Chapter 21

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My heart pounded as I flew past Axel and headed to the infirmary.    On the once white table laid Mac, covered in blood.   His torso was bare excepted for the large white bandage that was covering his left shoulder.

"Is he..."  I couldn't even finish the thought let alone the sentence.  Over the months this big burly man found a way through my walls and began to mean something to me and that scared me.   He was overbearing and protective, two qualities I associated with what a father or big brother would possess.   He walked me to my car and checked on me when I wasn't working.   He bought soup over when I was sick and basically looked out for me.   From the first time we met this weird bond we had started to form and it was what kept me tethered to this town.  

Crying I grabbed his hand and gave him a squeeze.  No matter how much I pushed this man away he kept coming back.   I used to find that trait so annoying but now I was thankful for it.

"He is fine Harley.   The bullet did some damage but not much.  Doc was able to patch him up.   As you know Recker is dead but because of Tank, Mac had a fighting chance.   He lost a lot of blood but hung in there."   Axel's voice sounded close so even though he wasn't touching me I knew he was standing right behind me.

"Big brother I need you to wake up and get better.   I need you to yell at me and boss me around.  I..."

"Christ sweetheart I ain't dying – at least not yet, no need to get all weepy eyed on me."

My watery eyes shot up to stare at Mac's stupid lopsided grin.   "So big brother huh?"

"Well you got so huffy when I called you old and I figured now that I have a dad again you could take up the big brother spot I was lacking."

His eyes became glossy as he squeezed my hand back.   "First of all I don't GET huffy.  And yeah I guess that is a good spot to be in.   Now stop your fussing, one little bullet won't take me down."

I could tell that Mac was fighting the drugs Doc gave him as he began to reiterate what had happened.   It wasn't until he finished and passed out that I realized Hawk, Tank and Snake were in the room as well.   Tank began to fill in the blank spots after Mac was shot and out of it.   The only reason Tank skirted by unharmed was because he was driving the van and the bullets missed him.  

"Did you get their names off their patches or could you describe them?"  I asked. Hopefully they weren't the guys Cricket trusted.

"Um yeah, why?"  Tank questioned.

"Let's go talk to Cricket.  He might be able to shed some light on who they were.  Might not make a difference but it is worth a shot."   I needed to know what I was going up against.   Checking my phone I saw that Nix already sent over the location I asked for.   I needed to know what I was walking into.

Leaving Mac to rest, I followed the guys downstairs as Tank caught Cricket up on what had happened.

"Yeah big guy with the face tattoo is Peck.  Mean son of a bitch, he was one of Hunters main guys, up there with Slash.   Thank fuck that psycho is dead.   The red head was Irish, his specialty is torture, another crazy fuck if you ask me, Hunter liked to collect the unstable ones.   And the last one was...Reece."  

Thank God I was sitting down otherwise I would have fallen over at the sound of the name.   The first two were newer members who joined after my time, but Reece...well yeah I knew him.   Reece was well I guess you could say my first crush.   When I was thirteen right about the time Hunter started his obsession, my attention was completely drawn to one teenage boy...Reece.  He was fourteen at the time.

We would sneak away when I could and spend time together.   He was born into the club like me so there were many times we got thrown together at functions.   He was always by my side, even as kids.   And to hear his name...

"Davy, he wasn't the same man you remember.   After – well after what happen to you, the boy changed, too much for a seventeen year old if you ask me.   And not for the good, he did what was needed to survive.   He was also young and impressionable and that was his downfall.   After a while he started to believe the shit Hunter spewed.  I tried, I really did but too much had gone wrong."

Taking a few minutes to morn another person ruined because of Hunter, I wiped off my tears and lifted my head.   Confusion stared back at me as the men stood silently letting me have my moment.

"He was just a boy I once knew...doesn't matter now.   Hypothetically, if Hunter was to come here his self, how many men would he have with him?"  

I knew the question wasn't so far out there that it would raise any red flags but I could see the look my father was giving me, I wasn't fooling him.

"IF he was here and that is a big IF.  Hunter would only surround himself with those he absolutely trusted.   The man never leaves the compound, he is that paranoid.   Anyway you have killed five of his disciples so far – that leaves around 20.   Our numbers are only around 50, well now 44.   The rest he would have left to protect the compound and carry out pre-arranged runs."

So 20 men.   That didn't seem to bad right?   Okay yeah that was bad.  Crap this might be harder than I thought.

The rest of the day Cricket listed who he thought was a threat and what we needed to watch out for.    I quietly listened mentally taking notes while the men discussed different scenarios.   I briefly felt guilty for keeping the information on my phone a secret but this was my fight and there was no way I was letting any more brothers die because of me. 

" I said find out where he is and I can help you take him down, I know Hunter.  Now I just need a location."   Cricket's eyes seemed to meet mine as he spoke.   Again hard to fool that man that technically did raise you.   But I wasn't the same helpless little girl and he knew that; otherwise he would have ratted me out by now.  

Once I figured out a way to break out unnoticed, I planned on ending things once and for all.  And if that ended with me once again in the hands of Hunter, then so be it.   But no one else's blood will be on my shoulders.

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