The Wedding and Rejection

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Alexa's pov

Nothing has really happened this week. Sammy and I have made all the decisions for our wedding. We are going to have our wedding here in Paris, get Ash to watch Carter on our honeymoon and we are going to move back to Omaha. I was doing last minute planning for the wedding when I saw Sammy's phone light up with a text. I looked at it for a good 3 minutes. I can't look at his phone, it's his privacy... Then again, we are getting married and maybe it's something to do with the wedding.... I walk over to his phone and stared at it for a little longer. I picked it up and unlocked it since I knew his password. Like he said before, he has nothing to hide, so what's the harm in this? I put it back down fast. "What am I doing???" I asked myself. I sat down and started to plan. Looking at Sammy's phone every once in a while. Should I? I looked at it one more time. Am I paranoid? Just then, Sammy walked through the door with a bouquet of flowers and gives them to me. "Here you go beautiful. I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle and be able to call you my wife" then he kissed me. Obviously I kissed back. Sammy rubbed my sides and I pulled away. Sammy looked at me. "Babe... Carter is here..." I said to him and walked to the kitchen. Sammy came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear "Why don't we call the babysitter so we can be alone tonight?" He said biting his lip. I giggled "I still have stuff to do babe..." I said looking down. He took his arms off me and walked to the living room. I sighed and got back to doing my planning.


(Wedding dress in picture above)

Todays the day I get married to the love of my life and I am so happy. I get to walk down the aisle. "Are you ready Lex?" Ashlynn asked standing right beside me. "Yeah" I said kind of nervous. Everyone was ready and now it was my turn to walk. As the doors open, I see Sammy in his tux staring at me smiling. As I got to Sammy, everyone sat down. "You look beautiful Lex." Sammy said smiling at me. I blushed and looked at him, "you don't look bad yourself" I said smirking, Then the ceremony begun and everyone was smiling at us. Then it came to the end. "Do you Lexi take this man to be your husband to love and to cherish for as long as you both shall live?" I look at Sammy and smiled "I do" Sammy smiled back. "Do you Sammy take this woman to be your wife to hold and to cherish for as long as you both shall live?" Sammy smiled at me. "I..." "I have a rejection to this marriage!" I heard. I knew that voice... I turned to see Gab. "Go away bitch, your just jealous. Go find someone else!" I yelled at her. "No thanks. Sammy doesn't want me to leave... at least that's what he said in his texts." She smirked at me and Sammy bit his lip. "Really Sammy, I thought you changed..." I pulled off my ring. "Have fun with Gab and don't even try talking to me...: Then I ran off as far as I could. I can't deal with this anymore... "LEX!" I heard Sammy screaming after me. "Go away Sammy..." I said quietly starting to cry. "Babe, she is lying...she just wants to break us up. I love you and only you. I want to hold you and be able to call you my wife... I swear on my life that I will cut all ties with Gab. The only reason I was talking to her is because she was having a hard time..." Sammy said putting is hands on my waist and making me look at him. I sighed. "I don't know Sammy... It seems like everything we do, something messes up... maybe it's a sign..." Sammy looks at me and says "Maybe, but it might not be. Our lives are really crazy right now but we can get through it together... All I know for sure is that I love you and I want to be with you" I looked up at him and smile. He smiled and crashed his lips on mine. "Let's get married..." I said after I pulled away and held his hand.

Im debating whether to make a part 2. Do you guys think I should or no? :) Comment below.

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