Barely Breathing

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Chatper One - Taylor POV

Taylor’s Plane Outfit 

“The captain has now turned on the seatbelt light. We are about to descend into Sydney. Please fasten your seatbelts to ensure your safe arrival. All electronic items must now be switched of. Thank you for flying Qantas.” I heard vaguely through the music blaring through my ears. I gave the airhostess a biggest dirty look I had ever given as I pulled my earphones from my ears and switched off my iPod. I pulled the seatbelt on and gazed out the window as we flew over Sydney Harbor. As I looked at the world beneath me, I tried to spot where Whitehouse was. For those of you who don’t know, Whitehouse is a school of design that I had been accepted into for fashion. I got accepted into the Sydney school, which turned out better for me because my cousin lived in Sydney. My parents had reservations with me living so far away from home (I’m originally from Perth) but had come to the conclusion that I was able to live and go to school here if I lived with my cousin. And my parents finally agreed. I waited till everyone was off the plane before I got up, everyone was in such a rush to get of that I was off too In no time, I made my way through the gates and put my glasses on so I could actually see where my cousin Marcus was waiting for me. He was so tall that I could pick him out in a crowd in a matter of seconds, I ran up to him and he lifted me into a rib-crushing hug. 

“Hey Tay-tay! You are so grown up! How was your flight?” he said.

“Yeah that tends to happen when we haven’t seen each other in years. I missed you! By the way, what have I said about you calling me ‘Tay-tay?!’” 

I playfully punched his arm, Marcus and I had always been really close, he just got me and we had the best time just hanging out together.

As we started walking away from the gate, Marcus put his arm around my shoulders and asked “So, how was your flight Tay-tay?” 

I death-stared him and replied, “The plane ride was shit. I sat next to a smelly old dude who kept farting. I legit had to ask the hostess for a vom-bag.” I remembered the smell and it sent shivers down my spine.

He just laughed at me “Still the same old Taylor I see. Hey a mate of mine is coming in from Adelaide like right now, I’ll give him a call and see if he is here yet.” He rang his mate and I am presumed it went straight to the message bank. 

“Mustn’t have turned his phone on yet. I’m sure he will be here any minute.” He said to me in an unsure but easy-going tone. We stood waiting for like 10 minutes and he still wasn’t there. Having been on a flight all morning, I really was not in the mood to stand around for hours till this random dude flew in.

“Maaaaaarrcus! Can we pleaseeeee just go? I’m so tired and I feel rank and I need a shower to get the fart stench of me!” I said in my whinny voice 

Marcus looked at me and gave in, “Okay lessssgoooo,” 

We finally got to Marcus’ car and shoved all my crap into the boot. I didn’t realize how much stuff I brought with me.  Although considering I was a 17-year-old girl who was moving states, I think I did pretty well. Marcus and I made small talk on the way home about stuff like what he’s been up to in Sydney and what-not. He told me that he had become one of the guitarists for a singer in Sydney as well as got a spot playing on the X-factor. I must say, my cousin had come a long way and I was very proud of him. Once we got to Marcus’ apartment, he helped me carry my million and one bags upstairs. We tossed them onto the bed in the spare room and then my stomach rumbled ferociously at me. I realized that I hadn’t eaten since 7am Perth time! I walked out into the lounge room where Marcus sat recovering from the mountain of stairs we climbed up because the lift was broken. I went into the kitchen and realized that there was nothing no food what so ever. I must say this did not thrill me at all. 

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