Chapter 34

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Cricket remained silent as Hunter continued to bait him.   "So one daughter for the second one?   I really didn't think you had it in you Cricket.   I have to say your loyalty is surprising?" 

Second one?  What second one?   Did Cricket have a daughter?   I was so confused, shit how bad was my concussion?

"Now where the fuck is Slash?" He demanded getting in Cricket's face.

Laughing, I proudly spoke up before Cricket.  "I killed the bastard.  And fuck did it feel good, to hear him screaming as I shot off his dick.  Cried like a little baby, it was priceless really, wish you could have been there."  I couldn't help but to taunt the crazy fuck.  Shit I have gone mad.  I knew the game I was playing was dangerous but hey what did I have to lose?   By my calculations I was dead anyway, might as well go down swinging.  

Shocked, Hunter's gaze shifted from me to Cricket who confirmed my claim.  

"I don't fucking believe it.  So kitty grew some claws.   Oh this is going to be fun breaking you in again."   The sound of the smack echoed in the empty room as the back of his hand connected with my face.   Pain exploded along my jaw as my vision clouded.   I could tell that my wound from Cricket had reopen as blood trickled down my cheek.  

As I fought against the pain in my head I listened as Hunter continued to rant and rave.   "...fuck you first then let my men have a go.   You think that tight pussy of yours can handle twenty men?   No worries there is always your ass and mouth, so we can spread it around.   Once your training is done, you and me...oh we are going to have some alone time.   For years I have anticipated when you would return to me, just wait until you see the special room I have just for you.   Oh I pray you are strong enough to survive."

Dread filled my veins as I listened to him detail the torture that was waiting for me back at the clubhouse.   This man was one sick fuck, he took the BDSM thing to a whole new fucking level.    His whips and chains were meant for pain, not pleasure...except for him.   The sick bastard got off on watching women bleed and beg for mercy...or death, he said jokingly.  

Crickets face paled slightly as Hunter shouted nonstop the different ways he was going to make me bleed.   It seemed my so called father had a heart after all.   A traitorous bastard, but I guess still human.   It was a relief to see he didn't agree with Hunters colorful commentary.       

Shaking my head I began to wonder where the fuck everyone was at.   Nix and the guys should have been here by now!   But then again I didn't know for sure if Cricket tipped them off and our plan was fucked.   Pain pierced my heart as the thought of everyone dead flittered through my mind.  

Dammit focus Harley, you can worry about that shit later.   Staying alive and killing all these fuckers was my main priority, all the other shit can wait until later.   Closing my eyes I tried to concentrate on my training.   It was slightly ironic that Cricket was the one who first taught me all about knives.   I was a kid around 7 or so, too small to handle a gun, so he thought knives were a better option for protection.   Over the years I perfected my skill and aim.   Now I planned to kill him with the talent he imparted to me. 

Years later when I met up with Nix, we were joking around one day as I helped her clean up her array of weapons.   For fun I tossed her knife at a target and hit the bull's-eye.   I had never see Nix speechless before but that did the trick.   For the next thirty minutes she kept handing me knife after knife, each one hitting its mark she called out.   From that point on, Nix focused all her training with me around knives, seeing as they were my specialty.   Hence, why my new jacket was the perfect gift for me. 

Taking a deep breath I righted my body, facing both Hunter and Cricket.   Hunter looked slightly demented, his body radiated with anger and hatred.   I knew that I needed to act and act fast if I planned on having a chance at surviving.

My head couldn't take many more hits before it would impair my movements so I guess that time was now.  From the looks of it Hunter was on the verge of losing it, well that was questionable since the man was already crazy, but from the look in his eyes I knew my time was running out before he snapped.  

For this to work I needed for him to move closer to me.   He was too far away and I would never have the leverage I needed to be successful.   Pissed I flexed my jaw, my eyes never wavering from the asshole's glare. 

"Still abusing women I see Hunter.   Always were a fucking coward.  Can't get a women willingly so you need to use force.   What a pathetic excuse for a man, always have been and always will be.   No woman wants a man teetering on the brinks of sanity.  Fuck it is no wonder your have driven the SOD's to the ground."   

And that folks is how you initiate the reaction you need.   I knew Hunter had a short fuse and right now I was banking on it to trigger him into action. In hindsight it probably was not the smartest plan but hey I was desperate.

This time I was prepared and before Hunters hand made contact, my hand swung up stabbing his palm through with my knife and just for fun gave it a little twist before I pushed him away from me into Cricket, the momentum taking both of them down.  Screaming he fell to the floor on top of Cricket giving me the leeway I was looking for.

Let's just hope it is enough...

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