Chapter 15

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"...come on Harley let me hear you scream."

The whip connected again with my torn flesh.   The pain intensified as more blood fell to the floor.   I didn't know how much more I could take.   My thighs and lower regions hurt from Hunter raping me, but this was so much worse.



The sound of the whip was the only noise in the room.   My throat was raw from screaming, my voice gone.   Even the pain was beginning to numb...please just let me die...

"...fuck you look beautiful covered in my marks.   Now for my prize..."

With his hands squeezing my breasts, he thrust into me from behind, tearing me even more.   Tears silently fell as he used my body for his own pleasure as I hung from the ceiling.

"...fuck you are so goddamn tight.   You. Feel. Amazing.   Yeah, you feel that princess that is me tearing you in two..."

Sweat dripped down my chest as I bolted up screaming in bed.   I tried to control my breathing as the nightmare had my heart pumping.   On shaky legs I stood and headed to the bathroom where I splashed some cold water on my face.  

Throwing on some clothes I headed downstairs for a drink.   I knew that there was no way I could fall back asleep with those memories still fresh in my mind.   A couple shots of vodka would help that problem.

The clubhouse was packed with brothers and club woman, many way past the point of intoxication.   The sweet butts were barely dressed and some completely naked.   Surprisingly this didn't shock me, I knew bikers partied and they did it hard.  What did shock me was the woman giving one of the brother's head in the corner and another riding a brother on the couch.  

Note to self...stay off the couch.

Sticking to the shadows I surveyed the room taking in all the action without being seen.   I didn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable with my presence, but I needed a drink.   Saddling up to the bar on the far side of the room I asked the Prospect working for a glass and a bottle of vodka.   I must have looked worse than I thought since he gave both to me without any questions. 

My body started to relax by my fourth shot.   The vodka burned as it went down my throat, comforting me in a weird way.   I liked how the heat of the liquor warmed my once chilled body.  The lingering effects of the dream began to wash away. 

In the past I was never safe enough to turn towards alcohol to drown my memories away, but since I was as safe as I was ever going to be it seemed like a good idea.

"Sweetheart, you might want to pace yourself, no need to keep up with the boys."   Mac said as he took the seat next to me.   Avoiding his gaze I tipped back another shot.

"Talk to me look like you have just seen a ghost and drowning yourself in that bottle is not going to help."

"How the fuck would you know old man...the bottle is exactly what I need."

"Old my ass, I am only 38 and I know what you are looking for is not sitting in front of you."

"Don't you have a bar to run or a woman to fuck, either way leave me the hell alone Mac, I know what I am doing."

I was numbing my pain and damn it felt nice, why the hell didn't I ever do this before.   The cool liquid was starting to take full effect and I loved it.   That gut wrenching fear left from my nightmare was starting to dissipate and for once I felt like I was floating without a worry in the world. 

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