The Dare and Another Slut???

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All the boys laughed. "Who did this? When Ii find out who, your gonna get it.." I took the peperoni off of my face then glared at all of them. "Dont worry babes, I'll clean it off" Sammy said to me. He kissed my cheek where the sauce was from the peperoni was. I blushed and looked away. We were eating the rest of the pizza and decided to go to Jack Gs house. People came over that I dont really know so I invited Ash over. When she came over, she went straight to Jack and left. Great, my backup just left... Now im stuck where i was in the first place. Everyone was playing video games and I felt awkward watching them. But I had nothing better to do. "Ok. lets make this interesting. Jack J VS Alex. Whoever loses has to complete a dare" My head shot up when I heard my name. I hated dares. Thats why I never play truth or dare. I was handed a controller. "May the odds EVER be in your favor" Sammy said and we begun. I had no idea what I was doing so I lost. Damn, dare time. Is it bad that I dont trust these boys. "I dare you to give me a kiss... on the lips" Devin, one of Sammy's friend said. I looked at him then to Sammy. Sammy gave me a blank stare. Devin came closer and kissed me. I didnt kiss back.Sammy smirked at Devin and Devin got mad.

Week later

Sammy and I arent as close as we used to be. I think it is my fault. Im pushing him away. He trys to flirt but a I ignore him. I dont know why. It feels so wrong to ignore him. I put my ear buds in and starting sing while running. I sang Afraid by the Neighbourhood. I felt sombody tap my sholder when i took a break. I turned around and saw Gab. "What do you want?" I said a little to harshly. "Im sorry for what I have done and I know that you wont forgive me or believe me but Sammy is sleeping with Danni. Just to let you know" Gab says and walk off. I just went running again until I got a text fro Ash telling me that Jack asked her out. Im so happy for her. I kept thinking about what Gab said. Then again, why would I be mad . Its not like he would be cheating, because we have never dated. Maybe I should tell him how I feel. Maybe we can date and live happily ever after... Then again, it could end up like last time I went to tell him or worse, him looking me in the eye and telling me that he doesnt love me.

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