave? The smart answer was yes, I need to keep moving, but when would all this stop?   I like this town, I fit in and Mac was here...and as much as I hated to admit it, so was Axel.

Dammit, that stupid man kept popping up in my mind and dreams but that didn't mean anything.   It couldn't mean anything.  Besides he already proved that any woman would do.   Men were only good for causing pain, even Axel.   He may have not laid a hand on me but seeing him with those other woman...hurt like a bitch.

I know I had no claim on the man and hurt his male ego when I turned him down but that still didn't give him the right to flaunt all those floozies in my face.  Did it? Was I being just a tad bit irrational? I mean it was just a few kisses.

After all, he was a free man and I had no claim on him, he could fuck who he wanted to but it still hurt to witness.   I was so clueless when it came to men since all of my experiences with them didn't end well.

The door to my apartment burst opened to reveal the man currently occupying all my thoughts as well as Mac and Hawk.

"Thank god you are okay."  Mac rushed over and hugged me causing me to cry out.   I was getting better but my ribs still hurt.   Mac muttered a quick sorry as he let me go.

"What is going on and why are you all armed?   Axel are you bleeding?"   Pushing Mac out of the way I rushed to him as he looked out the window.

"Dammit Harley, get away from the window."   Confused I allowed Axel to push me back into the kitchen.

"Will someone tell me what the fuck is going on?  You are starting to scare me."

"The bar was hit by the SOD.  Luckily only me and a couple of guys were there having a meeting. Thank fuck Mac keeps weapons behind the bar. Three of ours are injured and four dead from the SOD.   The two other bastards ran."

Axel and Mac continued to discuss the earlier events as Hawk kept watch.   I sometimes forget the man was ever there as he didn't speak much letting the other two hash it out.

"I don't understand.  Why would they hit the bar and not the club broad daylight?  It makes no sense, this wasn't like them, they never hit head on. What could they gain for such a blatant attack?

"You darling...they were looking for you."   Axel stepped forward and his arms caging me in against the counter.   "Now we need to have a little chat as to why the SOD just shot up the bar that you work at."

Blood drained from my face as the events finally dawned on me. "The girls..."

"Are all fine Harley, now please start talking, Axel and I need to know what we are dealing with so we can protect you."

What they didn't understand was that they couldn't.   Hunter was not going to stop until he got to me, especially now that he found me.   Shit I guess the rush was if fact needed.

I tried to push Axel back but he didn't budge.  The man even had the audacity to smirk at me.  "I am not going anywhere, stop stalling and talk.   I have men bleeding at the club that deserve to know why they got shot at."

Great now I just feel guilty.   This is why I don't do attachments, that way no one but me gets hurts.   Fuck this sucks. Defeated I sunk back against the counter and gave them what I could for the time being.

"Fine.   Hunter...he is the new president, well the one after my dad anyway.   He has had this obsession with me since I was about thirteen.   As I grew so did his fixation on me.   He didn't like that I was just out of his reach...especially sexually."

That was until the night my dad was killed.   Shit I can still feel the pain that bastard inflicted on me that night.   I didn't realize that I closed my eyes until I felt a warm hand cup my cheek.

"He killed your father didn't he?   To get to you..." Axel asked.

"Yes...right in front of me so that I knew that I was no longer untouchable."   I whispered.   That was the first time in my life I felt true fear.   The look in Hunter's eyes right after he pulled that trigger still haunted me.

"Shh...darling you are no longer alone.  I won't let that bastard near you.   Now go pack some things as you are staying with me until we sort this mess out."   Looking from Mac to Axel I knew I didn't have a choice and frankly I was too sore and tired to argue.

I don't know if it was the pain killers or the fact that I was still recovering, but my will to fight them was gone. I needed more time to heal before I disappeared again.   In the meantime I needed to stay safe...and that meant trusting the least for now.

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